FIFA 19 на подходе. Настало время узнать дату выпуска FIFA 19, почитать про новые команды и стадионы, увидеть рейтинги, платформы, узнать как и где скачать, посмотреть скриншоты, режимы игры и услышать другую полезную информацию.
Для каких платформ будет выпущена демо-версия FIFA 19?
Как обычно, демо-версия должна быть выпущена для самых популярных платформ:
Sony Playstation 4
Microsoft XBox One
PC Origin
Демо-версия FIFA 19 не будет выпущена для iOS, Android, Playstation 3 или XBox 360.
Когда будет выпущена демо-версия?
Исторически сложилось, что демо-версии выпускались в первые две недели сентября. Вы можете узнать даты выхода демо-версий в предыдущие годы:
FIFA 18 | 12/09/2017 |
FIFA 17 | 13/09/2016 |
FIFA 16 | 08/09/2015 |
FIFA 15 | 09/09/2014 |
FIFA 14 | 10/09/2013 |
FIFA 13 | 11/09/1012 |
FIFA 12 | 13/09/2011 |
FIFA 11 | 13/09/2010 |
FIFA 10 | 10/09/2009 |
FIFA 09 | 11/09/2008 |
FIFA 08 | 13/09/2007 |
Как вы можете заметить, демо-версия выходит всегда за две недели до официального выхода игры. Этот год не будет исключением. Мы ожидаем, что демо-версия FIFA 19 выйдет 11 13 сентября 2018 года (в четверг).
Точная дата релиза демо-версии FIFA 19 зависит от вашего региона и платформы. Вот приблизительный график:
13.09.17 в 20:00 Мск
20.09.17 в 20:00 Мск
Примечание: игра должна быть добавлена в магазины к этому времени. Тем не менее, она не будет доступна вам, пока ваш магазин не будет обновлён.
В какие режимы игры можно поиграть в демо-версии FIFA 19
Демо-версия FIFA 19 будет ограниченной версией полной игры. Она призвана показать пользователям, как будет выглядеть полная игра, продемонстрировать новые возможности и улучшения игрового процесса. Какой-либо прогресс перенести из демо-версии в полную версию игры будет нельзя.
Помимо нескольких экранов, описывающих функции новой игры и предлагающих купить полную версию, демо-версия FIFA 19 включает в себя два игровых режима:
В режиме «Быстрый матч» вы можете играть матч с 4-минутными таймами в одиночку или против друга. Выйдите на поле с несколькими из лучших клубов мира. Для игры доступны девять команд. Вы можете отправить голы, забитые в демо-версии, в EA Sports Football Club.
Вот настройки игры в режиме «Быстрый матч»:
Длительность матча
8 минут (каждый тайм — 4 минуты)
Тип матча
Одиночный или против друга
Уровень сложности
Новичок, Любитель, Профессионал, Мировой Класс, Легендарный
Условия матча
Указанные (изменить нельзя)
Осень (Изменить нельзя)
Время суток
День или ночь
Дождь или ясно
Опции меню
«Играть матч», «Управление командой», «Настройки игры», «Настройки управления» и «Выбор стороны»
Домашняя или гостевая (третий комплект в демо-версии не доступен)
В этом году в игре появится Лига Чемпионов УЕФА, и EA не хотят упускать шанс показать её в демо-версии.
В клубном футболе нет более высокого уровня, чем Лига Чемпионов УЕФА. Мечты воплощаются и на этом историческом турнире, демонстрирующем лучшие клубы мира, рождаются легенды. FIFA 19 вливается в Лигу чемпионов УЕФА, благодаря официальной презентации, разнообразному турниру, который включает в себя Лигу Европы и Суперкубок, а также новую команду комментаторов — Дерека Рея и Ли Диксона.
Демо-версия FIFA 19 будет включать в себя ограниченную версию «История III», известную так же, как «Чемпионы». В режиме «История» вы можете управлять Алексом Хантером на поле и вне го, на его пути оставить свой след в одном из самых популярных клубов. Это кинематографический мир, образованный под влиянием реальных игроков, личностей, мест и событий, который отправит вас туда, где вы никогда не были, и принесёт опыт, доступный только в FIFA 19. Драматический финал путешествия Алекса Хантера завершается в FIFA 19. Познакомьтесь с историей выдающейся звезды футбола на поле и за его пределами в его пути к славе на этапе Лиги Чемпионов УЕФА.
Очевидно, что в демо-версии этот режим имеет некоторые ограничения. Прогресс не будет перенесён в полную версию FIFA 19, но этого должно быть достаточно, чтобы помочь определиться, подходит ли вам этот игровой режим или нет.
Включена ли ваша команда в демо-версию FIFA 19?
Как мы уже говорили, в демо-версии FIFA 19 есть девять команд. Посмотрим, кто это:
🇪🇸 Атлетико Мадрид
🇩🇪 Боруссия Дортмунд
🇩🇪 Бавария
🇮🇹 Ювентус
🇬🇧 Манчестер Сити
🇬🇧 Манчестер Юнайтед
🇫🇷 Пари Сен-Жермен
🇪🇸 Реал Мадрид
🇬🇧 Тоттенхэм Хотспур
Теперь проанализируем более подробно каждый из этих клубов:
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Ла Лига
Последний сезон: Второе место
Менеджер: Диего Симеоне
Самые популярные игроки: Диего Годин, Антуан Гризманн, Ян Облак, Диего Коста и Коке
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Бундеслига
Последний сезон: Четвертое место
Менеджер: Люсьен Фавр
Самые популярные игроки: Марко Ройс, Синдзи Кагава и Марио Гётце
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Бундеслига
Последний сезон: Чемпион
Менеджер: Нико Ковач
Самые популярные игроки: Мануэль Нойер, Жером Боатенг, Роберт Левандовский, Давид Алаба и Хамес Родригес
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Серия А
Последний сезон: Чемпион
Менеджер: Массимилиано Аллегри
Самые популярные игроки: Криштиану Роналду, Хуан Куадрадо, Джорджо Кьеллини и Пауло Дибала
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Премьер-лига
Последний сезон: Чемпион
Менеджер: Хосеп Гвардиола
Самые популярные игроки: Серхио Агуэро, Кевин Де Брёйне, Давид Сильва, Николас Отаменди, Габриэль Жезус и Эдерсон Мораес
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Премьер-лига
Последний сезон: Второе место
Менеджер: Жозе Моуринью
Самые популярные игроки: Давид де Хеа, Ромелу Лукаку, Эрик Байи и Неманья Матич
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Лига 1
Последний сезон: Чемпион
Менеджер: Томас Тухель
Самые популярные игроки: Джанлуиджи Буффон, Тиаго Силва, Эдинсон Кавани, Неймар и Килиан Мбаппе
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Ла Лига
Последний сезон: Третье место
Менеджер: Юлен Лопетеги
Самые популярные игроки: Гарет Бейл, Серхио Рамос, Лука Модрич, Тони Кроос, Карим Бензема и Марсело
Атака: — | Полузащита: — | Защита: —
Лига: Премьер-лига
Последний сезон: Третье место
Менеджер: Маурисио Почеттино
Самые популярные игроки: Сон Хын Мин, Гарри Кейн и Мусса Дембеле
Как играть в демо-версию FIFA 19?
Демо-версия FIFA 19 доступна только для ПК, Xbox One и Playstation 4.
Если вы хотите играть, то должны нажать одну из следующих ссылок, загрузить, установить, и вы будите готовы:
Playstation 4
XBox One
Размер загрузки демо-версии FIFA 19 выглядит следующим образом:
Playstation 4 | 7.3 Gb
XBox One | 8,0 ГБ
Осень (Изменить нельзя)
Домашняя или гостевая (третий комплект в демо-версии не доступен) Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.
Играйте за один из 10 клубов в главном клубном турнире мира — UEFA Champions League в режиме быстрого матча.
Оцените в числе первых главный клубный турнир мира — UEFA Champions League в режиме быстрого матча, играя за один из 10 мировых клубов, например, «Манчестер Юнайтед», «Реал Мадрид» или «Ювентус». Кроме того, вы сможете узнать, что ждет Алекса Хантера в заключительной части сюжетного режима «История: чемпионы».
Узнайте о нововведениях в игровом процессе в FIFA 19: выборе момента удара, активном касании, динамических тактиках и единоборствах 50/50.
Главный клубный турнир мира — в каждом режиме FIFA 19.
Оцените новые типы матчей, отслеживание статистики и многие другие нововведения в обновленном режиме быстрого матча, призванные сделать игру с друзьями в FIFA 19 проще и увлекательнее, где бы вы ни находились.
Узнайте историю Алекса Хантера, Дэнни Уильямса и Ким Хантер и разделите с ними главные моменты в их карьере.
Создайте состав своей мечты в FUT 19 с контентом Champions League и проверьте уровень своего мастерства в онлайн-режиме Division Rivals.
Узнайте, какие рейтинги в FIFA 19 получили ваши любимые игроки во время долгожданного объявления рейтингов.
СМОТРЕТЬ СПИСОК США Австралия Австрия Аргентина Бельгия Бразилия Великобритания Венгрия Германия Гонконг Греция Дания Израиль Индия Ирландия Италия Канада Китай Колумбия Корея Мексика Нидерланды Новая Зеландия Норвегия ОАЭ Польша Португалия Россия Саудовская Аравия Сингапур Словакия Таиланд Тайвань Турция Украина Финляндия Франция Чешская Республика Чили Швейцария Швеция Швеция Южная Африка Япония Да! Я хочу получать по электронной почте информацию о продуктах, новостях и рекламных акциях EA в соответствии с Правилами соблюдения конфиденциальности информации и идентификации пользователя EA. Я могу отозвать своё согласие в любое время, изменив установки, написав на электронную почту privacy_policy@ea. com или связавшись с Electronic Arts Inc. по адресу ATTN: Email Opt-Out, 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA, 94065, США. Войти и подписаться Подписаться Обновить страницу
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Скачать FIFA 19 демо для PS4, Xbox One и PC можно будет 13 сентября. Вы можете стать первым, кто сможет полноценно испытать последнюю главу режима История и улучшенный геймплей игры.
Лига чемпионов УЕФА, самый престижный клубный турнир в мире, полностью интегрирован в футбольный симулятор FIFA 19. Теперь вы будете иметь возможность увидеть лучший европейский турнир и команды в ознакомительной версии игры. Выберите один из десяти самых больших клубов в мире и сыграет этой командой подлинный матч Лиги чемпионов, упиваясь обновленными визуальными эффектами с потрясающими репликами комментаторов.
— Манчестер Сити
— Манчестер Юнайтед
— Бавария
— Боруссия Дортмунд
— Тоттенхэм
— Ювентус
— Реал Мадрид
— Атлетико Мадрид
— Рома
Например я буду играть за Реал Мадрид, но вы могли бы пойти свой путь другим клубом. Независимо от того, кого вы выбираете, вам будут доступны все реалистичные визуальные эффекты, которые присутствуют в FIFA 19.
Демоверсия представляет первый взгляд на последнюю главу драматического режима о футбольной карьере Алекса Хантера и друзей. После карьеры в МЛС, Алекс вновь возвращается в Европу, после чего становится игроком одного из самых известных клубов в мире. Реал Мадрид — именно в этом клубе он встречает таких игроков как Лука Модрич, Гарет Бэйл, и многих других звезд королевского клуба. Он также будет иметь взаимодействия с большим количеством крупнейших футболистов мира, в том числе с Де Брёйне, Дибала и Неймаром.
Впервые в серии FIFA, Алекс не единственный персонаж с играбельной историей. Вы также можете узнать историю его сестры Алекс Ким и его лучшего друга Дэнни Уильямса. Все три игрока собираются достичь одной из самых больших моментов своей карьеры.
Вы можете получить первый взгляд на долгожданный финал истории, только в Демо FIFA 19 начиная с 13 сентября.
Демоверсия представляет первый взгляд на последнюю главу драматического режима о футбольной карьере Алекса Хантера и друзей. После карьеры в МЛС, Алекс вновь возвращается в Европу, после чего становится игроком одного из самых известных клубов в мире. Реал Мадрид — именно в этом клубе он встречает таких игроков как Лука Модрич, Гарет Бэйл, и многих других звезд королевского клуба. Он также будет иметь взаимодействия с большим количеством крупнейших футболистов мира, в том числе с Де Брёйне, Дибала и Неймаром.

With september approaching, the wait for another FIFA is almost over! Just like you we are eager to get our hands on FIFA 19. Luckily, the demo always comes out first so we don't have to wait another full month.
First things first: when are we able to play the FIFA 19 demo? History has shown us that the demo of each year's FIFA is released around 14 days before the final game. With this year's FIFA being released on the 28th of September, we should expect the demo to be released on the 14th of september. However: there are rumors suggesting an even earlier release date, at 11 or 12 September.
EA Sports always tries to show off new features in the demo. That should be good news this year, so we can already get a few minutes of play time with the New kick off game modes in FIFA 19. Don't get your hopes up for online multiplayer as that is never available in the demo of FIFA. We might also see a preview of this year's episode of The Journey, telling the story of Alex Hunter making his move to Real Madrid.
The number of teams that are playable in the demo is limited. The FIFA 19 demo will contain the following nine teams to play with:
![]() | PSG | Ligue 1 Conforama | 88 | 84 | 80 | 84 |
![]() | Manchester Utd | Premier League | 83 | 83 | 80 | 82 |
![]() | Manchester City | Premier League | 86 | 88 | 83 | 85 |
![]() | FC Bayern | Bundesliga | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 |
![]() | Real Madrid | LaLiga Santander | 83 | 88 | 86 | 86 |
![]() | Atlético Madrid | LaLiga Santander | 85 | 83 | 84 | 84 |
![]() | Tottenham | Premier League | 86 | 82 | 83 | 83 |
![]() | Juventus | Serie A TIM | 89 | 84 | 85 | 85 |
![]() | Bor. Dortmund | Bundesliga | 80 | 82 | 80 | 81 |
Nine world-class teams, and we will finally be able to play FIFA with this summer's top transfer: Ronaldo at Juventus.
Please note that the ratings above are not the final ratings for the FIFA 19 demo. Fortunately, @TheFUTSBC managed to take some screenshots indicating the ratings for the teams and players that are playable in the demo.
Looks like Ronaldo is going to be superb again with his 94-rating. And Mbappé getting a well deserved upgrade to 87. What do you think of these ratings?
Zidane has been reappointed as Real Madrid head coach. But he has only done this under the conditions of having full control over the transfer dealings and a large war chest to rebuild the squad. Let's see how Zidane might rebuild Real Madrid.
For financial reasons many clubs chose to fall into the business model of selling their top talents to generate fast and substantial revenue. Here are 7 clubs that have frequently sold their best players for club revenue.
The transfer window has been closed for a month now. While 518 deals went through in the top 5 lesgues, with a total value of £582 million, some deals have proved to be more fruitful than others. Here are the top 10 best deals so far.
Zidane has been reappointed as Real Madrid head coach. But he has only done this under the conditions of having full control over the transfer dealings and a large war chest to rebuild the squad. Let's see how Zidane might rebuild Real Madrid.

- Издатель: Electronic Arts Разработчик: Electronic Arts Год выхода: 2018 Категория:Симуляторы / Спортивные / Игры от Механиков Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский Язык озвучки: Английский Субтитры: Русский, Английский Таблетка: Вшита (CPY)
Представленную серию по праву можно назвать одним из самых популярных в своем жанре. FIFA 19 Механики является известным спортивным симулятором, который уже давно получил признание со стороны поклонников футбола. Практически каждый год её разработчики выпускают новую часть, все время исправляя различные аспекты игры в лучшую сторону. Кроме этого FIFA 19 также внесет свои изменения и даст многим поклонникам в очередной раз погрузиться в качественный и интересный игровой проект, получив при этом кучу удовольствия.
Футбольный симулятор FIFA 19 – это логическое продолжение одной из самых легендарных игровых серий в истории планеты. Представленный проект ожидался многими пользователями практически со всех уголков мира, что ничем не отличает её от предшественников. Даже несмотря на значительные сходства всех представителей серии, 18 часть представленной франшизы получилась действительно увлекательной и запоминающейся. И в том случае, если вы, последовав нашему совету, все-таки решите FIFA 19 Механики скачать торрент на нашем игровом портале, то увидите, что тут появилась не просто улучшенная графика и пару новых лицензированных команд, но и несколько других новшеств, которые добавляют игре реалистичности.
Что касается графической составляющей, то она значительно улучшилась, чему поспособствовал полностью переработанный движок Frostbite, который вносит большое количество совершенно новых элементов в игровой проект. С его помощью достигается максимальная реалистичность внешнего вида геймеров, выражаемые ими эмоции и особенности характера. Стоит отметить, что на этот раз игра обзавелась своей сюжетной линией, в которой вам предстоит помочь начинающему футболисту построить свою карьеру и добиться в ней успеха. Также здесь заметно изменена модель поведения искусственного интеллекта, что сделало ваших противников еще более непредсказуемыми и хитрыми, теперь они гораздо быстрее анализируют ситуацию на поле, мгновенно меняют тактику и все чаще выдают что-то неожиданное. В конце концов, общая картина игрового проекта оставляет только положительные эмоции, продолжая традицию прошлых лет. С другими изменениями и улучшениями вы сможете ознакомиться после того, как решитесь FIFA 19 скачать торрент Механики на PC на нашем замечательном сайте.
- На этот раз FIFA 19 гораздо улучшился и теперь предлагает для своих поклонников интересные возможности, реалистичную картинку, передает эмоции и позволяет подходить к разработке новых игроков более тонко и детально.
В симуляторе футбола теперь имеется собственная сюжетная линия, в которой основной персоной станет футболист Алекс Хантер, вместе с ним вам необходимо приложить максимум усилий и постараться достичь успеха для того, чтобы одновременно выполнять сложнейшие задачи и интересные маневры для того, чтобы стать настоящей звездой.
Теперь ИИ стал гораздо реалистичнее и сражаться с ним будет не так просто, как раньше, ведь вам предстоит уделять каждому элементу большое внимание, стараться анализировать всю ситуацию и хорошо тренировать своих игроков. Также ИИ прекрасно себя ощущает себя на поле, имеет смешанные тактики и точно даст вас достойный отпор.
На этот раз пенальти, угловые и прочие стандартные моменты станут для вас огромной возможностью для того, чтобы реализовать свой потенциал. Здесь нет никаких ограничений, вас ждет полная свобода, но, по правде говоря, с соблюдением основных правил футбола.
Кроме всего вышеперечисленного, в игровой проект была добавлена уникальная система, создающая определенную модель поведения каждого игрока. Он сам анализирует всю ситуацию и порой принимает личные решения, особенно это заметно у ИИ.
На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать FIFA 19 Механики через торрент бесплатно.
- ОС: Windows 7 / 8 / 10;
Процессор: Intel Core i3 6300T — Intel Core i3 4340 — Intel Core i3 4350 или AMD Athlon X4 870K — AMD FX-4350 — AMD FX-4330;
ОЗУ: 8 ГБ;
Место на жестком диске: 50 ГБ;
Видеокарта не ниже NVidia GeForce GTX 660 или Radeon RX 460 — R9 270 — R7 370;
DirectX: 11.0/12.0.
Тип издания: RePack.
Версия игры: 1.0 Update 4 + Squad Update 11.30.2018.
- Издатель: Electronic Arts Разработчик: Electronic Arts Год выхода: 2018 Категория:Симуляторы / Спортивные / Игры от Механиков Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский Язык озвучки: Английский Субтитры: Русский, Английский Таблетка: Вшита (CPY)

FIFA 19 demo: Absolutely everything about EA’s FIFA 19 demo – Release date, time, download, teams, The Journey, FIFA ratings, tips and more
10 teams, two stadiums and The Journey
FIFA 19’s demo will reportedly land on September 13 and be avialbe to download 3pm BST.
Gaming website TrueAchievements claim a source close to the game revealed the date – and also confirmed a section of The Journey will be available to preview.
Here’s everything you need to know about the demo – from how many teams you’ll get to play with, to the features you’ll be able to try.
How many teams will be in playable in the demo?
- Bayern Munich Roma Juventus PSG Man City Man United Borussia Dortmund Real Madrid Atletico Madrid Tottenham Hotspur
Amazingly, Dortmund were only recently added to the roster after the German team dumped PES and switched allegiances to EA.
It’s not known yet what stadiums will feature, but we’re almost certain there won’t be nine of them.
The demo will likely offer offline play with up to two players – and may include a playable section of The Journey, although no details have been confirmed.
There are also a host of new gameplay features and tweaks set to arrive to this year’s game.
Here are the most important.
Will I be able to play online?
No – the demo will be offline only.
How long will matches last?
You’ll be locked to four-minute halves.
What season / weather conditions are available?
Autumn / Fall / rain / clear are the available options.
Will The Journey be included?
Yes – there are reports there will be a playable section.
How big is the file to install?
Playstation 4: 7.3 Gb
XBox One: 8.0 Gb
Game plans have been introduced this year – which are set up before a match.
Here, you can set what tactics your team has depending on certain situations – such as if they’re 1-0 up or losing a match.
Once you have made the plans, simply assign to a D-pad press and you’re good to go.
Unlike last year, when it was hard to see if a tactical option had been executed, there’s now a clear toggle for on-the-fly instructions.
You’re also now able to adjust your team’s width and depth, as well as instruct your full backs what kind of runs to make in attack or your centre back to cover certain areas of the pitch.
There’s greater control over your team’s defensive style, too – with new settings: “pressure after possession loss,” “constant pressure,” “drop back,” “balanced,” and “pressure on heavy touch.”
If you tap Circle or B just as your foot hits the ball, you massively increase the chance of striking it into the top corner.
It’s all about timing, so get it wrong and you’ll be punished with a scuffed shot.
Revised mini-map
A simple but welcome change.
One team will now have triangle icons, the other will have circles – so it’s easier to see who’s who.
EA has got everything from the Champions League logo including the commentary team, Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.
It’ll also have its own mode and the ability to create custom tournaments. Amazing.
This was slightly overshadowed by the Champions League announcement, but yes the Europa League will also be in FIFA 19.
Expect the full broadcast package, too.
General gameplay
Passing has been re-worked to feel more natural, while an active touch system allows better first touches from different parts of the body.
It also opens up the possibility of a feint attack – where, as the ball approaches, you can shift your weight one way, before going the other.
Stepovers, too, are reportedly easier to pull off and look more convincing – making it harder for your opponent to defend against.
Finally, 50/50 battles over a loose ball will now take into account more variables than last year – such as reaction time.
It’s not known yet what stadiums will feature, but we’re almost certain there won’t be nine of them.

FIFA 19 EA Origin Key kaufen
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Demo kostenlos zwölf verschiedene Mannschaften zur Auswahl
Absolute Empfehlung für alle FIFA-Liebhaber. Der kostenlose Vorgeschmack auf das neue Fifa ist immer ein Highlight. Leider ist die Demo nur recht umständlich über den Origin-Client verfügbar.
Christian Schwalb | CHIP Software-Redaktion
Endlich da: Die kostenlose Demo-Version zu FIFA 19 fГјr Windows. Jetzt laden und ein Match spielen.
Demo: FIFA 19 Darauf haben Fußball-Freunde und Gamer gewartet. Endlich ist die spielbare Demo zu FIFA 19 auch für Ihren Windows-PC erhältlich. Neue taktische Finessen, noch realistischere Zusammenspiele mit Spielern, Ball und Umgebung und nochmals deutlich verbesserte visuelle Darstellungen dank der Spiele-Engine Frostbite sollen die Spieler erneut für die FIFA-Reihe begeistern.
Neu in FIFA 19 ist die von EA erworbene Lizenz fГјr Spiele der Champions und Europa League. Damit lassen sich zukГјnftig nun auch Matches in diesen Klassen spielen.
Der CHIP Installer lädt diesen Download ausschließlich Schnell und sicher über CHIP Highspeed-Server herunter, sodass eine Vertrauenswürdige Herkunft sichergestellt ist. Zusätzlich zu Virenscans wird jeder Download Manuell von unserer Redaktion für Sie geprüft.
Vorteile des CHIP-Installers
- Malware-Schutz informiert Sie, falls ihr Download unerwünschte Zusatzsoftware installiert hat. Mehr Informationen. Zusätzliche Software entdecken: Aus redaktioneller Sicht einwandfreie Testversionen warten im Installer auf Ihre Entdeckung. Bei uns haben Sie die Wahl, denn im Gegensatz zu anderen Portalen ist standardmäßig keine zusätzliche Software ausgewählt.
Endlich da: Die kostenlose Demo-Version zu FIFA 19 fГјr Windows. Jetzt laden und ein Match spielen.

FIFA 19 is coming. It is time to know the FIFA 19 Demo release dates, teams, stadium, ratings, platforms, download instructions, screenshots, game modes and other useful details.
For which platforms the FIFA 19 demo will be released?
As usual, the demo should be released for the most popular plaforms:
Sony Playstation 4
Microsoft XBox One
PC Origin
The FIFA 19 Demo won’t be launched for iOS, Android, Playstation 3 or XBox 360.
When the demo will be released?
Historically, the demo is released in the first two weeks of September. You can know the demo release date of the previous years here:
[vc_row][vc_column w >
FIFA 18 | 12/09/2017 |
FIFA 17 | 13/09/2016 |
FIFA 16 | 08/09/2015 |
FIFA 15 | 09/09/2014 |
FIFA 14 | 10/09/2013 |
FIFA 13 | 11/09/1012 |
FIFA 12 | 13/09/2011 |
FIFA 11 | 13/09/2010 |
FIFA 10 | 10/09/2009 |
FIFA 09 | 11/09/2008 |
FIFA 08 | 13/09/2007 |
[/vc_column][vc_column w > [/vc_column][/vc_row]
As you can see, the demo is always released two weeks before the official game’s release date. This year will not be an exception. We expect the FIFA 19 Demo released on September 11 13 , 2018 (Thursday).
The exact FIFA 19 Demo release date depends of your region and your platform. Here it is the estimated schedule:
13/09/2018 11:00pm 🇯🇵 JST (UCT +9)
13/09/2018 10:00pm 🇨🇳 CST (UCT +8)
13/09/2018 05:00pm 🇷🇺 MSK (UCT +3)
13/09/2018 05:00pm 🇬🇷 EET (UCT +3)
13/09/2018 04:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UCT +2)
13/09/2018 04:00pm 🇸🇪 CET (UCT +2)
13/09/2018 04:00pm 🇳🇱 CET (UCT +2)
13/09/2018 04:00pm 🇫🇷 CET (UCT +2)
13/09/2018 03:00pm 🇵🇹 WET (UCT +1)
13/09/2018 03:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UCT +1)
13/09/2018 11:00am 🇧🇷 BRST (UCT -3)
13/09/2018 10:00am 🇺🇸 EST (UCT -4)
13/09/2018 10:00am 🇨🇦 EST (UCT -4)
13/09/2018 07:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UCT -7)
20/09/2018 11:00pm 🇯🇵 JST (UCT +9)
20/09/2018 10:00pm 🇨🇳 CST (UCT +8)
20/09/2018 05:00pm 🇷🇺 MSK (UCT +3)
20/09/2018 05:00pm 🇬🇷 EET (UCT +3)
20/09/2018 04:00pm 🇩🇪 CET (UCT +2)
20/09/2018 04:00pm 🇸🇪 CET (UCT +2)
20/09/2018 04:00pm 🇳🇱 CET (UCT +2)
20/09/2018 04:00pm 🇫🇷 CET (UCT +2)
20/09/2018 03:00pm 🇵🇹 WET (UCT +1)
20/09/2018 03:00pm 🇬🇧 GMT (UCT +1)
20/09/2018 11:00am 🇧🇷 BRST (UCT -3)
20/09/2018 10:00am 🇺🇸 EST (UCT -4)
20/09/2018 10:00am 🇨🇦 EST (UCT -4)
20/09/2018 07:00am 🇺🇸 PST (UCT -7)
Note: The game should become available to be added to the stores at these times. However, it only will be available to you when your store updates.
Which game modes you will be able to play in the FIFA 19 Demo?
The FIFA 19 demo will be a limited version of the full game. It’s designed to show users what the full game will be like, showing off new features and gameplay improvements. Any progress will not carryover from the demo into the full game.
Besides a few screens that describes the new game’s features and that gives you the chance to buy the full game, the FIFA 19 Demo includes two game modes:
1 Kick-Off Mode (including the UEFA Champions League)
2 The Journey (Champions)
On Kick-Off mode, you can play a 4 minutes halves “Match Day” alone or against a friend. Take to the pitch with some of the best clubs in the world. There are ten teams available to play. It is possible to send the goals scored on the demo to EA Sports Football Club.
Here are the game settings of the kick-off mode:
Match Lenght
8 minutes (4 minutes each half)
Match Type
Single player or against a friend
Difficulty Level
Beginner, Amateur, Semi-Pro, Professional, World Class or Legend
Match Conditions
Custom (can’t change)
Autumn / Fall (can’t change)
Coming soon
Time of the Day
Day or Night
Rain or Clear
Menu Options
Play Match, Team Management, Game Settings, Controller Settings and Select Sides
Home or Away (the third kit is not available in the demo)
This is the year of the UEFA Champions League and EA don’t want to lose the chance to show it in the demo.
There’s no higher level in club football than the UEFA Champions League. Dreams are achieved and legends are made in this historic tournament that showcases the best clubs in the world. FIFA 19 is infused with the UEFA Champions League, thanks to official match presentation, a variety of tournament experiences that includes the Europa League and Super Cup, and an all-new commentary team in Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.
The FIFA 19 Demo will include a limited version of The Journey III, also known as ‘Champions’. On The Journey mode, you can control Alex Hunter, inside and outside the pitch, on a journey to make his mark in one of the most popular clubs. It’s a cinematic world informed and influenced by real players, personalities, locations and events that take you places you’ve never been and bring you experiences only available in FIFA 19. The dramatic finale of Alex Hunter’s journey concludes in FIFA 19. Experience the story of the iconic football star on and off the pitch as he chases glory on the UEFA Champions League stage.
Obviously, this game mode has a few restrictions in the demo. Progress will not carry over to the full version of FIFA 19, but should be enough to help you decide if this game mode is for you or not.
Is your team included in the FIFA 19 Demo?
As we already said, there are ten teams on the FIFA 19 Demo. Let’s see who they are:
🇪🇸 Atlético de Madrid
🇩🇪 Borussia Dortmund
🇩🇪 FC Bayern
🇮🇹 Juventus
🇬🇧 Manchester City
🇬🇧 Manchester United
🇫🇷 Paris Saint-Germain
🇪🇸 Real Madrid
🇮🇹 Roma
🇬🇧 Tottenham Hotspur
We will analyse now in more detail each one of these ten clubs:
League: LaLiga Santander
Last Season: Second Position
Manager: Diego Simeone
Most Popular Players: Diego Godín, Antoine Griezmann, Jan Oblak, Diego Costa and Koke
League: Bundesliga
Last Season: Fourth Position
Manager: Lucien Favre
Most Popular Players: Marco Reus, Shinji Kagawa and Mario Gotze
League: Bundesliga
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Niko Kovač
Most Popular Players: Manuel Neuer, Jerome Boateng, Robert Lewandowski, David Alaba and James Rodríguez
League: Serie A
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Massimiliano Allegri
Most Popular Players: Cristiano Ronaldo, Juan Cuadrado, Giorgio Chiellini and Paulo Dybala
League: Premier League
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Pep Guardiola
Most Popular Players: Sergio Aguero, Kevin De Bruyne, David Silva, Nicolas Otamendi, Gabriel Jesus and Ederson
League: Premier League
Last Season: Second Position
Manager: José Mourinho
Most Popular Players: David De Gea, Romelu Lukaku, Eric Bailly and Nemanja Matic
League: Ligue 1
Last Season: Champion
Manager: Thomas Tuchel
Most Popular Players: Gianluigi Buffon, Thiago Silva, Edinson Cavani, Neymar and Kylian Mbappé
League: LaLiga Santander
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Julen Lopetegui
Most Popular Players: Gareth Bale, Sergio Ramos, Luka Modric, Toni Kroos, Karim Benzema and Marcelo
League: Serie A
Last Season: Third
Manager: Eusebio Di Francesco
Most Popular Players: Edin Džeko, Justin Kluivert and Daniele De Rossi
League: Premier League
Last Season: Third Position
Manager: Mauricio Pochettino
Most Popular Players: Son Heung-min, Harry Kane and Mousa Dembélé
How can I play the FIFA 19 Demo?
FIFA 19 Demo is only available for PC, XBox One and Playstation 4 gamers.
If you want to play it, you should click in one of the following links, download, install and you will be ready to go:
Playstation 4 (7.45 Gb)
XBox One (7.48 Gb)
Hello from Romania. I think Liga 1 should be added in Fifa 19 because Ovidiu Patrascu is a famous and one of the best Fifa players in the world. FCSB played in Europa League last year and played vs Lazio in last 16.
Desde argentina esperamos ansiosos la llegada del fifa19
Hello from Greece that we do not forget is the European cup in 2004. I am 45 years old and i think you have to put the Greek championship ( Super League ) because there are so many people who play fifa and if there is no such lethality though it is you must definitely put the biggest group of Northern Greece (Macedonia) that has the most faithful fans a video of YouTube will be held by ARIS THESSALONIKI founded in 1914. Postscript: Do you know you will make a lot of people Happy. Thank you
Hi Anastsios. I’m Portuguese and, as you can imagine, I will never forget that final. Obviously, we all agree Greek League should be added to the game. Unfortunately, EA doesn’t have the same opinion.
This is the year of the UEFA Champions League and EA don’t want to lose the chance to show it in the demo.

EA SPORTS FIFA 19 is released September 28th but we've gone hands-on with the game to get you a preview before even the demo hits consoles. Here's what we thought, PLUS, everything you need to know leading up to the game's release.
FIFA 19 Demo PS4, Xbox, PC Download LIVE - Release Date News, Ratings, FUT Team updates (Pic: EA SPORTS)
The official EA Help Twitter account has responded to the issues which is seeing fans experiencing issues whilst trying to download the FIFA 19 demo release.
"We are aware of connectivity issues with #FIFA titles on all platforms and are looking into it now. Stay tuned for updates."
But this was also followed up with
"FIFA connectivity is restored! If you're still having issues try a quick power-cycle. Happy gaming!"
Update: Eurogamer is now reporting that the FIFA 19 Demo download is working, but " PSN is really struggling". See below if you simply can't believe the demo is live.
Reports are coming in that the FIFA 19 demo may have crashed PSN.
Eurogamer's Wesley Yin-Poole has tweeted: "Has the FIFA 19 demo crashed PSN?" with a string of people agreeing underneath.
Players trying to download the demo are noting that the PSN store is crashing.
We're investigating these issues ourselves at the moment and will update you shortly.
Managed to get the thing downloading. Feels like PSN is really struggling though pic. twitter. com/0UP07SnQWh
EA Sports FIFA 19 Demo is appearing on the Sony PS4 PSN Store, which you can see just below.
Here's the product description:
"Powered by Frostbite™, EA SPORTS™ FIFA 19 delivers a champion-caliber experience on and off the pitch. Led by the prestigious UEFA Champions League, FIFA 19 offers enhanced gameplay features that allow you to control the pitch in every moment. There are new and unrivaled ways to play, including a dramatic finale to the story of Alex Hunter in The Journey: Champions, a new mode in the ever-popular FIFA Ultimate Team™, and more. Champions Rise in FIFA 19."
- 1-4 players 7GB minimum save size DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p
However, and this is the really important bit, it doesn't appear to be available to download just yet.
There's no option to download it and where there might normally be a "Try Free Demo" button.
Still, the sheer fact that the demo is showing on the PSN store might suggest it's going to be available very, very soon.
So standby, it could be dropping in the next few minutes..
When time is the FIFA 19 Demo released?
11am BST - At the time of writing, EA Sports still hasn't actually revealed what time they will be releasing the demo on PS4, Xbox One or Origin Access on PC.
Annoyingly this is the same situation much of the community find themselves in. Desperately clawing for info of influences and streamers who might have the inside track. Not least after an EA Sports event last week to showcase the game.
However, there are some small pieces of info which might hint at when the demo is coming today.
Allegedly the popular FIFA streamer Castro has told fans that it could arrive at around 3pm BST UK time in a stream. Likewise, several comments on the official FIFA Reddit page suggests a PS Store video mentioning a 3pm release time.
The only spanner in the works comes from one Redditor who pointed out that last year the FIFA 18 demo dropped between 6pm and 8pm UK time.
Either way, we're expecting it to be this afternoon. The question is, will you be downloading it at 3pm BST or 8pm BST? Let's hope it's the former so you've got plenty of time to play the game this evening!
And as always, stay tuned for updates.
The FIFA 19 Demo is now mere hours away and will shortly be available to play on PS4 and Xbox One TODAY, 13th September.
As for what time it will be available. Well, that's a bit more tricky, because so far all we've been told is that it will be available in the “afternoon”.
But again no mention of what time zone that afternoon is for. Either way, we imagine there will be updates provided by EA Sports in the lead up to release.
How do I download the demo?
It's simple really. The demo will be available on each specific platforms store, obtainable both on console and web browsers.
On the PS4 you can 'buy' (although it's free) the FIFA 19 demo from the PS Store's demo section, which you can find here: PSN Store
For anyone on Xbox One, you can do the same, by visiting the demo page on the Microsoft store, which you get find here: Xbox Store
Lastly, those playing on PC via Electronic Arts own Origin platform can simply head to EA's Origin store, which you access here: Origin Store
And that's it. Keep reading for details of what features are available in the demo plus our overview of the whole game.
The demo will be the same as the playable demo available to Gamescom 2018 attendees in August.
That means you can play as the following teams in the games new Champions League matches, complete with updated visuals, broadcast package, and commentary
- Juventus Real Madrid Manchester United Manchester City Bayern Munich Paris Saint-Germain Atletico Madrid Borussia Dortmund A. S. Roma Tottenham Hotspur
As you might have noticed, this also sees a return for Borussia Dortmund, who for quite a few years have been unavailable due to the partnership with EA Sports rival, Konami, and their yearly football title, Pro Evolution Soccer (PES).
In the demo you'll also be able to trial the early chapters of the games famous Journey Mode with Alex Hunter and friends.
EA Sports has been revealing the top 100 players within FIFA 18 over the past week and as you might imagine there have been some pretty intense debates around the various upgrades and downgrades for some players ratings.
Anyway, if you want to see the full FIFA 19 Player Ratings list, you can check it out on EA Sports website on the link.
However, if you want to cut to the chase, here is the top 10 rated FIFA 19 FUT ratings from the new game:
10. Toni Kroos - CM - OVR 90
9. David de Gea - GK - OVR 91
8. Luis Suarez - ST - OVR 91
7. Sergio Ramos - CB - OVR 91
6. Eden Hazard - LW - OVR 91
5. Kevin de Bruyne - CAM - OVR 91
4. Luka Modric - CM - OVR 91
3. Neymar Jr - LW - OVR 92
2. Lionel Messi - CF - OVR 94
1. Cristiano Ronaldo - ST - OVR 94
Publisher: EA SPORTS
Developer: EA Vancouver
Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch
Genre: Sports Sim
FIFA 19 is the latest in the long running EA Sports football series and this year the big draw is the inclusion of the Champions League license, taken, at the expense of Konami's and FIFA rival, Pro Evolution Soccer.
"This has been one of the most requested features from our players for over a decade, and for us the Champions League is so much more than a licence,” McHardy told Goal.
"We’ve been working really hard to integrate the experience across the game in FIFA 19 and I don’t say that lightly.
"We didn’t want to just bring in the licence teams so you can play with them in the right context, we really wanted to go over and beyond and add Champions League elements to every place we could in FIFA 19.
"It’s been a whole lot of work and it’s not just a coat of paint. It’s really integrating meaningful features around the Champions League. We moved a lot of dirt bringing it to life."
FIFA 19 appears to be taking cues from Microsoft's hugely-popular first party exclusive Gears of War with a brand new mechanic that looks set to drastically change how you shoot in the new game coming this September.
DailyStar. co. uk recently went hands-on with the latest edition of EA's flagship football title and got to experiment with the huge new change over several hours.
The new mechanic EA calls "Timed Finishing" is extremely reminiscent of Gears of War's Active Reload system that rewards the player for a well-timed button press.
In FIFA 19 the player has the opportunity to greatly enhance their team member's strike by pressing the shoot button a second time as the player's boot touches the ball.
A green arrow will appear above the player's head if they have successfully performed a Timed Finishing move, but will flash with a red indicator if the button was pressed too early or late.
Mastering Timed Finishing does not mean the player is guaranteed to see the ball smash into the back of the opposition net on every single attempt.
Instead, the new mechanic serves to greatly improve the chances of scoring a goal, but this doesn't mean a defender's last-ditch interception or a heroic goalkeeper save won't stop you dead in your tracks.
But a poorly timed button press doesn't mean the ball is destined to hit the corner flag either.
During our time testing FIFA 19, we scored a number of goals that were the result of a completely scuffed shot that offset the goalkeeper unintentionally.
Unlike Gears of War's active reload system though, Time Finishing doesn't give precise feedback as to whether you made your second button press too late or too early.
In addition to the revamped shooting mechanic, EA is also radically changing the way teams battle for possession.
The publisher is introducing a system dubbed "50/50 Battles" with FIFA 19 that gives fans of the game the biggest reason to upgrade from last year's instalment.
The new system means players can now tussle for a loose ball on the pitch, meaning the days of having one player pick up possession while the other unrealistically moved off to the side is a thing of the past.
The aggressive jostling means the ball can sometimes deflect off either player's foot and make its way to a new team member entirely.
50/50 Battles serves to drastically improve the satisfaction of the player when they pick up possession and reduce the levels of annoyance when a scrap for the ball doesn't go your way.
EA have also added a number of new player animations to this year's title.
The publisher said they are part of a new "Active Touch" system, the biggest feature of which allows players to stretch their legs backwards and to the side in an attempt to reach the ball.
This means players will make more of an effort to reach a misguided ball or intercept a sloppy pass.
But die-hard fans of the football series will detect a hint of FIFA Street amongst the new additions.
In FIFA 19 the likes of Ronaldo, Neymar and Messi are able to flick the ball over opponents with a swift move of the right stick.
The mechanic, made famous by the FIFA spinoff, is a welcome addition and gives defenders more reason to be wary of top-class players when fending off an attack.
FIFA players that love delving deep into the game's formation settings are set to have a field day in the latest instalment of the series.
Dynamic Tactics is the premier new feature that allows formations to be heavily customised.
The depth and width of players in each particular formation can be adjusted, meaning players can park the bus if they secure a last-minute lead or press high to pile pressure on an opponent.
Formations can be adjusted on the fly with the tap of a directional button.
A new feature dubbed "pressure on heavy touch" is also available that will make players press opposition defenders and make swift advantage of any sloppy passes.
EA insisted the feature gives players the option to gamble player stamina away in exchange for an increased chance of gaining possession.
The last major gameplay feature that will hit FIFA 19 when it releases on September 28 is EA's new crown jewel, the UEFA Champions League.
Players can experience a Champions League campaign in the new mode designed for the tournament or through standalone matches that let you jump to any point in the established competition.
The new mode will also make an appearance in FIFA 19's Journey story mode.
Champions League matches are decorated with all the regalia fans of the prestigious European tournament would expect.
The iconic theme song plays with regularity and a new commentary team of Derek Rae and Arsenal icon Lee Dixon have been brought in to differentiate the tournament from any other match.
But while the theme song and re-skinned aesthetics will make any football fan grin with excitement, the Champions League mode does not do anything to alter gameplay.
Overall EA has not dramatically diverged from FIFA's signature formula, but it has provided players with a wealth of small tweaks that serve to refine gameplay and make for an even greater football simulator than before.
From our testing it's clear the game is not strikingly different in terms of presentation to FIFA 18 - character models still look realistic from afar but clear differences between players and their real-life counterpart emerge when examined more closely.
But DailyStar. co. uk is very impressed with this year's iteration of FIFA and looks forward to playing the full version when it's released later this year.
Monday 23 July: According to The Sun's Dream Team section, the FIFA 19 demo teams have been revealed and will include the following nine teams:
Bayern Munich, Juventus, PSG, Man City, Man United, Borussia Dortmund, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid and Tottenham Hotspur
However, it's worth noting that the Dream Team page doesn't say, anywhere, as to where this information comes from. Is it leaked, something on Reddit, a very confident hunch?
We'll give Dream Team the benefit of the doubt for now given how extensively they cover EA Sports FIFA series, however, until it's 100% official, take it with a small grain of salt.
Sunday 22 July: EA Sports hasn't revealed when they'll be allowing players to download the demo for the game just yet - details on when we believe it's coming can be found further down - but, for those too impatient to wait, there is another solution.
And that solution will allow you to go hands-on with the game well over a month before that demo is (probably) releasing, but also well before the game is set to drop in shops.
That's because on August 4th at the O2 arena in London, gamers will be able to battle it out on the virtual pitch at during the FIFA eWorld Cup event. So that's two birds with one stone!
"Witness the Final Showdown between the world’s best FIFA 18 players live at the FIFA eWorld Cup Grand Final 2018," reads an official post.
"Come and meet your favourite FIFA personalities such as Spencer FC and ChuBoi at this spectacular one-day event!"
"Be one of the first in the world to try FIFA 19 ahead of its official release."
For anyone looking to attend, Tickets are available via the FIFA eWorld Cup website with Standard tickets costing £12 and VIP tickets selling at £35.
The FIFA 19 demo hasn't been given an official release date just yet, but it's not too hard to predict when EA Sports intend to drop the demo this year.
FIFA 18 released it's demo on September 12 17 days before the full game’s release. W hilst FIFA 17 demo dropped on September 13, with the full game arriving two weeks later on September 27.
As for FIFA 16, it too followed the same pattern, with the demo released on September 8 and the game hitting shop shelves two weeks later on the 22nd.
With FIFA 19 not due to release until September 28, we can probably assume the demo will arrive on September 14th at the very latest.
In terms of teams available in the demo, we imagine it'll be pretty similar to last year which included the following clubs:
Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Juventus, Bayern Munich, PSG, LA Galaxy and Toronto FC.
Discover your place in the FUT community and take on players of a similar skill level from around the world. In this brand-new mode for FUT 19, you'll compete against others in your Division to earn your choice of weekly rewards to improve your squad. - More details, here
In addition to Classic Kick-Off, which is simply a normal match without added visuals or modified rules, there are five new match types that players can choose from UEFA Champions League, House Rules, Best Of Series, Home & Away, and Featured Cup Finals. Each type has a twist on the normal match experience in Kick-Off, keeping things interesting and fresh every time you play.
UEFA Champions League — The most prestigious club competition in the world is just as integrated into Kick-Off as it is to the rest of FIFA 19. From group stage matches to the Final, you can set up a custom Champions League match with specific visuals, rules, and more that provide a realistic, immersive tournament experience.
House Rules — If you’ve ever wanted to play a match in FIFA with different rules—or no rules at all—the House Rules match type is just for you. You can set up a match with a selection of custom rules, including No Rules, Survival, Long Range, First to. . ., and Headers & Volleys.
Survival Mode— Each time a user scores a goal, a random player from the scoring club is removed (excluding the goalkeeper) to create a challenge for the player with a score advantage. A maximum of four players can be removed, because the auto-forfeit rule is in place when a team has fewer than eight players.
No Rules— Chaos reigns in this match type, where basically anything goes. There are no offside calls, fouls, or bookings.
Long Range— Any goal scored inside the box will count as one goal, but goals scored from outside the box count as two goals.
First to — This match type lets you set a custom win condition, whether it's first to score (golden goal), first to three goals, etc. The match will still play to the clock and go through full time, as well as extra time and penalties, if you choose.
Headers & Volleys— You can only score in this match type with a header or a volley. Free kicks and penalties also count, but any other goal scored using your feet outside of a volley will be disallowed.
Best Of Series — Play classic matches in a three - or five-match series to determine an overall winner.
Home & Away — This is a two-legged match type in which you play one home and one away match to determine the overall winner. The winner is determined by the aggregate score, which is the team that has scored the most combined goals from those two matches. If the teams are level after two matches, the team with the most away goals will be determined the winner. If the teams are still level, the match will go to extra time, then to a penalty shootout.
Featured Cup Finals— Play your match as one of a handful of real-life cup finals, including the Champions League Final, Europa League Final, FA Cup Final, and others. Official kits, badges, match balls, and authentic broadcast overlays (for a select few tournaments) provide an authentic cup final experience.
There's no higher level in club football than the UEFA Champions League. Dreams are achieved and legends are made in this historic tournament that showcases the best clubs in the world.
FIFA 19 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch is infused with the UEFA Champions League, thanks to official match presentation, a variety of tournament experiences that includes the Europa League and Super Cup, and an all-new commentary team in Derek Rae and Lee Dixon.
Experience the all-new standalone UEFA Champions League mode to play the famous tournament from the group stage to the final at the Wanda Metropolitano Stadium in Madrid.
Discover deep integration of the massive club competition in both Kick Off and Career Mode.* *Build your dream squad with live UEFA Champions League and Europa League content updates in FIFA 19 Ultimate Team. No matter where or how you play FIFA 19, you can experience the greatest club football competition in the world.
It has been announced that Tottenham Hotspur has entered into a new partnership with EA Sports, who previously enjoyed a successful partnership with the Club between 2012 and 2015.
As part of this latest partnership, the Club’s new-stadium at White Hart Lane will feature in FIFA 19, while the team will also be available to select in the FIFA 19 Demo, which has been confirmed to arrive in September, along with nine other UEFA Champions League sides.
"EA SPORTS will continue to work with the Club to ensure players appear as lifelike as possible in FIFA, while they will also enjoy innovative player access throughout the season," confirmed a new Electronic Arts press release.
You can see the new stadium, as featured in the game, in the below video.
Pre-order and receive 3 Days Early Access and up to 40 Jumbo Premium Gold FUT packs plus:
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• Special Edition FUT kits designed by FIFA soundtrack artists
Pre-order and receive 3 Days Early Access and up to 20 Jumbo Premium Gold FUT packs plus:
• UEFA Champions League Gold Player Pick (Choose one of five 80 to 83 rated gold players from qualified teams)
• Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar Jr. loan players for seven FUT matches
• Special Edition FUT kits designed by FIFA soundtrack artists
Pre-order and receive and up to five Jumbo Premium Gold FUT packs plus:
• Cristiano Ronaldo loan player for seven FUT matches
• Special Edition FUT kits designed by FIFA soundtrack artists
The wait is almost over! FIFA 19 for Nintendo Switch releases worldwide on September 28, 2018.
Pre-order now for incredible bonus offers, including three days early access with the Champions Edition.
You can also give your FIFA Ultimate Team squad an early upgrade with special pre-order bonuses and FUT items with both the Standard and Champions Edition.
In addition to Classic Kick-Off, which is simply a normal match without added visuals or modified rules, there are five new match types that players can choose from UEFA Champions League, House Rules, Best Of Series, Home & Away, and Featured Cup Finals. Each type has a twist on the normal match experience in Kick-Off, keeping things interesting and fresh every time you play.
