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Как настроить графику в фифа 19

fifa 2019 настройки

Здравствуйте, уважаемый посетитель сайта! Если у вас вдруг возник вопрос на тему, о том, как поменять или улучшить графику в фифа 19, то вы можете ознакомиться с подробной и пошаговой инструкцией, в которой, вы узнаете, как настроить графику в фифа 19.

Изменить настройку графики в фифа 19 в игре нельзя, настройка графики меняется в специальном приложении, которое находится в папке с установленной игрой.

Чтобы изменить настройки графики фифа 19, вам нужно полностью выйти с игры, затем на своем компьютере открыть локальный диск и папку, в которой у вас установлена фифа 19.

После того, как вы открыли папку с вашими играми, нам нужно перейти в папку с игрой это «FIFA 19».

После того, как вы перешли в папку с игрой, вам нужно найти и перейти в папку «FIFASetup».

В открывшейся папке «FIFASetup», в самом низу есть специальное приложение под названием «fifaconfig», вот его нам и нужно запустить.

С помощью этого приложения мы и сможем изменить графику в fifa 19.

Когда вы на своем пк запустите приложение fifaconfig, у вас откроется меню программы, где вам нужно нажать на специальную кнопку «Game Settings».

После всех выполненных выше действий у вас откроется меню, где мы и сможем поменять настройки графики фифа 19.

Итак, чтобы поменять настройки графики, вам нужно будет в первую очередь нажать на вкладку «Display Configuration».

1 пункт «Resolution», в этом пункте, вы сможете изменить разрешение экрана.

Пункт «Full Screen», при установке галочки в данный пункт игра будет загружаться на весь экран.

2 пункт «Rendring Quality», в этом пункте вы сможете улучшить графику в фифа 19.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «Low», то графика игры будет на низком уровни.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «Medium», то графика игры загрузится в средних настройках.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «High», то графика игры загрузится в высоких настройках.

И последняя галочка, если поставить галочку в пункт «Ultra», то графика игры загрузится в ультра настройках.

3 Пункт (MSAAOptions) качество сглаживания.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «OF», то сглаживание в игре будет отключено.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «2х», то сглаживание в игре будет иметь двукратное увеличение.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «4х», то сглаживание в игре будет иметь четырехкратное увеличение.

4 Пункт (Frame Rate) частота кадров.

Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «Lok to 30 fps», то фпс не превысит 30 кадров в секунду. Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «Lok to 60 fps», то фпс не превысит 60 кадров в секунду. Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «No Limit on fps», то количество кадров в секунду будет без ограничений.

5 пункт «Direct X».

Если установить галочку напротив пункта «11.0», то игра будет запущена с поддержкой Direct X 11.

Если установить галочку напротив пункта «12.0», то игра будет запущена с поддержкой Direct X 12.

Обратите внимание: что не все видеокарты поддерживают версию Direct X 12.

После того как вы внесли свои графические настройки, нам нужно сохранить наши графические настройки, для этого нажимаем на кнопку «OK».

После всех выполненных действий, вы можете запустить игру с новыми настройками графики.

Теперь вы знаете как изменить графику в фифа 19, на этом я буду заканчивать инструкцию, всем пока, приятной вам игры, до новых встреч на сайте computerhom. ru.

Также вы можете посмотреть подробную Видео инструкцию, в которой, вы сможете посмотреть, как изменить графику в fifa 19.

После всех выполненных выше действий у вас откроется меню, где мы и сможем поменять настройки графики фифа 19.

Итак, чтобы поменять настройки графики, вам нужно будет в первую очередь нажать на вкладку «Display Configuration».

1 пункт «Resolution», в этом пункте, вы сможете изменить разрешение экрана.

Пункт «Full Screen», при установке галочки в данный пункт игра будет загружаться на весь экран.

2 пункт «Rendring Quality», в этом пункте вы сможете улучшить графику в фифа 19.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «Low», то графика игры будет на низком уровни.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «Medium», то графика игры загрузится в средних настройках.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «High», то графика игры загрузится в высоких настройках.

И последняя галочка, если поставить галочку в пункт «Ultra», то графика игры загрузится в ультра настройках.

3 Пункт (MSAAOptions) качество сглаживания.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «OF», то сглаживание в игре будет отключено.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «2х», то сглаживание в игре будет иметь двукратное увеличение.

Если поставить галочку в пункт «4х», то сглаживание в игре будет иметь четырехкратное увеличение.

4 Пункт (Frame Rate) частота кадров.

Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «Lok to 30 fps», то фпс не превысит 30 кадров в секунду. Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «Lok to 60 fps», то фпс не превысит 60 кадров в секунду. Если поставить галочку напротив пункта «No Limit on fps», то количество кадров в секунду будет без ограничений.

5 пункт «Direct X».

Если установить галочку напротив пункта «11.0», то игра будет запущена с поддержкой Direct X 11.

Если установить галочку напротив пункта «12.0», то игра будет запущена с поддержкой Direct X 12.

Обратите внимание: что не все видеокарты поддерживают версию Direct X 12.

После того как вы внесли свои графические настройки, нам нужно сохранить наши графические настройки, для этого нажимаем на кнопку «OK».

После всех выполненных действий, вы можете запустить игру с новыми настройками графики. Когда вы на своем пк запустите приложение fifaconfig, у вас откроется меню программы, где вам нужно нажать на специальную кнопку «Game Settings».

10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в fifa 19

fifa 2019 настройка управления

10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в FIFA 19

Как говорится в народной пословице: «Хорошее начало – половина дела». Иными словами, хороший старт значительно облегчает задачу. И FIFA 19, как любая «игра как сервис», имеющая живое сообщество и предлагающая множество испытаний, требует к себе большого внимания и уважения. Но это прекрасно, если вы ветеран. Что делать недавно приобщившемуся? Как не наломать дров, и не наделать ошибок, которые потом будет невозможно исправить? Об этом вы узнаете из нашего материала, в котором мы расскажем о десяти вещах, которые нужно сделать в FIFA 19 первым делом.

№1. Убрать звук и настроить управление.

В FIFA 19, как и абсолютно во всех других частях, совершенно мерзкое звуковое сопровождение. Почему-то принято считать, что футбол ассоциируется с пляжно-электронным сумасшествием. Поэтому и музыка тут соответствующая: навязчивые биты, какие-то безголосые певцы, повторяющие одни и те же фразы, и, конечно, карнавальные напевы. Это прекрасно, если вы играете за Крузейро, или покоряете чемпионат Аргентины, но, что делать, если вы решили выбрать себе в качестве основы сборную Шотландии. Где волынка и боевые барабаны? Этого нет, поэтому, чтобы не портить впечатление, лучше убрать музыку сразу, тем более, что её ассортимент крайне скуден. Что до управления, то оно, по сравнению с FIFA 18, заметно поменялось. Поэтому сразу же отправляйтесь в раздел персонализации, и настраивайте всё под себя, вне зависимости от того, на чём вы играете: на геймпаде или клавиатуре.

№2. Изучить первые задания и награды к ним.

В FIFA 19 можно много пропустить, а то и вовсе упустить окончательно, если не изучить задания в режиме FUT, и не начать их выполнять. От вас попросят простых вещей: сыграть по разу в каждом из турниров, сделать, какие-то простые вещи, типа покупки футболистов и расстановки их на поле. За всё это вы будете получать мелкие награды, а после завершения этапа (всего их 4) четыре больших набора с футболистами, что очень полезно. Аналогичным образом изучайте еженедельные и ежедневные награды в соответствующем разделе. Там можно получить много полезного. Особенно смотрите за заданиями, за которые дают игроков обмена. Это специальные карточки, которые потом можно очень хорошо поменять в разделе с индивидуальным подбором команд.

10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в FIFA 19Обязательно изучите перечень заданий и наград – это очень полезно и просто интересно

Как уже было сказано ранее, в FIFA 19 поменялось управление. Но не только оно: геймплей поменялся также. Если вы долгое время играли в FIFA 18, не говоря о более ранних версиях, сходу заиграть в FIFA 19 вы сможете, только если обладаете природным талантом к этому самому. Если вы простой геймер, не претендующий на лавры киберспортсмена, то обязательно пройдите тренировку, дабы понять, как работают различные новшества в игре. При этом не ограничивайтесь самым интересным разделом с ударами, но и заставьте себя пройти отборы, дриблинг и пасы. Это не только полезно с точки зрения практики, но ещё и с точки зрения награды: вы получите очки опыта, которые затем можно обменять на реальные бонусы, о которых позже.

№4. Выбрать правильный стадион.

Многие будут смеяться с подобного: а причём тут стадион. Они выглядят одинаково, и играется на них также одинаково. Отнюдь нет. От стадиона зависит очень многое. Начнём с того, что на некоторых до сих пор неправильно работает камера, и при повторе с некоторых ракурсов нам показывают какие-то странные текстуры подтрибунного помещения. В частности, такое происходит на стадионе Спартака – Открытии Арене. Кроме того, такие простые и очевидные вещи, как звук на стадионе, вследствие его персональных акустических свойств, дополняются такой штукой, как крыша. Есть стадионы крытые, а есть – нет. Есть с высокими осветительными мачтами, а есть с низкими. На таких в разные времена суток имеется разное освещение, и далеко не всё оно вам понравится. В частности, легендарный стадион Милана – Сан-Сиро – имеет ужасное естественное освещение днём, где половина поля покрыта сильной тенью, вследствие чего вы будете испытывать неудобства, забегая туда с ярко освещённого участка. Поэтому на том же Сан-Сиро лучше играть вечером, при искусственном освещении.

№5. Запомнить расписание турниров.

10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в FIFA 19К выбору домашнего стадиона нужно отнестись со всей серьёзностью

В сетевом режиме FIFA 19 имеется множество различных турниров, за которые дают серьёзные и не очень награды. Для того чтобы знать, что к чему, вам обязательно нужно изучить расписание этих самых турниров: когда они начинаются, когда заканчиваются, когда раздают награды. Но раз вы уже здесь, и дочитали до этого пункта, то вам повезло – получайте расписание;

Московское время.


Награды за Squad Battles: 03:05.


Команда Недели: 17:00.

Четверг: Награды за Division Rivals: 10:00.

Титульные награды: 20:00.

Награды за Weekend League: 21:00.


Начало Weekend League: 10:00.

Зная это простое расписание, вы всегда будете знать, какому именно турниру выделить внимание прямо сейчас, где поднажать, а какой оставить в покое. Круче всего награды в Weekend League, но этот турнир требует больше времени, и серьёзной подготовки. Поэтому если вы новичок, то лучше взяться за Squade Battle. Во-первых, здесь мы играем против компьютера, во-вторых, можно настроить сложность, а в-третьих, награды также отличные и продаваемые. Но самое главное, этот турнир не требует всех ваших выходных.

№6. Определиться с лигой и расстановкой.

Немаловажно в FIFA 19 определиться с расстановкой и тактикой. Сейчас наибольшую популярность у игроков имеет расстановка 4-3-3, с ЛФД и ЛФА – крайними форвардами, прижатыми к центру поля. Хотя, есть и другие, с упором на фланговую игру. Какая игра решает: фланговая или центровая – споры на эту тему не утихают, но это споры из области «помидор или огурец». Кому-то нравится одно, кому-то другое. И единственное, что можно посоветовать: откажитесь от формации с пятью или тремя защитниками. Первая бесполезная, вторая слишком авантюрная. Отдельным образом подготовьте индивидуальную тактику, настроив точные параметры поведения команды. Как это сделать – мы расскажем в одном из ближайших материалов.

Чего хочется сразу тому, кто зашёл в сетевой режим FIFA 19? Конечно, получить крутых футболистов, которыми играть было бы приятнее. Поэтому человек тут же отправляется на трансферный рынок, чтобы искать там звёзд мирового футбола, заносит деньги в игру, пользуется услугами читеров и совершает прочие ошибки. Конечно, можно задаться и такой целью, особенно если вы планируете играть ежедневно по нескольку часов. Если же такой цели нет, и играете вы в основном по выходным, то на старте лучше копить деньги. Особенно, если вы купили игру осенью. Поверьте, будет очень обидно видеть, как в январе ваш игрок, за которого вы отдали 100 тысяч, стоит меньше 20-ти. Инфляция в FIFA 19 чудовищная, и если вы умудрились заработать за первый месяц, например, миллион, то лучше продержать его до зимы, тогда вы купите куда более крутой состав, тем более, что к тому моменту появится много новых особых карточек.

№8. Активировать бонусы за баллы опыта.

Продолжая прошлый пункт о накоплении: копить нужно с умом, правильно активируя все бонусы. Зарабатывать можно на торговле (мы расскажем как в ближайшем будущем), но на старте ничто не даст вам столько денег, сколько сама игра. Играйте в турнирах, открывайте наборы, и радуйтесь, выпавшему оттуда. Поиграв по паре часов в день в течение недели, со включенными бонусами, а потом распродав то, что смогли заработать, вы точно заработаете больше ста тысяч, а если повезёт с наборами, то гораздо больше. Но для того, чтобы зарабатывать за матч не 500 монет, а 1500, нужно перейти по иконке с торговой тележкой в правом верхнем углу, где можно будет приобрести много всякого, начиная с арендованных футболистов, и заканчивая контрактами на 99 игр. Однако самое главное – дополнительные деньги за игры. Так сказать – подъёмные. Они очень помогут вам на первых порах. Но не активируйте их все сразу. Следите за тем, когда бонусы завершаются, и покупайте новые, до полного их израсходования.

№9. Воздержаться от захода в Rivals.

10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в FIFA 19Не стоит сразу соваться в Rivals. Велик риск провалить экзамен

Возможно, вам захочется сходу зайти в сетевой режим Rivals, но если у вас нет опыта и состава, то лучше не делать этого. Причина в том, что система даст вам 5 игр в качестве экзамена. И уже в зависимости от показанного вами результата, поместит вас в соответствующий дивизион. И лучше потренироваться несколько дней, а то и недель, прежде чем сунуться туда, ибо велик риск влететь во всех пяти играх, и оказаться в низшем 10-м дивизионе, где награды будут совсем не те, которые можно получить, хотя бы в пятом.

№10.Установить мобильный компаньон.

Ну, и напоследок совет, напрямую не связанный с игрой. Если у вас есть планшет или смартфон, зайдите в Google Play или App Store, и скачайте там мобильное приложение – компаньон FIFA 19, которое очень сильно поможет вам на случай ведения торгов на трансферном рынке, манипуляций с составом и просто, если вы хотите быть в курсе дела насчёт текущих турниров и заданий. Очень полезно, хотя и немного глючно: сервис периодически притормаживает и ошибается, но, тем не менее, всё равно сохраняет предельную полезность, тем более, что первое время за его открытие, вам будет начисляться по 500 монет. Мелочь, а приятно.

№8. Активировать бонусы за баллы опыта. 10 вещей, которые нужно сразу же сделать в FIFA 19 Возможно, вам захочется сходу зайти в сетевой режим Rivals, но если у вас нет опыта и состава, то лучше не делать этого. Причина в том, что система даст вам 5 игр в качестве экзамена. И уже в зависимости от показанного вами результата, поместит вас в соответствующий дивизион. И лучше потренироваться несколько дней, а то и недель, прежде чем сунуться туда, ибо велик риск влететь во всех пяти играх, и оказаться в низшем 10-м дивизионе, где награды будут совсем не те, которые можно получить, хотя бы в пятом.

Fifa 19 news futhead news - news and predictions

fifa 19 totw prediction

Published on by Aarong222 179 Comments

Last week's score: 19/23

Formation: 3-4-1-2

Squad Link: Https://www. futhead. com/19/squads/533143/ FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

Herrerin - GK - OVR 78 This spot could have gone a number of ways with several decent goalkeeper performances but nothing out of the ordinary. Herrerin gets the nod for me simply due to the three-star rating MARCA awarded him for his performance. He only made two saves but with Atletic down to 10 men alongside them only winning 1-0 when called upon he was there to save the day.

Oscar Wendt - LB - OVR 76 With no Premier league, I expect Germany to be the dominant league when it comes to IFs closely followed by Spain and Italy. Although Wendt managed to score in a 2-0 win his overall performance was not that special but as mentioned with limited options I would still be surprised if this was to be ignored. Especially with Wendt picking up MOTM from Kicker.

Nelson Semedo - RB - OVR 80 Usually, I would have just ignored Semedo straight off the bat seeing as though he picked up a one-star rating from MARCA but just like a few weeks ago with Raul in similar circumstances EA can't be too picky here and a Barcelona defender with a goal and a clean sheet should stand out for them regardless.

Kenny Lala - RB - OVR 76 This is getting a bit ridiculous with Lala now, but if he keeps performing, why can't he keep picking up IFs? Especially seeing as though his rating started so low. If he does end up making the cut it would be his fourth IF already, making him the first do that in FIFA 19. With him scoring the only goal in the game, especially with it coming in the 93rd minute I find it realistic that he can end up making the side on Wednesday.

Raphael Guerreiro - LM - OVR 78 I am sure that many will opt for Hakimi who picked up both a goal and assist from LB in Dortmund's 5-1 win over Hannover but with him recently picking up a future star item alongside the fact that he wasn't the official MOTM I am happy to snub him. instead I am going with another player with one goal and one assist in Guerreiro. The Portuguese man played in a more advanced role at LM and excelled throughout.

Alejandro Gomez - CAM - OVR 84 This is another selection from which you would instantly presume another option in Dzeko but with only a 7 from Gazzetta in comparison to Gomez's 7.5 the Argentine looks like the better option. Annoyingly I have the Futmas version of Gomez but even so, this item looks very usable.

Angel Di Maria - CAM - OVR 84 It's quite often the case that PSG allows an easy selection on weeks like this with big names still being needed. With the French champions running away as 4-1 winners it looks as though that will be the case once more with Di Maria picking up both a goal and an assist to be awarded a 7/10 from L'Equipe.

Steven Berghuis - RW - OVR 79 With Feyenoord hammering Ajax there was always going to be at least one player feature in TOTW. There is no shortage of options either but when that is the case the MOTM is usually the safe bet. In this case it goes to a player who is often snubbed for TOTW with Berghuis. The winger picked up a huge match rating with 9/10 though with a goal and two assists to his name.

Fabio Quagliarella - ST - OVR 80 At 35 years of age, it is simply remarkable what Quagliarella is able to do in Italy week in week out. He is regularly coming close to a TOTW spot but finally looks set to pick up his second this coming Wednesday after he scored twice and assisted another in Sampdoria's 4-0 home win over Udinese. Gazzetta awarded him an 8/10 for his performance which is not going to be overlooked.

Karim Benzema - ST - OVR 84 One of the bigger names making the side this week comes with Real Madrid's striker, Benzema. The Frenchman scored two of their four goals as they went on to pick up all three points with a 4-2 away win over Espanyol.

Yussuf Poulsen - ST - OVR 77 The easiest selection from Germany came with Poulsen, not only due to the fact he scored twice but as he also claimed player of the week with the joint highest rating of 1.5 from Kicker. His goals came in a straight forward 4-0 win for Leipzig, as they were a class above Dussledorf.

Walter Benitez - GK - OVR 76 Benitez is always a popular selection with predictors with many predicting his inclusion on numerous occasions. I, however, have a 100% record with him and hope the same can be said on Wednesday with a potential SIF on the way. The Argentine made a total of seven saves to keep Nice's clean sheet in tact.

Armando Izzo - CB - OVR 76 Torino recorded a 1-0 win at home to Inter with the goal being a combination of two defenders, both of whom are in consideration for this side. I am opting for the goal scorer in Izzo but at the same time, Ansaldi's assist could be enough too.

Carlos Eduardo - CAM - OVR 76 Al Hilal ran away as 5-1 winners when they traveled to Al Fayah. From the match, we have two clear IF options, both of whom scored twice. Soriano is the man who misses out with only 45 minutes of football being played for the Spaniard and instead, we opt for Carlos Eduardo, scoring twice from the CAM Position.

Federico Chiesa - RW - OVR 77 Chiesa broke onto the scene for Fiorentina last season and has not looked back since. Playing in the more attacking role of RW for Fiorentina this week Chiesa managed to score twice in their seven-goal thriller with Fiorentina coming out on top over Chievo, 4-3.

Alfredo Donnarumma - ST - OVR 75 The only hat trick that occurred this week was over in Italy's second division during a 4-4 draw. That obviously makes the prediction significantly harder and I doubt we will see scores anything like last weeks 19. Donnarumma should be nailed on for his SIF though, especially with him being gold.

Tammy Abraham - ST - OVR 74 With the Premier league not playing due to FA Cup fixtures, it was always a chance for a few championship golds to get the nod, with less being needed to be noticed. Abraham has been consistently performing for Villa in recent weeks and another two were added to his seasonal tally on Saturday with him scoring both Villa goals in a 2-1 home win over Ipswich.

Rogelio Funes Mori - ST - OVR 77 It was as recent as TOTW 17 when Funes Mori picked up his first IF which is only a three-week gap. In the past, this distance between IFs has been very hit and miss. If there were enough options I would have probably ignored him but his two goals put him among the best performances of the week, especially with it coming against Club America. Monterrey ended up winning the match 3-2 from which no less than 4 red cards were shown.

Jason Denayer - CB - OVR 74 I don't believe that Denayer's scream item will change his rating but I am playing this tactically just in case it does. With the reserves being the hardest position to fill it does cover the potential of it happening. The Belgian scored the only goal of the game as Lyon went on to record a 1-0 win.

Mateusz Klich - CM - OVR 72 Leeds found themselves one down to Rotherham on Saturday which when you are challenging for the title is not a result you will be happy with. Klich then scored twice, of which one came in the final minutes of the match to help turn the game around, allowing Leeds to pick up all three points. With limited competition and Leeds remaining in first place this ones likely.

Juan Muniz - LM - OVR 67 The top division in Spain didn't offer many IF options and thus the second division could easily make one of those space up with Muniz being involved in all three of Lugo's goals in their 3-2 win. All three came in the form of assists but usually, that is enough for EA when selecting these sides.

Hamdi Harbaoui - ST - OVR 74 Belgium's domestic division offered very little in terms of TOTW options but I can't see the league missing out entirely again. With no hat tricks, it leaves the door open for strikers that you wouldn't usually see and with Harbaoui claiming the joint highest rating for his brace he could sneak in.

Sam Cosgrove - ST - OVR 60 I had not actually noticed it before last week but the past 7 sides have all had one silver in, even if EA tried to force it with cook last week before eventually changing it. That being said it looks as though they aim to include one silver and thus Cosgrove seems an obvious selection. The Aberdeen striker scored twice and assisted another in their win.

Alfredo Donnarumma - ST - OVR 75 The only hat trick that occurred this week was over in Italy's second division during a 4-4 draw. That obviously makes the prediction significantly harder and I doubt we will see scores anything like last weeks 19. Donnarumma should be nailed on for his SIF though, especially with him being gold. FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions Alejandro Gomez - CAM - OVR 84 This is another selection from which you would instantly presume another option in Dzeko but with only a 7 from Gazzetta in comparison to Gomez's 7.5 the Argentine looks like the better option. Annoyingly I have the Futmas version of Gomez but even so, this item looks very usable.

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FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

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FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

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Our shortlist of this week's FIFA 19 TOTW 19 predictions is now live! We aim to provide our readers with the most detailed FIFA TOTW predictions each and every week. Take a look at our preliminary list of updated FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 predictions!

EA SPORTS will reveal the official FIFA 19 TOTW 19 squad at 3pm (UK time), Wednesday, January 16, 2019. Following this, the official squad of FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 IF (in-form) cards will become available in packs at 6pm UK the very same day.

Please note that our FIFA 19 Team of the Week 19 predictions are simply a shortlist of potential candidates. For various reasons these players have stood out to us this week, but there are no guarantees that any of them will make the final FUT 19 TOTW 19 squad.

As this weekend's football fixtures continue, we will periodically update our shortlist of FIFA 19 TOTW 19 predictions. By keeping track of our predictions, you can make FUT coins with trading methods such as OTW investing (Ones to Watch).

A number of our predicted players will likely become available as FIFA 19 FUT Champions Rewards for the previous Weekend League. The next set of FUT Champs rewards will be distributed at 8am UK, Thursday, January 24, 2019. See our FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 predictions directly below!

FIFA 19 TOTW 19 Predictions | Goalkeepers:

    GK: Erwin Mulder 72 >79 (Netherlands / Swansea City)
      Clean Sheet, 4 Saves & MOTM

    GK: Michael Esser 74 >80 (Germany / Hannover 96)
      12 Saves & MOTM

    GK: Ludovic Butelle 75 > 81 >84 (France / Angers SCO)
      Clean sheet, 4 Saves & MOTM

    GK: Steve Mandanda 83 >85 (France / Olympique de Marseille)
      Clean sheet, 4 Saves & MOTM

    GK: Yann Sommer 82 > 84 > 86 >87 (Switzerland / Borussia Mönchengladbach)
      Clean Sheet, 10 Saves & MOTM

FUT 19 TOTW 19 Predictions | Defenders:

    LB: Marcos Acuña 80 >83 (Argentina / Sporting CP)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    LB: Aarón Martín 77 >81 (Spain / 1. FSV Mainz 05)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    LB: Danilo 79 >82 (Brazil / Manchester City)
      Clean Sheet, 1 Goal & MOTM

    LB: JordiAlba 87 > 88 >89 (Spain / FC Barcelona)
      2 Assists

    RB: Sofiane Alakouch 67 >76 (France / Nîmes Olympique)
      Clean Sheet, 1 Goal & MOTM

    RB: Santiago Arias 78 >82 (Colombia / Atlético de Madrid)
      Clean Sheet, 1 Goal & MOTM

    RB: Łukasz Piszczek 81 >84 (Poland / Borussia Dortmund)
      Clean Sheet, 1 Assist & MOTM

    RB: André Almeida 79 > 82 >84 (Portugal / SL Benfica)
      Clean Sheet, 1 Assist & MOTM

    RB: Daniel Caligiuri 80 > 83 >85 (Italy / FC Schalke 04)
      2 Goals (1 Pen) & MOTM

    CB: Jordan Storey 59 >69 (England / Preston North End)
      1 Goal & 1 Assist

    CB: Siebe Blondelle 68 >76 (Belgium / Eupen)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    CB: Bram van Polen 69 >77 (Netherlands / PEC Zwolle)
      1 Goal

    CB: Félix Eboa Eboa 71 >78 (Cameroon / En Avant Guingamp)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CB: Pedro Bigas 75 >81 (Spain / SD Eibar)
      Clean Sheet & 1 Assist

    CB: Kelvin Amian 75 >81 (France / Toulouse FC)
      Clean sheet, 1 Assist & MOTM

    CB: Fabian Schär 75 >81 (Switzerland / Newcastle United)
      Clean sheet, 2 Goals & MOTM

    CB: Coke 78 >82 (Spain / Levante UD)
      Clean sheet, 1 Goal & MOTM

    CB: Laurent Koscielny 82 >84 (France / Arsenal)
      Clean sheet, 1 Goal & MOTM

FIFA 19 Team of the Week 19 Predictions | Midfielders:

    CDM: Pol Llonch 70 >78 (Spain / Willem II)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CDM: Tom Trybull 72 >79 (Germany / Norwich City)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CDM: Lorenzo Pellegrini 78 > 82 >84 (Italy / Roma)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    CM: Harry Wilson 70 >78 (Wales / Derby County)
      1 Goal & 1 Assist

    CM: Kamohelo Mokotjo 71 >78 (South Africa / Brentford)
      2 Goals

    CM: Thomas Bruns 71 >78 (Netherlands / FC Groningen)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    CM: Ondrej Duda 73 >79 (Slovakia / Hertha BSC)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    CM: Harry Winks 75 >81 (England / Tottenham Hotspur)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CM: Sebastián Cristóforo 75 >81 (Uruguay / Getafe CF)
      2 Assists & MOTM

    CM: Joe Allen 77 >81 (Wales / Stoke City)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CM: Joan Jordán 77 > 81 >84 (Spain / SD Eibar)

    CM: Tiémoué Bakayoko 80 > 83 >85 (France / AC Milan)

    CM: Luka Modrić 91 >92 (Croatia / Real Madrid CF)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    LM: Stephen Humphrys 63 >72 (England / Southend United)
      2 Goals & MOTM?

    LM: Rúben Lameiras 65 >75 (Portugal / Plymouth Argyle)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    LM: Adam Armstrong 68 >76 (England / Blackburn Rovers)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    LM: Aminu Umar 76 >81 (Nigeria / Çaykur Rizespor)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    LM: Henry Onyekuru 76 >81 (Nigeria / Galatasaray)
      3 Goals & MOTM

    LM: Cristian Tello 80 >83 (Spain / Real Betis Balompié)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    RM: Mama Baldé 68 >76 (Guinea Bissau / Desportivo Aves)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    RM: Calvin Stengs 69 >77 (Netherlands / AZ Alkmaar)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    RM: Efecan Karaca 72 >79 (Turkey / Alanyaspor)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    RM: Samuel Kalu 72 >79 (Nigeria / Girondins de Bordeaux)
      1 Assist & MOTM

    RM: Murilo Souza 72 >79 (Brazil / Braga)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    RM: Martin Ødegaard 74 >80 (Norway / Vitesse)
      2 Assists & MOTM

    RM: Ömer Ali Şahiner 75 >81 (Turkey / Atiker Konyaspor)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    CAM: Youssef El Jebli 67 >76 (Netherlands / De Graafschap)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    CAM: Ante Rebić 79 >82 (Croatia / Eintracht Frankfurt)
      1 Goal, 1 Assist & MOTM

    CAM: Adem Ljajić 80 >83 (Serbia / Beşiktaş)
      2 Assists

    CAM: Leon Goretzka 83 >85 (Germany / Bayern München)
      2 Goals & MOTM

FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 Predictions | Forwards:

    LW: Patrick Joosten 66 >75 (Netherlands / VVV-Venlo)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    LW: Saïd Benrahma 68 >76 (Algeria / Brentford)
      1 Goal, 1 Assist & MOTM

    LW: Jimmy Durmaz 75 >81 (Sweden / Toulouse FC)
      2 Goals (1 Pen) & MOTM

    LW: Gervinho 77 >81 (Ivory Coast / Parma)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    LW: Luis Muriel 80 >83 (Colombia / Fiorentina)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    RW: Wellington 69 >77 (Brazil / Portimonense)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    RW: Ousmane Dembélé 82 > 84 >86 (France / FC Barcelona)
      1 Goal & MOTM

    ST: Andy Cook 65 >75 (England / Walsall)
      3 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Fabian Serrarens 67 >76 (Netherlands / De Graafschap)
      3 Goals

    ST: Ludovic Ajorque 70 >78 (France / RC Strasbourg)
      2 Goals, 1 Assist & MOTM

    ST: Sam Lammers 70 >78 (Netherlands / sc Heerenveen)
      2 Goals, 1 Assist & MOTM

    ST: Ömer Şişmanoğlu 72 >79 (Germany / Yeni Malatyaspor)
      1 Goal, 1 Assist & MOTM

    ST: James Collins 68 > 76 >81 (Republic of Ireland / Luton Town)
      3 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Jay Rodriguez 77 >81 (England / West Bromwich Albion)
      1 Goal, 1 Assist & MOTM

    ST: Wahbi Khazri 78 >82 (Tunisia / AS Saint-Étienne)
      2 Goals (1 Pen) & MOTM

    ST: Diogo Jota 78 >82 (Portugal / Wolverhampton Wanderers)
      3 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Soares 79 >82 (Brazil / FC Porto)
      3 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Duván Zapata 78 > 82 >84 (Colombia / Atalanta)
      4 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Kylian Mbappé 87 > 88 >89 (France / Paris Saint-Germain)
      3 Goals & 1 Assist

    ST: Paulo Dybala 89 > 90 >91 (Argentina / Juventus)
      2 Assists & MOTM

    ST: Mohamed Salah 88 > 89 > 90 >91 (Egypt / Liverpool)
      2 Goals & MOTM

    ST: Edinson Cavani 89 > 90 >91 (Uruguay / Paris Saint-Germain)
      3 Goals, 2 Assists & MOTM

Which players do you think will make this week's official squad? Do you feel that we have missed anyone out of our FIFA 19 TOTW 19 predictions? Feel free to get in touch and share your opinions with us via Twitter!

Our shortlist of this week's FIFA 19 TOTW 19 predictions is now live! We aim to provide our readers with the most detailed FIFA TOTW predictions each and every week. Take a look at our preliminary list of updated FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 predictions! EA SPORTS will reveal the official FIFA 19 TOTW 19 squad at 3pm (UK time), Wednesday, January 16, 2019. Following this, the official squad of FUT 19 Team of the Week 19 IF (in-form) cards will become available in packs at 6pm UK the very same day. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

In order to give you a better idea of which players are likely to receive FUT TOTW cards, we created this page where you will find FIFA 19 Team of the Week Predictions for each week. It is important to note that the TOTWs published on this page are not the final ones. They are suggestions based on the player’s performances and in our experience.

The official TOTWs are announced every Wednesday and you can see them here. Don’t forget to come back every week to check our new FIFA 19 Team of the Week Predictions.


82 GK: Peter Gulacsi (RB Leipzig)

79 GK: Neil Etheridge (Cardiff City)


85 RB: Alessandro Florenzi (AS Roma)

82 RWB: Lorenzo de Silvestri (Torino)

81 LWB: Matt Ritchie (Newcastle United)

80 CB: Waldemar Anton (Hannover 96)

79 CB: Aurelien Chedjou (Bursaspor)


88 LM: Riyad Mahrez (Manchester City)

84 LW: Dusan Tadic (Ajax)

84 CAM: Nicolas Gaitan (Dalian Yifang FC)

84 RM: Joaquin (Real Betis)

83 CAM: Salomon Kalou (Hertha BSC)

81 CM: Mark Noble (West Ham United)

79 LM: Davidson (Vitoria Guimaraes)

78 CAM: Alexander Grunwald (Austria Wien)


94 ST: Neymar Jr (Paris Saint Germain)

91 ST: Pierre Emerick-Aubameyang (Arsenal)

85 ST: Wilfried Zaha (Crystal Palace)

85 ST: Cedric Bakumbu (Beijing Guoan)

77 ST: Peniel Mlapa (VVV-Venlo)

77 ST: Alvaro (UD Almeria)

77 ST: Muamer Tankovic (Hammarby IF)

74 ST: Elias Omarsson (Excelsior)


84 GK: Marko Dmitrovic (SD Eibar)

81 GK: Bartlomiej Dragowski (Empoli)


85 CB: David Luiz (Chelsea)

84 CB: Nathan Ake (AFC Bournemouth)

83 RB: Seamus Coleman (Everton)

81 RWB: Lukas Klostermann (RB Leipzig)

81 CB: Marcel Tisserand (VfL Wolfsburg)

80 CB: Felipe (SPAL)


88 LW: Bruno Fernandes (Sporting CP)

87 CAM: Kingsley Coman (FC Bayern Munchen)

86 CM: Charles Aranguiz (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)

82 CM: Fernando (Galatasaray SK)

82 CAM: Remy Cabella (AS Saint-Etienne)

81 LW: Maximiliano Moralez (New York City FC)

74 LW: Amor Layouni (FK Bodo/Glimt)


87 ST: Marko Arnautovic (West Ham United)

84 ST: Santi Mina (Valencia CF)

83 ST: Mariano (Real Madrid)

83 ST: Soares (FC Porto)

82 ST: Borja Iglesias (RCD Espanyol)

81 ST: Yu Kobayashi (Kawasaki Frontale)

77 ST: Philipp Hofman (Eintracht Braunschweig)

73 ST: Aliou Badji (SK Rapid Wien)


87 GK: Stephane Ruffier (Saint Etienne)

83 GK: Yassine Bounou (Girona FC)


86 LB: Aleksandar Kolarov (AS Roma)

86 RWB: Daniel Caligiuri (FC Schalke 04)

85 CB: Jonathan Tah (Bayer 04 Leverkusen)

80 RB: James Tavernier (Rangers)

75 CB: Thomas Deng (Melbourne Victory)


92 RW: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool)

88 CAM: Nabil Fekir (Olympique Lyonnais)

85 CAM: Jonathan Viera (Beijing Guoan)

84 LW: Eran Zahavi (Guangzhou R&F FC)

82 CAM: Dusan Tadic (Ajax)

81 LM: Nicola Sansone (Bologna)

81 RW: Youcef Atal (OGC Nice)

77 CAM: Ahmad Benali (Crotone)


84 ST: Diogo Jota (Wolverhampton Wanderers)

83 ST: Graziano Pelle (Shandong Luneng Taishan)

82 CF: Gustavo Bou (Club Tijuana)

82 ST: Alan Carvalho (Tianjin Quanjian FC)

81 ST: Munir (Sevilla FC)

80 ST: William (Chaves)

70 ST: Shayon Harrison (Melbourne City)


87 Ederson (Manchester City)

75 Brice Samba (Stade Malherbe Caen)


86 CB: Niklas Sule (Bayern Munchen)

84 LWB: Lucas Digne (Everton)

83 LWB: Marcel Halstenberg (RB Leipzig)

81 CB: Varela (PAOK)


91 CAM: Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund)

85 LM: Thomas Lemar (Atletico Madrid)

83 LW: Sofiane Boufal (RC Celta)

82 RW: Ayoze Perez (Newcastle United)

82 RM: Ricardo Esagio (SC Braga)

81 CM: Houssem Aouar (Olympique Lyonnais)

81 CDM: Luca Zuffi (FC Basel)

76 CAM: Mark Diemers (Fortuna Sittard)


91 ST: Kylian Mbappe (Paris Saint Germain)

88 ST: Karim Benzema (Real Madrid)

85 ST: Gerard Deulofeu (Watford)

83 ST: Ahmed Musa (Al Nassr)

83 ST: Alex Teixeira (Jiangsu Suning FC)

82 ST: Christian Benteke (Crystal Palace)

81 ST: Roy Krishna (Wellington Phoenix)

78 ST: Nikola Dovedan (1. FC Heidenheim 1846)

75 ST: Marco Richter (FC Augsburg)


85 GK: Andrea Consigili (Sassuolo)

82 GK: Martin Dubravka (Newcastle United)


92 CB: Kalidou Koulibaly (Napoli)

83 RWB: Mathieu Debuchy (St Etienne)

82 RWB: Ruben Aguillar (Montpellier)

78 CB: Kevin Bonifazi (SPAL)

75 RB: Ivan Franjic (Perth Glory)


88 RW: Nicolas Pepe (LOSC Lille)

86 LW: Kingsley Coman (FC Bayern)

85 RW: Lucas Moura (Tottenham Hotspur)

84 RM: Jadon Sancho (Borussia Dortmund)

83 LW: Rafa (Benfica)

82 RM: Nathan Redmond (Southampton)

79 CAM: Mason Mount (Derby County)

79 CAM: Ezequiel Barco (Atalanta United)

75 LM: Marco Richter (FC Augsburg)


86 ST: Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Los Angeles Galaxy)

83 ST: Dwight Gayle (West Bromwich Albion)

82 ST: Klaas Jan-Huntelaar (Ajax)

81 ST: Chris Wood (Burnley FC)

79 ST: Lukas Hinterseer (VfL Bochum)

79 ST: Leonardo Ulloa (Pachuca)

76 ST: Lyle Taylor (Charlton Athletic)


85 GK: Andrea Consigli (Sassuolo)

81 GK: Miguel Silva (Vitoria Guimaraes)


91 CB: Mats Hummels (FC Bayern Munchen)

85 CB: Dante (OGC Nice)

82 RB: Joel Veltman (Ajax)

82 CB: Phil Jagielka (Everton)

79 LB: Aaron Meijers (ADO Den Haag)

79 LB: Issiaga Sylla (Toulouse)


85 RW: Anderson Talisca (Guangzhou Evergrande)

84 CAM: Rodrigo De Paul (Udinese)

81 LM: Renato Steffen (Wolfsburg)

80 LM: Benita Raman (Fortuna Dusseldorf)

80 CAM: Scott Arfield (Rangers)

79 RM: Wesley Said (Dijon FCO)

79 LW: Diego Rossi (Los Angeles FC)

73 LW: Arnor Sigurdsson (CSKA Moscow)


94 ST: Robert Lewandowski (FC Bayern Munchen)

88 ST: Karim Benzema (Real Madrid)

85 ST: Bafetimbi Gomis (Al Hilal)

82 ST: Mbaye Diagne (Galatasaray)

81 ST: Ishak Belfodil (TSG 1899 Hoffenheim)

77 ST: Teemu Pukki (Norwich City)

77 ST: Alexander Isak (Willem II)


85 GK: Thomas Strakosha (Lazio)

80 GK: Juan Musso (Udinese)


87 RB: Cesar Azpiliceuta (Chelsea)

84 LB: Jonas Hector (FC Cologne)

83 LWB: Patrick van Aanholt (Crystal Palace)

81 CB: Wes Morgan (Leicester City)

80 RB: Juanfran (CD Leganes)

80 CB: Bruno Uvini (Al Nassr)


88 RM: Bernardo Silva (Manchester City)

87 LM: Saul Niguez (Atletico Madrid)

86 CAM: Carlos Vela (Los Angeles FC)

83 LM: Simone Verdi (Napoli)

81 LW: Ishak Belfodil (TSG Hoffenheim)

77 CM: Lex Immers (ADO Den Haag)

73 LM: Merveille Biankadi (Hansa Rostock)


88 ST: Duvan Zapata (Atalanta)

88 ST: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo)

87 ST: Yussuf Poulsen (RB Leipzig)

85 ST: Paco Alcacer (Borussia Dortmund)

82 ST: Frank Acheampong (Tianjin TEDA)

79 ST: Andreas Weimann (Bristol City)

79 ST: Saleh Al Sheri (Al Raed)

76 ST: Krisztian Nemeth (Sporting Kansas City)


82 GK: Andriy Pyatov (Shakhtar Donetsk)

81 GK: Wayne Hennessey (Crystal Palace)


88 CB: Rafael Varane (Real Madrid)

86 CB: Eric Bailly (Manchester United)

85 CB: Kamil Glik (AS Monaco)

81 RB: Roberto Rosales (RCD Espanyol)

80 CB: Konstantinos Laifis (Standard Liege)

79 RB: Ezgjan Alioski (Leeds United)


94 LW: Eden Hazard (Chelsea)

91 LW: Raheem Sterling (Manchester City)

83 CAM: Kostas Fortoinus (Olympiakos CFP)

81 CAM: Hakan Calhanoglu (AC Milan)

81 CM: Denis Zakaria (Borussia M’gladbach)

81 LM: Denis Cheryshev (Valencia CF)

78 LM: David Accam (Philadelphia Union)

73 CM: Andrea Tabanelli (Lecce)


87 ST: Christian Stuani (Girona FC)

86 ST: Memphis Depay (Olympique Lyonnais)

86 ST: Michy Batshuayi (Crystal Palace)

83 ST: Eran Zahavi (Guangzhou R&F)

81 ST: M’baye Niang (Stade Rennais)

75 ST: Hector Hernandez (Rayo Majadahonda)

73 ST: Armand Gnanduillet (Blackpool FC)


89 GK: Keylor Navas (Real Madrid)

82 GK: Regis Gurtner (Amiens SC)


86 LB: Alex Telles (FC Porto)

85 LB: Alejandro Grimaldo (SL Benfica)

82 CB: Martin Hinteregger (Eintracht Frankfurt)

80 CB: Wes Morgan(Leicester City)

78 CB: Willem Janssen (FC Utrecht)

77 CB: Gaston Sauro (Colombus Crew)


88 RW: Angel di Maria (Paris Saint Germain)

85 CM: Luis Alberto (Lazio)

85 RM: Portu (Girona FC)

83 LW: Ignacio Piatti (Impact Montreal)

81 CAM: Romain Hamouma (St Etienne)

81 CM: Karol Linetty (Sampdoria)

78 RM: Emiliano Buendia (Norwich City)

77 LM: Roman Yaremchuk (KAA Gent)


98 ST: Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona)

85 ST: Adberrazak Hamdallah (Al Nassr)

83 ST: Wout Weghorst (Wolfsburg)

83 ST: Javier Hernandez (West Ham United)

83 ST: Wayne Rooney (DC United)

82 ST: Goran Pandev (Genoa)

80 ST: Igor Angulo (Gornik Zabrze)


86 Bernd Leno (Arsenal FC)

84 Benoit Costil (Girondins de Bordeaux)


88 RB: Joshua Kimmich (FC Bayern)

82 LB: Ismaily Goncalves (Shakhtar Donetsk)

81 CB: Georgiy Dzhikiya (Spartak Moscow)

81 CB: Nico Elvedi (Borussia M’gladbach)

80 LB: Erik Pieters (Amiens)


91 LW: Raheem Sterling (Manchester City)

84 CAM: Jonathan Viera (Beijing Guoan)

83 RW: Milot Rashica (Werder Bremen)

83 CAM: Eran Zahavi (Guangzhou R&F)

81 RW: Ayoze Perez (Newcastle United)

81 RW: David Neres (Ajax)

77 CM: Michel Vlap (Heerenveen)

74 CAM: Sarpreet Singh (Wellington Phoenix)


89 CF: Roberto Firmino (Liverpool FC)

86 ST: Wissam Ben Yedder (Sevilla)

85 ST: Jamie Vardy (Leicester City)

83 ST: Kevin Volland (Bayer Leverkusen)

83 ST: Simon Terodde (FC Cologne)

81 ST: Gyasi Zardes (Colombus Crew SC)

80 ST: Aleksandar Prijovic (Al Ittihad)

77 ST: Moise Kean (Juventus)


82 Odisseas Vlachodimos (SL Benfica)

72 Marc-Aurele Caillard (Guingamp)


91 CB: Virgil van Dijk (Liverpool FC)

84 RB: Trent Alexander-Arnold (Liverpool FC)

83 CB: Fabian Schar (Newcastle United)

80 RB: Youcef Atal (OGC Nice)

79 RB: Lukas Klostermann (RB Leipzig)

76 CB: Bruno Alves (Parma)


89 CM: Ivan Rakitic (FC Barcelona)

86 CAM: Henrikh Mkhitaryan (Arsenal)

87 CAM: Nabil Fekir (Olympique Lyonnais)

83 CAM: Robin van Persie (Feyenoord)

81 CM: Steven Zuber (Stuttgart)

81 CDM: Michael Bradley (Toronto FC)

79 LM: Flaven Tait (Angers)

78 RW: Jordan Morris (Seattle Sounders)

77 CM: Conor Hourihane (Aston Villa)


89 ST: Romelu Lukaku (Manchester United)

85 ST: Alvaro Morata (Atletico Madrid)

84 CF: Giovinco (Al Hilal)

84 ST: Troy Deeney (Watford FC)

76 ST: Dong Won Ji (FC Augsburg)

74 ST: Jonson Clarke-Harris (Bristol Rovers)


78 GK: Helton Leite (Boavista)

87 GK: Sergio Asenjo (Villarreal CF)


80 RB: Bruno Gaspar (Sporting CP)

79 CB: Rúben Fernandes (Portimonense)

77 CB: Morrison (West Bromwich Albion)

79 CB: Guillermo Maripán (Deportivo Alavés)

83 CB: David López ( RCD Espanyol)

83 CB : Raúl Silva (Braga)


85 LM: Santi Cazorla (Villarreal CF)

81 LM: Jorge Correa (Marítimo)

78 LM:João Camacho (CD Nacional)

75 LM: Pité (Tondela)

72 LM: Dwight McNeil (Burnley)

87 CM: Bernardo Silva (Manchester City)

78 CDM: Christian Rivera (SD Huesca)


85 ST: Marko Arnautović (West Ham United)

81 ST:Troy Deeney (Watford)

81 ST: Ola Toivonen (Melbourne Victory)

80 ST: Enrique Triverio (Toluca)

81 ST: Alex Brosque (Sydney FC)

80 ST: Hallam Hope ( Carlisle United)

80 RW: Marcus Harness (Burton Albion)

91 ST: Harry Kane (Spurs)

📅 2019/01/02 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists


86 GK: Gianluigi Donnarumma (Milan)

78 GK: Orjan Nyland (Aston Villa)


77 RB: Kyle Walker-Peters (Spurs) 🅰️🅰️🅰️

84 CB: Dejan Lovren (Liverpool) ⚽

83 CB: Nkoulou (Torino) ⚽

82 CB: Luiz Felipe (Lazio) ⚽🅰️

81 CB: Willy Boly (Wolverhampton Wanderers) ⚽

82 LB: Lucas Digne (Everton) ⚽⚽


91 CDM: N’Golo Kanté (Chelsea) ⚽

78 CDM: Ryan Jack (Rangers) ⚽

86 CM: Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio) ⚽

77 CAM: Jackson Irvine (Hull City) ⚽🅰️

81 RW: Jay Rodriguez (West Brom) ⚽⚽

95 LW: Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) ⚽⚽

87 LM: Felipe Anderson (West Ham) ⚽⚽

81 LM: Scott Sinclair (Celtic) ⚽⚽⚽


87 CF: Roberto Firmino (Liverpool) ⚽⚽⚽

86 CF: Alejandro Gómez (Atalanta) ⚽🅰️🅰️

94 ST: Eden Hazard (Chelsea) ⚽⚽

83 ST: Arkadiusz Milik (Napoli) ⚽⚽

78 ST: Giampaolo Pazzini (Hellas Verona) ⚽⚽⚽

77 ST: Ilombe Mboyo (KV Kortrijk) ⚽⚽

76 ST: Leonardo Mancuso (Pescara) ⚽⚽⚽🅰️

📅 2018/12/26 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.2 87 GK: Alisson (Liverpool)

8.4 84 GK: Sels (Strasbourg)


8.3 80 CB: Manuel Gulde (Freiburg) 🅰️

8.0 78 RB: Wan Bissaka (Crystal Palace)

8.2 77 CB: Morrison (West Bromwich Albion) ⚽

7.6 8.2 LB: Kolasinac (Arsenal) 🅰️

8.3 83 RB: Ricardo Pereira (Leicester City)

8.4 83 CB: Salif Sane (Schalke 04) ⚽


9.6 82 CM: Odjidja Ofoe (Gent) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.2 83 CAM: Havertz (Bayer Leverkusen) ⚽⚽

7.8 85 CM: Mario Gotze (Borussia Dortmund) 🅰️🅰️

8.5 86 CM: Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio) ⚽

8.3 87 LM: Franck Ribery (Bayern Munchen) ⚽⚽

8.1 90 CM: Paul Pogba (Manchester United) 🅰️🅰️

8.6 78 RM: Brooks (Bournemouth) ⚽⚽


9.6 81 ST: Gayle (West Bromwich Albion) ⚽⚽⚽

9.7 85 RW: Jesse Lingard (Manchester united) ⚽⚽🅰️

9.9 87 ST: Son (Tottenham Spurs) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.4 90 ST: Pierre Emerick Aubameyang (Arsenal) ⚽⚽

8.5 81 ST: Kuwas (Heracles) ⚽🅰️🅰️

9.9 83 ST: Al Somah (Al Ahli) ⚽⚽⚽

8.9 80 ST: Dennis (Club Brugge) ⚽⚽🅰️

9.5 79 ST: Caprari (Sampdoria) ⚽⚽

📅 2018/12/19 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.2 86 GK: Yann Sommer (Borussia M. Gladbach)

8.0 81 GK: Alfred Gomis (SPAL 2013)


9.9. 86 RB: Joshua Kimmich (FC Bayern) ⚽🅰️

8.2 79 CB: Borner (Arminia Bielefeld) ⚽

8.1 81 LB: Kieran Gibbs (West Bromwich Albion) ⚽

8.2 81 LB: Ricca (Malaga) ⚽

9.2 81 CB: Kaan Ayhan (Fortuna Duesseldorf) ⚽⚽

10.0 84 CB: Daley Blind (Ajax) ⚽⚽⚽


8.4 76 RM: Bohar ( Zaglebie Lubin) ⚽🅰️

8.5 81 LM: Guanca (Al-Ettifaq) ⚽⚽

8.0 81 CM: Immers (ADO Den Haag) ⚽⚽

9.9 86 RM: Hakim Ziyech (Ajax) ⚽⚽⚽🅰️

8.6 84 RM: Xherdan Shaqiri (Liverpool) ⚽⚽

8.1 81 CM: Dennis Praet (Sampdoria) 🅰️🅰️

8.6 78 CM: Ndiaye (Moreirense) ⚽


8.6 85 ST: Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City) ⚽⚽

10.0 81 ST: Sousa (Sporting Braga) ⚽⚽⚽

9.0 91 ST: Antoine Griezmann (Aletico Madrid) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.6 83 ST: Deulofeu (Watford) ⚽🅰️

8.4 83 ST: Mario Gomez (VfB Stuttgart) ⚽⚽

8.3 93 ST: Eden Hazard (Chelsea) ⚽🅰️

8.2 81 ST: Ings (Southampton) ⚽⚽

10.0 96 RW: Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona) ⚽⚽⚽🅰️🅰️

📅 2018/12/12 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.2 81 GK: Padt (FC Groningen)

8.5 78 GK: Kronholm (Holstein Kie)


8.5 86 LB: Kolarov (Roma) ⚽

8.1 81 CB: Tarkowski (Burnley) ⚽

8.6 83 CB: Pablo (Bordeaux) ⚽🅰️

8.3 83 LB: Ghoulam (Napoli) 🅰️🅰️

7.5 86 RB: Lala (Strasbourg) ⚽

8.3 86 RB: João Cancelo (Juventus) 🅰️


9.9 80 CM: Drexler (FC Cologne) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.7 81 RM: Snodgrass (WestHam) ⚽

9.1 84 CM: Rodri (Atletico) ⚽

8.0 81 CM: Torreira (Arsenal) ⚽

8.4 88 CM: Parejo (Valencia) 🅰️

8.1 90 CM: Kanté (Chelsea) ⚽

8.7 86 RM: Forrest (Celtic) ⚽⚽


9.4 82 ST: Marega (FC Porto) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.2 91 ST: Harry Kane (Spurs) ⚽🅰️

9.4 82 ST: Jong (PSV) ⚽⚽

8.0 87 ST: Falcao (Monaco) ⚽⚽

10.0 90 ST: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool) ⚽⚽⚽

8.9 83 LW: Rashford (Manchester United) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.5 87 LW: Heung-Min (Spurs) ⚽🅰️

9.2 84 LW: Dembele (Barcelona) ⚽🅰️

📅 2018/12/05 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.9 78 GK: Zentner (Mainz)

8.0 81 GK: Musso (Udinese)


8.0 81 CB: Kolodziejczak (Saint-Etienne) ⚽

8.6 83 CB: Duffy (Brighton) ⚽

8.5 83 RB: Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund) 🅰️

9.1 78 CB: Torunarigha (Hertha Berlin) ⚽🅰️

8.4 81 CB: Kempf (Stuttgart)

8.3 91 CB : Chiellini (Juventus) ⚽


8.2 86 CAM: Valeri (Portland) ⚽⚽

9.9 81 RM: Lolley (Forest) ⚽🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️

8.7 84 RM: Gnabry (Bayern) ⚽⚽

8.2 88 CM: Gundogan (Manchester City) ⚽

8.6 81 CM: Kurtić (SPAL 2013) ⚽⚽

8.4 88 CM: Andrés Iniesta (Vissel Kobe) ⚽

8.7 81 LM: Harry Wilson (Derby) ⚽⚽


9.4 87 ST: Aspas (Celta Vigo) ⚽⚽

10.0 81 ST: Abraham (Aston Villa) ⚽⚽⚽⚽

8.0 82 ST: Chicharito (West Ham) ⚽⚽

9.6 81 ST: Terodde (FC Cologne) ⚽⚽🅰️🅰️

9.4 81 ST: Carrillo (Leganes) ⚽⚽

9.5 82 RW: David Neres (Ajax) ⚽🅰️

9.3 90 ST: Aubameyang (Arsenal) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.6 87 ST: Timo Werner (Leipzig) ⚽⚽

📅 2018/11/28 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.5 81 GK: Wayne Hennessey (Crystal Palace)

8.8 79 GK: Juan Musso (Udinese)


8.0 79 CB: Jason Denayer (Olympique Lyonnais) ⚽

7.9 81 LB: Jérôme Roussillon (VfL Wolfsburg) ⚽

8.0 84 RB: Łukasz Piszczek (Borussia Dortmund) ⚽

9.3 83 RWB: Daniel Caligiuri (Schalke 04) 🅰️🅰️

8.8 78 CB: Janssen (FC Utrecht) ⚽

8.3 77 RB: Ángel Rangel (Queens Park Rangers) ⚽⚽


8.2 87 CAM: Roberto Firmino (Liverpool) 🅰️

8.0 85 CM: Adrien Rabiot (PSG) 🅰️

8.5 87 CAM: Dele Alli (Tottenham Spurs) ⚽🅰️

9.2 83 CM: Aaron Mooy (Huddersfield) ⚽⚽

10.0 83 LM: Balde Diao (Inter) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.2 86 LM: Thorgan Hazard (Borussia M. Gladbach) ⚽🅰️

8.0 81 CM: Franck Yannick Kessié (AC Milan) ⚽


9.4 77 ST: Lukebakio (Fortuna Duesseldorf) ⚽⚽⚽

8.6 83 ST: Santi Mina (Valencia) ⚽⚽

8.2 87 RW: Raheem Sterling (Manchester City) ⚽🅰️

8.3 84 ST: Kevin Volland (Bayer Leverkusen) ⚽⚽

8.5 82 ST: Sergi Enrich (Eibar) ⚽🅰️

9.1 85 RW: Hirving Lozano (PSV) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.5 84 ST: Aleksandar Mitrović (Fulham) ⚽⚽

8.9 78 ST: Stephan Hain (SpVgg Unterhaching) ⚽⚽⚽

📅 2018/11/21 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


7.8 85 GK: Patrício (Wolverhampton Wanderers)

8.2 87 GK: Alisson (Liverpool)


8.2 82 RB: Alexander Arnold (Liverpool) ⚽

8.3 84 RB: Antonio Valencia (Manchester United) ⚽

8.2 81 CB: Willi Orban (RB Leipzig) ⚽

8.0 86 CB: Niklas Sule (Bayern Munich) ⚽

8.3 84 LB: Aleksandar Kolarov (AS Roma) 🅰️

8.0 81 LB: Jedvaj (Bayer Leverkusen) ⚽⚽


9.0 83 RM: James Forrest (Celtic) ⚽⚽

8.5 90 RW: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool) ⚽🅰️

9.0 87 RW: Riyad Mahrez (Manchester City) ⚽⚽

9.4 82 RW: Milot Rashica (Werder Bremen) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.2 84 LM: Serge Gnabry (Bayern Munich) ⚽🅰️

8.2 83 LW: Ryan Fraser (Bournemouth) ⚽🅰️

8.3 81 CM: Enis Bardhi (Levante) ⚽

7.8 84 CAM: Georginio Wijnaldum (Liverpool) ⚽

8.0 81 CAM: Albert Rusnák (Real Salt Lake) ⚽🅰️🅰️

9.4 84 CAM: Hakim Ziyech (Ajax) ⚽⚽


8.1 91 ST: Harry Kane (Spurs) ⚽🅰️

8.4 83 ST: Michy Batshuayi (Valencia) ⚽⚽

8.3 81 ST: Dabour (Red Bull Salzburg) ⚽⚽

10.0 80 ST: Haris Seferović (SL Benfica) ⚽⚽⚽

8.8 78 ST: Vedat Muriqi (Rizespor) ⚽🅰️

📅 2018/11/14 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.4 81 GK: Régis Gurtner (Amiens)

8.3 81 GK: Matz Sels (Strasbourg)


8.5 81 LB: Theo Hernández (Real Sociedad) ⚽

8.0 92 CB: Sérgio Ramos (Real Madrid) ⚽🅰️

8.9 81 CB: Baumgartl (Stuttgart) ⚽

9.4 81 LB: Jonas Hector (FC Cologne) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.1 83 LB: Andrew Robertson (Liverpool) 🅰️

9.7 84 CB: Adil Rami (Marseille) ⚽🅰️


8.4 81 CM: McGinn (Aston Villa) ⚽🅰️

8.1 81 CAM: Bebou (Hannover) ⚽🅰️

8.0 87 CM: Parejo (Valencia) ⚽

9.2 88 CAM: Marco Reus (Borussia Dortmund) ⚽⚽

8.2 84 CDM: Thomas Partey (Atletico Madrid) ⚽🅰️

9.4 85 CAM: Anderson Talisca (Guangzhou Evergrande) ⚽🅰️

8.7 88 CM: Bernardo Silva (Manchester City) 🅰️🅰️


10.0 82 ST: Pléa (Borussia M. Gladbach) ⚽⚽⚽

9.0 84 ST: Bakambu (Beijing Guoan) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.3 81 ST: Rondon (Newcastle United) ⚽⚽

10.0 86 ST: Memphis Depay (Lyon) ⚽⚽🅰️🅰️

8.3 81 ST: Onyekuru (Galatasaray) ⚽⚽

9.4 81 ST: Adams (Birmingham) ⚽⚽⚽

8.7 83 LW: Stephan El Shaarawy (Roma) ⚽⚽

9.4 91 ST: Edinson Cavani (PSG) ⚽⚽⚽

📅 2018/11/07 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


9.0 83 GK: Bounou (Girona)

8.9 81 GK: Bernardoni (Nimes)


8.2 81 RB: Coleman (Everton) ⚽

8.2 81 RB: Linnes (Galatasaray) ⚽

8.3 93 CB: Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid) ⚽

8.0 81 CB: Benkovic (Hoffenheim) ⚽

8.1 81 CB: Gil (Shandong Luneng) ⚽

7.9 81 LB: Chilwell (leistercity) 🅰️


9.5 86 LM: Felipe Anderson (West Ham) ⚽⚽

8.0 81 CM: Bentaleb (Schalke 04) ⚽

9.8 81 CAM: Grealish (Aston Villa) ⚽🅰️

9.5 84 CAM: João Mario (Inter) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.5 81 CAM: Podolski (Vissel Kobe) ⚽⚽

8.6 82 CAM: Moralez (New York City FC) ⚽🅰️🅰️

9.3 81 CAM: Jordan (Eibar) ⚽🅰️


10.0 88 ST: Mertens (Napoli) ⚽⚽⚽🅰️

8.3 90 ST: Mbappe (PSG) ⚽🅰️

9.9 86 ST: Sterling (Manchester City) ⚽⚽🅰️🅰️

8.6 87 ST: Werner (Leipzig) ⚽⚽

9.5 89 ST: Immobile (Lazio) ⚽⚽

9.0 82 ST: Richarlison (Everton) ⚽⚽

8.5 86 ST: Hulk (Shanghai SIPG FC) ⚽🅰️

9.04 81 ST: Eder (Jiangsu Suning FC) ⚽⚽🅰️

📅 2018/10/31 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


9.0 81 GK: Foster (Watford)

8.1 81 GK: Ryan (Brighton)


8.4 81 LWB: Brenet (Hoffenheim) ⚽🅰️

8.5 91 CB: Godin (Atletico Madrid) ⚽

8.3 81 CB: Balanta (FC Basel 1893) ⚽

8.1 78 CB: Khedira (Augsburg) ⚽

8.3 81 CB: Jack Stephens (Southampton)

8.8 81 RB: Dumfries (PSV) ⚽🅰️


8.1 77 RM: Sancho (Borussia Dortmund) ⚽⚽

8.0 84 CM: Goretzka (Bayern Munchen) ⚽

8.8 81 LM: Garcia (Girona) 🅰️

8.0 89 CM: Paul Pogba (Manchester United) ⚽🅰️

7.8 81 CM: Cyprien (Nice) ⚽

9.2 84 CM: Barkley (Chelsea) ⚽🅰️🅰️

9.3 83 CAM: Ziyech (Ajax) ⚽


9.0 89 ST: Mohamed Salah (Liverpool) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.2 95 ST: Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) ⚽⚽

10.0 83 ST: Alexandre Pato (Tianjin Quanjian) ⚽⚽⚽🅰️

10.0 86 ST: Iago Aspas (Celta Vigo) ⚽⚽⚽

8.7 83 LW: Fraser (Bournemouth) 🅰️🅰️

9.0 84 ST: Al Soma (Al Ahli) ⚽⚽

9.4 83 ST: Ishak Belfodil (Hoffenheim) ⚽⚽

9.6 92 ST: Luís Suarez (FC Barcelona) ⚽⚽⚽

📅 2018/10/24 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.9 84 GK: Oier (Levante UD)

8.6 82 GK: Pacheco (Deportivo Alaves)


8.3 81 CB: Duffy (Brighton)

8.0 81 CB: Bamba (Cardiff City) 🅰️

8.4 84 CB: Marcelo (Lyon) 🅰️

8.3 86 CB: Marquinhos (Paris St. Germain) ⚽

8.1 82 CV: Keane (Everton) 🅰️

7.9 77 CV : Ninaj (Fortuna Sittard) ⚽


8.1 84 CVM: Doucouré (Watford) 🅰️🅰️

8.6 88 CM: Fernandinho (Manchester City) ⚽🅰️

8.8 84 CDM: Lars Bender (Bayern Leverkussen) ⚽🅰️

8.8 82 CM: Max Eggestein (Werder Bremen) ⚽⚽

9.0 87 CDM: Paulinho (Guangzhou Evergrande) ⚽🅰️

8.2 81 CAM: Aleman (Al-Ettifaq) ⚽🅰️🅰️

7.9 81 CM: Kayal (Brighton) ⚽


8.4 85 LW: Martial (Machester United) ⚽⚽

9.2 86 LW: Angel Di Maria (Paris St. Germain) 🅰️🅰️

9.4 91 ST: Lewandowski (FC Bayern Munchen) ⚽⚽🅰️

10.0 81 ST: Luka Jovic (Eintracht Frankfurt) ⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽

9.4 77 ST: Reis Nelson (1899 Hoffenheim) ⚽⚽

10.0 85 RW: Hirtving Lozano (PSV) ⚽🅰️🅰️

10.0 83 RW: Ilicic (Atalanta) ⚽⚽⚽

8.6 94 ST: Luís Suarez (Barcelona) ⚽🅰️

📅 2018/10/17 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


7.9 82 GK: Guilherme (Lokomotiv Moscow)

8.1 84 GK: Pickford (Everton)


8.2 84 CB: Eric Bailly (Manchester United) ⚽

8.6 86 CB: Van Dijk (Liverpool) ⚽

8.4 76 LB: Benajmin Kololi (FC Zurich) ⚽⚽

8.3 92 CV: Ramos (Real Madrid) ⚽

8.1 87 LB: Alex Sandro (Juventus) ⚽

8.1 77 LB : Taleb Tawatha (Eintracht Frankfurt) 🅰️


8.2 80 CVM: Doukoure (UD Levante) ⚽

8.1 81 LM: Kamano (Bordeaux) ⚽

8.0 81 CM: Selnaes (St-Etienne) ⚽

8.3 81 RM: Chipciu (Sparta Praha) ⚽

8.6 89 CAM: James Rodríguez (Bayern Munchen) ⚽🅰️

8.1 84 CM: Idrissa Gueye (Everton) ⚽

8.2 82 CM: Fajr (Caen) ⚽


9.4 81 ST: Aleksandar Mitrovic (FC Fulham) ⚽⚽

8.1 88 ST: Lukaku (Manchester United) ⚽⚽

9.1 81 ST: Goran Pandev (Genoa) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.8 81 ST: Ighalo (Changchun Yatai) ⚽⚽⚽

8.4 77 ST: Carlos Fernández (Deportivo La Coruna) ⚽⚽

9.9 84 RW: Vela (Los Angeles FC) ⚽⚽🅰️🅰️

8.4 87 RW: Mahrez (Manchester City) 🅰️🅰️

9.0 81 ST: Pukki (Norwich) ⚽⚽

📅 2018/10/10 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.3 76 GK: Günok (Istanbul Basaksehir)

8.1 89 GK: Hugo Lloris (Tottenham)


8.0 82 CB: Arbilla ( SD Eibar) ⚽

7.8 84 CB: Maripan (Deportivo Alaves)

7.9 76 LB: Albornoz (Hannover 96) 🅰️🅰️

7.9 82 RB: Vrsaljko (Inter) 🅰️

8.7 81 CV: Tonelli (Sampdoria) ⚽

8.1 81 CV: Halstenberg (Toulouse) 🅰️


8.7 84 CAM: Giuliano (Al Nassr FC) ⚽⚽

7.9 81 CM: Hofmann (Borussia M. Gladbach) 🅰️🅰️

8.1 81 CM: Klaassen (Werder Bremen) ⚽

8.8 81 CM: Castro (Cagliari) 🅰️🅰️

8.6 83 RM: Thauvin (Marseille) ⚽🅰️

8.0 81 CM: Bentancur (Juventus) ⚽

9.1 78 LM: Bamba (Lille) ⚽⚽🅰️


9.4 81 ST: King (Bournemouth) ⚽⚽

8.3 84 RW: Lozano (PSV) ⚽⚽

8.3 81 ST: Paco Alcácer (Dortmund) ⚽⚽⚽

8.8 88 ST: Aubameyang (Arsenal) ⚽⚽🅰️

8.4 90 ST: Higuaín (Ac Milan) ⚽⚽

8.9 82 LW: Kamano (Bordeaux) ⚽⚽

8.9 84 ST: Bakambu (Beijing Guoan) ⚽⚽

9.9 84 RW: Ziyech (Ajax) ⚽🅰️

📅 2018/10/03 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall


8.7 87 GK: Neto (Valencia)

8.2 85 GK: Fahrmann (Schalke)


9.0 84 CB: Maguire (Leistercity) ⚽

8.7 84 CB: Maicon (Galatasaray) ⚽

8.1 84 LB: Kolarov (Roma) ⚽

8.3 82 RB: De Marcos (Athletic Bilbao) ⚽

8.2 81 CV: Ndicka (Eintracht Frankfurt) ⚽

8.0 81 CV: Todibo (Toulouse) ⚽


8.2 79 CAM: Duda (Hertha Berlin) ⚽

8.5 84 CM: Banega (Sevilla) ⚽⚽

9.3 84 CAM: Sigurdsson (Everton) ⚽⚽

8.8 81 CM: Guarin (Shanghai Shenhua) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.6 83 CDM: Partey (Atletico Madrid) ⚽

8.2 81 CM: Kessie (AC Milan) ⚽

8.6 81 CAM: Mollet (Montpellier) 🅰️


9.4 78 ST: Rodallega (Trabzonspor) ⚽⚽

8.4 91 ST: Kane (Spurs) 🅰️🅰️

9.1 81 ST: Alex Teixeira (Jiangsu Suning FC) ⚽🅰️🅰️

8.1 83 ST: Paco Alcacer (Dortmund) ⚽⚽

9.0 87 RW: Sterling (Manchester City) ⚽🅰️

8.9 94 CF: Neymar (PSG) ⚽⚽

8.5 95 ST: Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus) 🅰️🅰️

9.3 81 ST: Moussa Dembele (Lyon) ⚽⚽


83 GK: Fabianski (West Ham United)

83 GK: Cech (Arsenal)

82 GK: GK: Zieler (Stuttgart)


84 RB: Meunier (PSG)

81 RWB: Lala (Strasbourg)

77 RWB: Matiello (Bologna)

84 CB: Matip (Liverpool)

81 CB: Jose Fonte (Lille)

76 LB: De Norre (STVV)


86 CM: Milinkovic-Savic (Lazio)

83 CM: Brozovic (Inter Milan)

82 CM: Klaassen (Werder Bremen)

89 CAM: Insigne (Napoli)

84 CAM: Anderson Talisca (Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao)

81 CAM: Iheanacho (Leistercity)

81 RM: Ibai Gomez (Deportivo Alavés)

81 RM: Lennon (Burnley)

81 LW: Di Francesco (Sassuolo)


88 ST: Immobile (Lazio)

84 ST: Vardy (Leicester City)

84 ST: Ben Yedder (Sevilla FC)

81 ST: Wesley (Club Brugge)


83 GK: Thomas Strakosha (Lazio)

77 GK: Zeng Chen (Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao)


86 CB: Pepe (Besiktas)

83 CB: Chris Smalling (Manchester United)

82 CB: Mathias Ginter (Borussia Monchegladbah)

72 LB: Federico Dimarco (Parma)


83 CAM: Miguel Almiron (Atlanta United FC)

76 CAM: Filip Starzynski (Zagłębie Lubin)

83 RW: Hirving Lozano (PSV)

86 RM: Florian Thauvin (OM)

84 RM: Hulk (Shanghai)

83 RM: Andriy Yarmolenko (West Ham United)

80 RM: Nicolas Pepe (Lille)

80 LM: Ryan Fraser (Bournemouth)

92 LW: Eden Hazard (Chelsea)

85 LW: Julian Draxler (PSG)

79 LW: Gerso Fernandes (Sporting KC)


85 ST: Timo Werner (RB Leipzig)

81 ST: Gregoire Defrel (Sampdoria)

79 ST: Pierre-Michel Lasogga (HSV)

78 ST: Lukas Hinterseer (Vlf Bochum)

77 ST: Luis Miguel Rodriguez (Atletico Tocuman)

71 ST: Musashi Suzuki (V-Varen Nagasaki)

This week there is for 100% ST Munas Dabbur (82) in the team.

There is a mistake. There are midfielders and no strikers in totw 6.

📅 2018/12/26 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall 📅 2018/11/07 Official TOTW

⚽ Goals 🅰️ Assists 0.0 Whoscored Rating 99 New FUT Overall Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.



I do not work for EA, hence player picks/ratings/images are not final. This is not who I want in the TOTW, but rather who I think EA will choose. Likewise, there are other, more deserving players who should be in the team, but at times EA doesn’t seem to care much about real-life performance (See TOTW 10). There are again a few games left to play on the Monday as well as a few LIGA MX matches Sunday night. In the past few weeks these matches have not been included in the TOTW by EA. Ligue 1 had 2 matchweeks this week, hence the unusually high number of L1 IFs. I’ve been informed that Zaniolo appears to have hijacked Pellegrini’s card up above. Sorry guys, my mistake! No, I don’t watch every game. I tried it last week but have since been told I can’t sleep at Sky HQ – thus I have not been able to watch that Chilean League match on Thursday. I watch what games I can, but all of my predictions are based off match stats and ratings after the fact. No, I don’t hate your team. I’ve mentioned on here before that I’m a lifelong United supporter. With that being said, I’ve actually underestimated the number of United IFs this year. I do my best not to be biased and I’m certainly not sat here leaving out players out of some sort of spite.

Key Points/Remarks:

    Anyone who has followed these predictions for a while knows I am a stickler about the ‘1 IF per match’ rule. Having sa >

I’m sure you think I’ve missed a few players. As long as you’re civil about it I’m more than happy to take suggestions/opinions!

If Monday’s matches are included this week: Any substitutions will be posted here after Monday matches

​ https://i. redd. it/6zs9zuc0ph721.png Shortlist Spreadsheet: https://imgur. com/a/YtxQLza ​ Disclaimers: I do not work for EA, hence player picks/ratings/images are not final. This is not who I want in the TOTW, but rather who I think EA will choose. Likewise, there are other, more deserving players who should be in the team, but at times EA doesn't seem…

Haven't seen a post regarding TOTW whilst I scrolled through Reddit, but admittedly I haven't searched either. But the players I believe will get a TOTW are: Both Chiellini and Pique for getting a goal and clean sheet with their retrospective clubs Aubameyang is basically secured in TOTW let’s be honest, scoring 2 goals and…

SHOYA NAKAJIMA IF The little (5'5) Japanese winger, with 4* skills and 4* weak foot is the greatest supersub. You want a fast lad? 92 Sprint Speed and 92 Acceleration. But wait, your probably thinking "Hey if he's that fast, he's got no finishing or a terrible touch, or some other trait that makes him…

Top-10 Best V >2018 has been a stellar year for video game fans, and there's still more to come. The list for the Best Games of So Far!

Top-10 Most Anticipated V >With 2018 bringing such incredible titles to gaming, it's no wonder everyone's already looking forward to 2019's offerings. All the best new games slated for a 2019 release, fans all over the world want to dive into these anticipated games!

If Monday’s matches are included this week: Any substitutions will be posted here after Monday matches I do not work for EA, hence player picks/ratings/images are not final. This is not who I want in the TOTW, but rather who I think EA will choose. Likewise, there are other, more deserving players who should be in the team, but at times EA doesn’t seem to care much about real-life performance (See TOTW 10). There are again a few games left to play on the Monday as well as a few LIGA MX matches Sunday night. In the past few weeks these matches have not been included in the TOTW by EA. Ligue 1 had 2 matchweeks this week, hence the unusually high number of L1 IFs. I’ve been informed that Zaniolo appears to have hijacked Pellegrini’s card up above. Sorry guys, my mistake! No, I don’t watch every game. I tried it last week but have since been told I can’t sleep at Sky HQ – thus I have not been able to watch that Chilean League match on Thursday. I watch what games I can, but all of my predictions are based off match stats and ratings after the fact. No, I don’t hate your team. I’ve mentioned on here before that I’m a lifelong United supporter. With that being said, I’ve actually underestimated the number of United IFs this year. I do my best not to be biased and I’m certainly not sat here leaving out players out of some sort of spite.

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

Thanks to FIFA YouTuber TVM Reviews, throughout FIFA 19 we will provide TOTW Predictions in order to help our readers see which players have a good chance of receiving inform FUT cards. Please note that the players listed below are only a shortlist of predictions, official FIFA 19 Team of the Week 3 informs will be confirmed at 3pm (UK time) on Wednesday, October 3rd 2018. The full list of TVM’s FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions can be found below!

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

The official FIFA 19 TOTW 3 squad will be linked here once confirmed!

For more potential FUT 19 TOTW 3 IF cards, make sure you actually watch TVM’s video above! He mentions players NOT included in the list below!

    Neto [GK] 84 >86 – Brazil – Valencia Stéphane Ruffier [GK] 84 >86 – France – Saint-Etienne

    Dan Butler [LWB] 62 >72 – England – Newport County Yaroslav Rakitskyi [CB] 80 >83 – Ukraine – Shakhtar Donetsk Domenico Criscito [CB] 81 >83 – Italy – Genoa Harry Maguire [CB] 82 >84 – England – Leicester

    Siebe Schrijvers [CAM] 72 >76 – Belgium – Club Brugge Luciano Acosta [CAM] 74 >78 – Argentina – DC United Dominick Drexler [CAM] 74 >78 – Germany – FC Koln Gylfi Sigurdsson [CAM] 82 >84 – Iceland – Everton Lorenzo Pellegrini [CM] 78 >82 – Italy – Roma Fredy Guarín [CM] 76 >81 – Colombia – Shanghai Shenhua Marco Reus [CAM] 85 >86 – Germany – Dortmund Hakim Ziyech [RW] 82 >84 – Morocco – Ajax Felipe Anderson [LM] 82 >84 – Brazil – West Ham

    Danny Rose [ST] 66 >75 – England – Mansfield Town Andre Silva [ST] 77 >80 – Portugal – Sevilla Eder [ST] 79 >82 – Italy – Jiangsu Suning Moussa Dembele [ST] 75 >80 – France – Lyon Gabriel Torres [ST] 69 >76 – Panama – CD Huachipato Alfred Finnbogason [ST] 78 >81 – Iceland – FC Augsburg Mario Mandzukic [ST] 84 >86 – Croatia – Juventus Zlatan Ibrahimovic [ST] 85 >86 – Sweden – LA Galaxy

Are there any other players that you believe deserve to be included in TVM’s FUT 19 TOTW 3 predictions? Let us know your thoughts on the above FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions and please feel free to share your own in the comments section below!

Thanks to FIFA YouTuber TVM Reviews, throughout FIFA 19 we will provide TOTW Predictions in order to help our readers see which players have a good chance of receiving inform FUT cards. Please note that the players listed below are only a shortlist of predictions, official FIFA 19 Team of the Week 3 informs will be confirmed at 3pm (UK time) on Wednesday, October 3rd 2018. The full list of TVM’s FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions can be found below! FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions For more potential FUT 19 TOTW 3 IF cards, make sure you actually watch TVM’s video above! He mentions players NOT included in the list below! Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

With FIFA 19’s Black Friday celebrations over as of Tuesday, it’s back to the usual Team of the Week schedule in the run-up to FUTmas in a couple of weeks. Gone is the best of Team of the Week, including the likes of Neymar and Mbappe, being replaced by the usual TOTW fare. Here are our FIFA 19 Team of the Week 11 (TOTW 11) predictions.

You can check out our predictions for FIFA 19 Team of the Week 11 (TOTW 11) in Ultimate Team below:

    Stefano Sorrentino – GK – Chievo – 83 OVR – The Italian goalkeeper make eight saves in his side’s 0-0 draw this weekend to secure a point. Lukasz Piszczek – RB – Dortmund – 84 OVR – The Polish RB scored the winning goal in Dortmund’s 2-1 win this weekend. Trent Alexander-Arnold – RB – Liverpool – 82 OVR – Another Liverpool player in line for a TOTW card, Alexander-Arnold topped off his goal for England last week with a goal this weekend. Jerome Roussillon – LB – Wolfsburg – 83 OVR – The Frenchman scored once from LB and got the MOTM award in his side’s win. Aaron Mooy – CM – Huddersfield Town – 82 OVR – Mooy scored twice in Huddersfield’s 2-0 win at Wolves, taking them from bottom in the league to 14th. Santi Cazorla – CM – Villarreal – 83 OVR – The diminutive midfielder is finally finding his form again after injury. He assisted twice and got the MOTM award this weekend. Dele Alli – CAM – Tottenham Hotspur – 86 OVR – Alli scored once and assisted another in Spurs’ 3-1 win over Chelsea at Wembley. Florian Thauvin – RW – Marseille – 86 OVR – The French winger scored a hat-trick in Marseille’s 3-1 win over Amiens this weekend. Hirving Lozano – RW – PSV Eindhoven – 85 OVR – The star of FIFA 18 is in line for already his second in-form of FIFA 19. He scored twice and got another assist in PSV’s 3-0 win over SC Heerenveen. Raheem Sterling – RW – Manchester City – 86 OVR – He may be another RW players, but Sterling is the most ignored played in FIFA 19 TOTW history. Now that he’s not being saved for his UCL Live item, he should get a TOTW 11 card for his goal and assist on Saturday. Kevin Volland – ST – Bayer Leverkusen – 84 OVR – The German striker scored twice in his side’s win over Stuttgart.

The full team will be revealed via EA Sports’ Twitter account at 10 am ET on Wednesday, and the players will be released into packs at 1 pm the same day.

That does it for our FIFA 19 Team of the Week 11 (TOTW 11) predictions. For more tips and tricks on the game, check out our FIFA 19 wiki guide.

With FIFA 19’s Black Friday celebrations over as of Tuesday, it’s back to the usual Team of the Week schedule in the run-up to FUTmas in a couple of weeks. Gone is the best of Team of the Week, including the likes of Neymar and Mbappe, being replaced by the usual TOTW fare. Here are our FIFA 19 Team of the Week 11 (TOTW 11) predictions. The full team will be revealed via EA Sports’ Twitter account at 10 am ET on Wednesday, and the players will be released into packs at 1 pm the same day. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

2019’s Winter transfer is full in swing and the football is getting us through the gloomy January, players are hitting their stride. It is time for FIFA 19 TOTW 18 Predictions. This week, Ligue 1 is back to action joining with Premier League and La Liga, based on the stunning real-world performances from this past weekend, here’s the players we think deserve a place in the squad of FUT 19 Team of The Week 18, featuring big names Luis Suárez, Luka Modrić, David De Gea.

FIFA 19 Team of the Week 18 cards will be released at 6pm on Wednesday, January 16, which you can find the black informs in FUT packs, or buy on the FUT transfer market with Fifa 19 coins. Goldkk takes a look at which 23 players could step up and make the FUT 19 Team of the Week 18 after their superb performances, to help you prepare for a good investing.

FIFA 19 TOTW 18 Final Predictions (Sunday)

FIFA 19 TOTW 18 Suggestions (Saturday)

GK: Filip Kurto (Well. Phoenix) - 6 saves in 3-2 win - 65 > 75

GK: Paul Izzo (Adelaide United) - 6 saves and MOTM in 2-0 win - 67 > 76

GK: Odisseas Vlachodimos (SL Benfica) - Clean Sheet in 2-0 win - 74 > 80

GK: Cifuentes (Cádiz CF) - Clean Sheet in 0-0 draw - 73 > 79

GK: Walter Benítez (OGC Nice) - 4 saves in 1-0 win - 76 > 81 > 84

GK: Jordan Pickford (Everton) - 7 saves in 2-0 win - 83 > 85 > 86

GK: Ludovic Butelle (Angers SCO) - 6 saves and MOTM in 0-0 draw - 75 > 81 > 84

GK: Ciprian Tătăruşanu (FC Nantes) - 2 saves in 2-0 win - 78 > 82 > 84

GK: David Luiz (Watford) - 6 saves in 2-1 win - 77 > 81 > 84 > 86

GK: David De Gea (Manchester United) - 11 saves in 1-0 win - 91 > 92

CB: Declan Rice (West Ham United) - 1 goal and MOTM in 1-0 win - 69 > 76

CB: Erick Cabaco (Levante UD) - 1 goal in 2-1 win - 75 > 81

CB: Nicolas Pallois (FC Nantes) - 1 goal and MOTM in 2-0 win - 77 > 82

CB: Andrés Mosquera (León) - 1 goal in 2-2 draw - 72 > 79

CB: Ritchie De Laet (Melbourne City) - 1 goal in 1-0 win - 71 > 78

CB: Jardel (SL Benfica) - 1 goal and MOTM in 2-0 win - 82 > 84

CB: Damien Da Silva (Stade Rennais) - 1 goal and MOTM in 1-0 win - 78 > 82

CB: David Luiz (Chelsea) - 1 assist in 2-1 win - 83 > 85

CB: Marquinhos (Paris Saint-Germain) - 1 goal in 3-0 win - 84 > 86 > 87

LB: Jonathan Silva (CD Leganés) - 1 assist in 1-0 win - 74 > 80

RM: Joel Chianese (Perth Glory) - 2 goals in 3-1 win - 61 > 71

RM: Jack Harrison (Leeds United) - 1 goal in 2-0 win - 70 > 78

RM: Jarrod Bowen (Hull City) - 2 goals and MOTM in 3-0 win - 69 > 77 > 82

RM: Jesús Corona (FC Porto) - 2 assists and MOTM in 3-1 win - 81 > 84

RM: Nicolas Pépé (LOSC Lille) - 1 goal, 2 assists and MOTM in 3-1 win - 75 > 81 > 84> 86

LM: Marcos Guilherme (Al Wehdah) - 1goal and MOTM in 1-0 win - 73 > 79

LM: Fidel (UD Las Palmas) - 2 goals in 4-1 win - 73 > 79

LM: Yacine Brahimi (FC Porto) - 2 goals in 3-1 win - 85 > 86

CM: Harry Pell (Colchester United) - 2 goals in 3-0 win - 64 > 74

CM: Mathieu Coutadeur (AC Ajaccio) - 2 goals in 2-1 win - 72 > 79

CM: Daniel Mancini (AJ Auxerre) - 1 goal in 4-0 win - 68 > 76

CM: Julian Draxler (Paris Saint-Germain) - 1 assist and MOTM in 3-0 win - 83 > 85

CM: Paul Pogba (Manchester United) - 1 assist in 1-0 win - 88 > 89 > 90

CM: Luka Modrić (Real Madrid) - 1 goal in 2-1 win - 91 > 92

CDM: Jonathan Iglesias (Clermont Foot) - 2 goals in 3-2 win - 67 > 76

CAM: Jack Bridge (Northampton Town) - 2 goals in 3-0 win - 59 > 69

CAM: Lewis Wing (Middlesbrough) - 1goal, 1 assist and MOTM in 2-1 win - 64 > 74

CAM: Romaine Sawyers (Brentford) - 2 assists in 3-1 win - 71 > 78

CAM: Constantin Budescu (Al Shabab) - 2 goals in 4-1 win - 75 > 81 > 84

RW: Paris Cowan-Hall (Wycombe Wanderers) - 2 goals in 3-2 win - 63 > 73

RW: Pedro (Chelsea) - 1 goal and MOTM in 2-1 win - 82 > 84

LW: Nolito (Sevilla FC) - 1goal in 3-1 win - 80 > 83

LW: Vinícius Júnior (Real Madrid) - 1 goal in 3-0 win - 77 > 82

ST: Mohamed Yattara (AJ Auxerre) - 2 goals in 4-0 win - 72 > 79

ST: Marcus Thuram (En Avant Guingamp) - 1 goal in 2-1 win - 71 > 78

ST: Roy Krishna (Well. Phoenix) - 2 goals and MOTM in 3-2 win - 72 > 79

ST: Djaniny (Al Ahli) - 5 goals in 5-1 win - 77 > 82

ST: De Tomás (Rayo Vallecano) - 3 goals and MOTM in 4-2 win - 76 > 81

ST: Ángel (Getafe CF) - 1 goal in 2-1 win - 80 > 83 > 85

ST: Williams (Athletic Club de Bilbao) - 1goal, 1 assist and MOTM in 2-1 win - 81 > 84

ST: Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City) - 4 goals, 1 assist and MOTM in 9-0 win - 83 > 85 > 86

ST: Patrick Cutrone (Milan) - 2 goals in 2-0 win - 77 > 82

ST: Ángelo Sagal (Pachuca) - 1 goal in 3-0 win - 71 > 78

ST: Ciro Immobile (Lazio) - 2 goals in 4-1 win - 87 > 88 > 89

ST: Edinson Cavani (Paris Saint-Germain) - 1 goal, 1 assist in 3-0 win - 89 > 90 > 91

ST: Luis Suárez (FC Barcelona) - 2 goals, 1 assist and MOTM in 3-0 win - 91 > 92 > 93

FIFA 19 TOTW 18 Final Predictions (Sunday) ST: Ángelo Sagal (Pachuca) - 1 goal in 3-0 win - 71 > 78 Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.



I do not work for EA, hence player picks/ratings/images are not final. This is not who I want in the TOTW, but rather who I think EA will choose. Likewise, there are other, more deserving players who should be in the team, but at times EA doesn’t seem to care much about real-life performance (See TOTW 10). There are again a few games left to play on the Monday as well as a few LIGA MX matches Sunday night. In the past few weeks these matches have not been included in the TOTW by EA. Ligue 1 had 2 matchweeks this week, hence the unusually high number of L1 IFs. I’ve been informed that Zaniolo appears to have hijacked Pellegrini’s card up above. Sorry guys, my mistake! No, I don’t watch every game. I tried it last week but have since been told I can’t sleep at Sky HQ – thus I have not been able to watch that Chilean League match on Thursday. I watch what games I can, but all of my predictions are based off match stats and ratings after the fact. No, I don’t hate your team. I’ve mentioned on here before that I’m a lifelong United supporter. With that being said, I’ve actually underestimated the number of United IFs this year. I do my best not to be biased and I’m certainly not sat here leaving out players out of some sort of spite.

Key Points/Remarks:

    Anyone who has followed these predictions for a while knows I am a stickler about the ‘1 IF per match’ rule. Having sa >

I’m sure you think I’ve missed a few players. As long as you’re civil about it I’m more than happy to take suggestions/opinions!

If Monday’s matches are included this week: Any substitutions will be posted here after Monday matches

​ https://i. redd. it/6zs9zuc0ph721.png Shortlist Spreadsheet: https://imgur. com/a/YtxQLza ​ Disclaimers: I do not work for EA, hence player picks/ratings/images are not final. This is not who I want in the TOTW, but rather who I think EA will choose. Likewise, there are other, more deserving players who should be in the team, but at times EA doesn't seem…

Haven't seen a post regarding TOTW whilst I scrolled through Reddit, but admittedly I haven't searched either. But the players I believe will get a TOTW are: Both Chiellini and Pique for getting a goal and clean sheet with their retrospective clubs Aubameyang is basically secured in TOTW let’s be honest, scoring 2 goals and…

SHOYA NAKAJIMA IF The little (5'5) Japanese winger, with 4* skills and 4* weak foot is the greatest supersub. You want a fast lad? 92 Sprint Speed and 92 Acceleration. But wait, your probably thinking "Hey if he's that fast, he's got no finishing or a terrible touch, or some other trait that makes him…

Top-10 Best V >2018 has been a stellar year for video game fans, and there's still more to come. The list for the Best Games of So Far!

Top-10 Most Anticipated V >With 2018 bringing such incredible titles to gaming, it's no wonder everyone's already looking forward to 2019's offerings. All the best new games slated for a 2019 release, fans all over the world want to dive into these anticipated games!

Key Points/Remarks: If Monday’s matches are included this week: Any substitutions will be posted here after Monday matches Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

Thanks to FIFA YouTuber TVM Reviews, throughout FIFA 19 we will provide TOTW Predictions in order to help our readers see which players have a good chance of receiving inform FUT cards. Please note that the players listed below are only a shortlist of predictions, official FIFA 19 Team of the Week 3 informs will be confirmed at 3pm (UK time) on Wednesday, October 3rd 2018. The full list of TVM’s FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions can be found below!

FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions

The official FIFA 19 TOTW 3 squad will be linked here once confirmed!

For more potential FUT 19 TOTW 3 IF cards, make sure you actually watch TVM’s video above! He mentions players NOT included in the list below!

    Neto [GK] 84 >86 – Brazil – Valencia Stéphane Ruffier [GK] 84 >86 – France – Saint-Etienne

    Dan Butler [LWB] 62 >72 – England – Newport County Yaroslav Rakitskyi [CB] 80 >83 – Ukraine – Shakhtar Donetsk Domenico Criscito [CB] 81 >83 – Italy – Genoa Harry Maguire [CB] 82 >84 – England – Leicester

    Siebe Schrijvers [CAM] 72 >76 – Belgium – Club Brugge Luciano Acosta [CAM] 74 >78 – Argentina – DC United Dominick Drexler [CAM] 74 >78 – Germany – FC Koln Gylfi Sigurdsson [CAM] 82 >84 – Iceland – Everton Lorenzo Pellegrini [CM] 78 >82 – Italy – Roma Fredy Guarín [CM] 76 >81 – Colombia – Shanghai Shenhua Marco Reus [CAM] 85 >86 – Germany – Dortmund Hakim Ziyech [RW] 82 >84 – Morocco – Ajax Felipe Anderson [LM] 82 >84 – Brazil – West Ham

    Danny Rose [ST] 66 >75 – England – Mansfield Town Andre Silva [ST] 77 >80 – Portugal – Sevilla Eder [ST] 79 >82 – Italy – Jiangsu Suning Moussa Dembele [ST] 75 >80 – France – Lyon Gabriel Torres [ST] 69 >76 – Panama – CD Huachipato Alfred Finnbogason [ST] 78 >81 – Iceland – FC Augsburg Mario Mandzukic [ST] 84 >86 – Croatia – Juventus Zlatan Ibrahimovic [ST] 85 >86 – Sweden – LA Galaxy

Are there any other players that you believe deserve to be included in TVM’s FUT 19 TOTW 3 predictions? Let us know your thoughts on the above FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions and please feel free to share your own in the comments section below!

The official FIFA 19 TOTW 3 squad will be linked here once confirmed! FIFA 19 News Futhead News - News and Predictions Thanks to FIFA YouTuber TVM Reviews, throughout FIFA 19 we will provide TOTW Predictions in order to help our readers see which players have a good chance of receiving inform FUT cards. Please note that the players listed below are only a shortlist of predictions, official FIFA 19 Team of the Week 3 informs will be confirmed at 3pm (UK time) on Wednesday, October 3rd 2018. The full list of TVM’s FIFA 19 TOTW 3 predictions can be found below!