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В fifa 19 будут только три русских клуба

fifa 19 российские команды

В FIFA 19 будут только три русских клуба

В FIFA 19 будут только три русских клуба

28 сентября в продаже выйдет новая часть симулятора FIFA. EA Sports же еще в июне представил игру, заявив, что РПЛ в 19-й версии не будет.

Их будет три – «Локомотив», «Спартак» и ЦСКА. Кроме того, в новой версии FIFA появится домашний стадион красно-белых – «Открытие Арена». Изначально планировалась попадание в пул российских команд еще и «Зенита» (конспирологи думали, что это возможно из-за того, что у питерцев и у Лиги чемпионов общий спонсор – «Газпром»), но чуть позже EA опровергли эту информацию. Кроме того, по информации Sport24, с питерцами просто не договорились по деньгам: EA Sports хотели получить лицензии российских команд за бесплатно. «Зенит» же этот момент не очень устроил. Чуть позже питерский СММ отшутился в твиттере на эту тему: «Просто для некоторых игр мы слишком хороши. Они не позволят нам сыграть в этом году»

На данный момент в сеть слита информацию о нескольких нововведениях:

    Старт продаж намечен на 28 сентября; EA Sports заключила контракт с УЕФА, и в новой версии игры появится Лига чемпионов; В FIFA 19 появится режим «выживание». Он будет состоять из нескольких вариантов. Первый – каждый раз, когда команда будет забивать гол, один случайный игрок будет покидать поле. Матч автоматически закончится, когда в одной из команд останется 7 футболистов. Выигрывает тот, кто забил 5 голов. Второй – юзеры смогут отменить все правила в игре (фолы, офсайды и т. д.). Третий – можно настроить правила для забивания голов (то есть, только с головы, с лета, либо со штрафного удара). В другом режиме игроки получат возможность отключить все правила – в матче не будет фолов или офсайдов. Также можно настроить голы, чтобы засчитывались только мячи, забитые головой или с лета.

В симуляторе Pro Evolution Soccer от Konami. Контракт РПЛ с японским разработчиком действует с начала июля. Представители лиги, кстати, уже рассказали, почему выбрали именно предложение от Konami. По словам коммерческого директора РПЛ Павла Суворова, у лиги была два предложение на приобретение лицензии, и вариант от PES оказался более выгодным с финансовой точки зрения. Кроме того, в масштабах серии игр FIFA РПЛ не котировалась как топовая лига. Как заметил Суворов, Konami поможет чемпионату России продвигать свой бренд в мире. Никакие детали контракта Премьер-лиги с японской компании не разглашаются.

Ах..енчик. покупаешь такой ФИФА19, а там РПЛ нет. Гуглишь и видишь такие новости. И на кой х..р я ее покупал тогда.

Почитал тут комментарии, возник интересный вопрос( риторический) - Что является бОльшим неуважением по отношению к себе - Поставить за 2 минуты патч на игру и добавить тем самым все лицензии и наслаждаться отличной игрой или играть в игру про футбол, в которой футбола нет(и не будет).

На самом деле хочется дать совет всем громко кричащим, что в PES нет лицензий, а они мол должны быть по умолчанию, ребята, расслабьтесь в ближайшие несколько лет все будет продолжаться в том же духе). Скажите за это спасибо ЕА и самим себе. ведь электроники, приходя, в офисы АПЛ, Ла Лиги и других топовых чемпионатов и клубов предлагают такие сумасшедшие деньги, что перебить их предложения просто физически невозможно, плюс предложения эти находятся под статусом эксклюзива, мол вы давайте права только нам и никому другому (япошки потом к вам сунутся, шлите их лесом), а деньги эти берутся с не очень умных людей, которых подсадили на казино ( FUT), ведь без вложений реальных денег в FUT сейчас играть практически невозможно, если не задротить сутками и каждые выходные не проводить с утра до ночи в викенд лиге.

Но вы же сами платите деньги за то, чтобы вас ;%бали (прошу прощения за мой французский, но тут без этого никак) покупая и играя в fifa( геймплей не меняется уже 3 года, вам продают одну и ту же игру, с различной новой околофутбольной мишурой) , хотя, если хорошенько пораскинуть мозгами, если вас в PES не устраивает только отсутствие лицензий, но сам игровой процесс вам нравится, так б?#ть поддержите разработчика деньгами, купите игру, чтобы эти самые деньги у них были, дабы те потом развивали свой продукт и боролись за эти самые пресловутые лицензии.

P. S. Спешу успокоить тех, кто уже подумал, что я PESодрочер, на самом деле я играл в PES до 2014 пока они не перешли на этот дебильный движок фокс, потом перешел на Фифу с 15й части и играл по 17ю включительно, так как Фифа тогда была объективно сильнее по геймплею, анимациям и т. д. в PES тогда был тихий ужас - хоккей вместо футбола, как видите дело не в лицензиях - для меня этот фактор имел значение в самую последнюю очередь, ведь я знал, что все лицензии ставятся за 2-3 минуты.

Решать в любом случае вам, во что вам нравится играть в футбол или карточную игру. лично для меня важно, чтобы на экране все происходило максимально приближенно к реальной футбольной трансляции, поэтому глядя на видео "нового" геймплея фифа 17. ой 19 и даже еще не поиграв на то время в демо pes 2019 я без труда и всяких колебаний предзаказал последний еще в конце июля месяца.

На данный момент в сеть слита информацию о нескольких нововведениях: В FIFA 19 будут только три русских клуба Но вы же сами платите деньги за то, чтобы вас ;%бали (прошу прощения за мой французский, но тут без этого никак) покупая и играя в fifa( геймплей не меняется уже 3 года, вам продают одну и ту же игру, с различной новой околофутбольной мишурой) , хотя, если хорошенько пораскинуть мозгами, если вас в PES не устраивает только отсутствие лицензий, но сам игровой процесс вам нравится, так б?#ть поддержите разработчика деньгами, купите игру, чтобы эти самые деньги у них были, дабы те потом развивали свой продукт и боролись за эти самые пресловутые лицензии. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Фифа 19 навесы

фифа 19 навесы

#fifa19 #навесы #туториал

Золотошко от Вани Мухина - goo. gl/VWaTPk

Подробный гайд, туториал по навесам в Fifa 19. Борьба в воздухе, игра корпусом, выбор позиции, статы игроков, механика и кнопки - всё тут :)

Мой Инстаграм - www. instagram. com/mozz_fifa/

Моя группа в ВКонтакте - vk. com/club130429962

Мой Twitch канал - www. twitch. tv/mozzfifa

Фан сайт Фифы - www. fifasoccer. ru/forum

Презентация канала, сотрудничество, услуги и цены - bit. ly/2MNHA1Q

Фифа 19 навесы

Трек бы, который играет в первой половине видео)

Фифа 19 навесы

Заебали эти навесы, пукан горит от этих навесов

Фифа 19 навесы

Спасибо за интересную видюху! Я только начинаю разбираться в тактике и остальных тонкостях. Сделай пожалуйста новый туториал с максимальной подготовкой для чайников тех, кому может попастся прохаванный фифер как по сетевухе например. И как при этом обойтись в итоге меньшими потерями! Ты делал про тактику уже выпуск, но хотелось бы еще узнать как в большинстве своем это делают, те кто играет на различных Fut чемпионатах. И так же я думаю было бы многим интересно послушать: 1) Участвовал ли ты, в подобных соревнованиях и каковы были успехи. 2) Как заявиться и самому поучаствовать, если есть желание. 3) Возможно ли, чтобы это стало основной работой и ежемесячным источником заработка и если да, то сколько требуется времени проводить за игрой в неделю. 4) Насколько будет долговечна такой род занятий в качестве основного дела. Собственно пока это все. Если туториал последует, то заранее спасибо за внимание!

Фифа 19 навесы

Вот про Кибер-турики - я сам не особо шарю :))

Фифа 19 навесы

Как не бомбить если пас твой игрок отдаёт в другую сторону или вся команда плывёт. Еа суки жадные оборудование не ставят по миру. В странах где игру продают.

Трек бы, который играет в первой половине видео) Фифа 19 навесы Спасибо за интересную видюху! Я только начинаю разбираться в тактике и остальных тонкостях. Сделай пожалуйста новый туториал с максимальной подготовкой для чайников тех, кому может попастся прохаванный фифер как по сетевухе например. И как при этом обойтись в итоге меньшими потерями! Ты делал про тактику уже выпуск, но хотелось бы еще узнать как в большинстве своем это делают, те кто играет на различных Fut чемпионатах. И так же я думаю было бы многим интересно послушать: 1) Участвовал ли ты, в подобных соревнованиях и каковы были успехи. 2) Как заявиться и самому поучаствовать, если есть желание. 3) Возможно ли, чтобы это стало основной работой и ежемесячным источником заработка и если да, то сколько требуется времени проводить за игрой в неделю. 4) Насколько будет долговечна такой род занятий в качестве основного дела. Собственно пока это все. Если туториал последует, то заранее спасибо за внимание!

Фифа 19 фут драфт симулятор

фифа 19 фут драфт симулятор

Официальное сообщество приложения PACYBITS FUT 19 в социальной сети «Вконтакте». Стремительно повышаем популярность игры уже второй год подряд!

Показать полностью…

Здесь вы найдете эклюзивный контент, самые свежие новости из мира #PacyBits и #FIFA. Советуем ознакомиться со статьями-гайдами для новичков!

• Для более быстрого поиска нужного вам контента используются следующие хэштеги :

Фифа 19 фут драфт симуляторФифа 19 фут драфт симулятор Фифа 19 фут драфт симуляторЭТО СВЕРШИЛОСЬ!

Фифа 19 фут драфт симуляторНовый #LTM - режим, а также множество новых #SBC уже доступно в обновлении.

Новый режим называется Pack Battles, похожий на тот, что был в 18-ой части игры, только теперь гораздо лучше!

Показать полностью…

1. Открывайте паки как можно быстрее и собирайте из него состав.

1) Выполняйте дополнительные задания, что бы получить больше очков!

2) Поймав новые LTM-карты, вы получаете очки для их апгрейда!

3) У вас есть 4 минуты на открытие паков и сборки состава из игроков, которые вам выпали.

4) Вы можете пропустить анимацию открытия пака

2. Победитель определяется по 5-ти категориям:

1) Дополнительные задания, которые игрок выполнял в процессе открытия паков

2) Лучшая карта

3) Рейтинг состава

4) Сыгранность

5) Количество лиг

Вы получаете от 0 до 3 звезд на каждую категорию и соревнуетесь с оппонентов, когда количество ваших звезд суммируются.

3. Используйте очки, которые вы получили в процессе открытия паков, что бы улучшить LTM-карты.

Получайте замечательные награды, выигрывая сезонные дивизионы, ежедневные турниры, а так зарабатывайте новые достижения!

• Для более быстрого поиска нужного вам контента используются следующие хэштеги : Фифа 19 фут драфт симулятор Здесь вы найдете эклюзивный контент, самые свежие новости из мира #PacyBits и #FIFA. Советуем ознакомиться со статьями-гайдами для новичков! Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

The FUT Draft game mode has become increasingly popular within FIFA Ultimate Team. In this guide we cover the complete list of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards.

A FIFA Draft offers users a great chance of earning huge prizes, as well as the opportunity to try some of the game's top rated players.

The FUT Draft game mode is essentially a mini tournament, where users are presented with a number of formations to choose from.

After selecting a preferred formation, users are then required to fill a 23-man squad via the method of player picks. These player picks are completely random and consist of a choice of five players for each position/slot within your Draft squad.

The objective of a FIFA Ultimate Team Draft is to win as many games as possible, four being the maximum achievable amount.

The more you win, the better your FUT Draft rewards. These rewards can consist of a combination of FIFA packs, coins, as well as free tokens for future entries. Rewards vary within each win bracket, with many possible combinations on offer.

There are two types of FUT Drafts within FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, an Online Draft and an Offline Single Player Draft. The price of admission for each of these is 15,000 FUT Coins, or 300 FIFA Points.

This may seem expensive to some, but the value of your rewards will generally exceed the cost of entry, even if you are eliminated after only one match.

Team building skills and understanding FIFA Chemistry are a fundamental aspect of the FIFA 19 FUT Draft mode.

Sometimes choosing a lower rated player in order to increase your team chemistry can be a shrewd move, helping your FIFA 19 Draft team to perform better as a whole. The skill of squad building really is half the battle in this game mode!

Ok, so now we know what the FIFA Draft mode is all about, but what are the rewards for each win bracket, and how are they calculated?

These are great questions, but there aren’t exactly definitive answers to either of these. In fact, the trend seems to be that the more you win, the more combinations of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards there are…

More: See the full list of FUT Champions Rewards for FIFA 19 Weekend League!

Before we list the current known possible combinations of FUT Draft rewards for FIFA 19, it is important to note that it is commonly believed throughout the FUT community that an Online Draft offers better prizes.

The list below will remain live throughout FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, meaning that it will be updated whenever a new combination of rewards is discovered.

    1× Ultimate Loan Player Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Silver Pack + 2× Gold Packs 3× Gold Packs 1× Draft Token Pack 2× Gold Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Silver Pack

    1× Jumbo Gold Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Premium Silver Pack + 2× Gold Packs 1× Silver Pack + 1× Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Draft Token Pack 1× Gold Pack + 2× Premium Gold Packs 1× Premium Silver Pack + 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs 2× Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack

    1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 2× Gold Packs + 2× Premium Gold Packs 1× Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack

    3× Premium Gold Packs 2× Premium Gold Packs + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs 2× Premium Gold Packs + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 2× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Gold Pack + 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack 1× 50k Rare Players Pack 2× Premium Gold Players Packs

    1× Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 2× Jumbo Premium Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Rare Gold Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Packs + 25,000 coins 1× Premium Gold Players Pack + 1× Mega Pack 2× Gold Packs + 2× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack + 30,000 coins 1× Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 3× Premium Gold Players Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Mega Packs 1× Premium Gold Pack + 1× Premium Gold Players Pack + 45,000 coins 1× Rare Gold Packs + 1× Premium Gold Players Packs + 1× Mega Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Mega Pack + 1× Rare Players Pack 1× Premium Gold Pack + 2× Rare Players Packs 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× Rare Players Packs + 45,000 coins 1× Jumbo Premium Gold Pack + 1× 100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack 1× Mega Pack + 1× 100k Jumbo Rare Players Pack

Have you earned a combination of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards not mentioned in the above list? If so, please feel free to get in touch with us via Twitter. If you can show us your rewards via a screenshot or photo, then that would be great!

We'd also love to hear your thoughts on the FIFA 19 Draft mode in general, and whether or not this is your preferred way of playing FIFA Ultimate Team.

The FUT Draft game mode has become increasingly popular within FIFA Ultimate Team. In this guide we cover the complete list of FIFA 19 FUT Draft rewards. The FUT Draft game mode is essentially a mini tournament, where users are presented with a number of formations to choose from. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Do you want to know what you can earn in FIFA 19 Draft for both online and single player modes? Especially for you, we have compiled on a single page all the FUT Draft rewards for FIFA 19 Ultimate Team you can win.


✅ Confirmed | ❌ To Be Confirmed | 🆕 New Reward

How the FUT Draft rewards work on FIFA 19 Ultimate Team?

In FUT Draft, the FUT game mode introduced in FIFA 16, you have to pay a 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points fee for each time you play it. However, you always receive a reward. If you want to know which prize you will get, keep reading.

Players have so many questions about the FUT Draft rewards but hopefully we are here to clarify the most controversial topics:

1 Every time you start a new campaign you need to pay 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points;

2 The more wins you get, the better are the rewards;

3 You only receive your rewards when you end the campaign;

4 The cards you pull from rewards Are tradeable;

5 Online mode has Better rewards than single player mode;

6 The single player rewards are Not affected by the game difficulty;

7 Game difficulty only affects the coins you receive at the end of each match.

What you can win when playing FUT Draft online

0 Wins

When you lose the first match

🎴 1 x 2.5k Silver Pack

🎴 2 x 5k Gold Packs

Total value: 12.5k ✅

1 Win

When you win the first match and lose the second one

2 Wins

When you win the first two matches and lose the third one

3 Wins

When you win the first three matches and lose the last one

1 Win

When you win the first match and lose the second one 1 Every time you start a new campaign you need to pay 15,000 coins or 300 FIFA Points;

2 The more wins you get, the better are the rewards;

3 You only receive your rewards when you end the campaign;

4 The cards you pull from rewards Are tradeable;

5 Online mode has Better rewards than single player mode;

6 The single player rewards are Not affected by the game difficulty;

7 Game difficulty only affects the coins you receive at the end of each match.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Авторский блог об играх для ПК и консолей от Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo. Обзоры, новости, гайды, аналитика.

Ещё в 2015-м году ходили слухи о том, что EA перестанет выпускать свои спортивные симуляторы для устаревших игровых систем, на которые приходится не более 5 процентов от продаж.

Причина в переходе на передовой (на тот момент) графический движок Frostbite, который «железо» прошлых лет не вытянет. Но в результате обладатели PS3 и Xbox 360 до сих пор ежегодно получают эксклюзивные урезанные версии.

Там отсутствует сюжетная кампания, имеется лишь минимальный набор режимов и инноваций. Основные изменения затрагивают составы команд, актуальные на момент релиза игры. Обзор FIFA 19 Legacy Edition не предполагает чего-то нового, а просто напоминает: да-да, издатель ещё помнит о старых приставках. Тенденция сохранится ещё на 1-2 года, после чего поддержка платформ прекратится.

Предварительно релиз намечен на 28 сентября, что соответствует выходу игры для PS4, PC и Xbox One. Слухи подтверждаются в ряде интернет-магазинов, где уже доступна обложка и предзаказ диска. Именно она изображена на картинке к новости. Брать или нет?

Если вы всё ещё играете на прошлом поколении, то большой надобности обновлять спортивные игры от Electronic Arts до свежей версии нет. Да, исправят составы команд исходя из произошедших за сезон трансферов и изменившихся рейтингов ФИФА, УЕФА и клубов, а также перепишут и характеристики отдельных футболистов.

Все новшества тянут скорее на бесплатный патч, чем на полноценный продукт за полную стоимость. Аналогичная ситуация ожидаема и с NHL’19, но подтверждения этой информации я в Сети не нашёл.

Ещё в 2015-м году ходили слухи о том, что EA перестанет выпускать свои спортивные симуляторы для устаревших игровых систем, на которые приходится не более 5 процентов от продаж. Авторский блог об играх для ПК и консолей от Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo. Обзоры, новости, гайды, аналитика. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Официальная дата выхода FIFA 19 - 28 сентября. Как обычно, некоторые счастливчики смогут начать играть раньше. Игрокам PC повезло больше всего: оформив Access Premier игра будет доступна уже 20 сентября. PS4-фиферам повезло чуть меньше, покупка средней и ТОП-версии даст возможность начать лишь 25 числа.

FIFA вновь будет доступна в трех версиях - бюджетный стандарт, Чемпионское издание и Ultimate для богачей.

Если цены на PS4 остались прежними, то для PC-игроков, как уже писалось ранее, EA Sports сделали сюрприз в виде повышения стоимости. Теперь за игру нужно отдать как минимум 3000 рублей. Может быть, это знак, что пора перестать тратить деньги и лучше отложить их на покупку консоли?

Благо системные требования к FIFA19 на PC не изменились:

Минимальные Рекомендуемые
ОС Windows 7/8.1/10, 64-битная версия Windows 10, 64-битная версия
Процессор Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3,1 ГГц

AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 ГГц
Intel i3 6300T или AMD Athlon X4 870K

Или аналогичной производительности Intel i3 4340, Intel i3
Оперативная память 8 ГБ 8 ГБ
Место на жестком диске 50 ГБ 50 ГБ
Видеокарта NVIDIA GTX 460 1ГБ

AMD Radeon R7 260
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670

AMD Radeon R9 270X

Наталкивает на мысль, что изменений будет немного. По крайней мере, в графике.

Помимо раннего доступна, для обладателей продвинутых версий предусмотрены UT-плюшки. Так вам будет предоставлен Неймар в аренду аж на 7 матчей, золотой игрок из Лиги чемпионов с рейтингом от 80 до 83, а также дополнительные премиум-наборы.

Выход демоверсии анонсирован уже на 13 сентября, четверг. Ждем!

Своим мнением по поводу предстоящей игры поделился игрок сайта GEx. Маск.

- Какую версию планируешь покупать?

- Буду брать самую дешевую, так как не играю в UT. Для стандартного режима этого будет достаточно.

- Слышал, что многие ТОП-игроки сутками напролет изучают демоверсии. Ты тоже будешь таким заниматься?

- К категории топовых не отношусь. А демоверсию запущу пару раз, чтобы посмотреть, что изменилось в физике игры. И буду ждать полной версии.

- Какие изменения хочешь увидеть именно ты?

- Надеюсь пофиксят имбовое взятие ворот. А именно, удар низом в дальний угол, при двойном нажатии кнопки удара. С определенных точек такой удар залетает всегда, такого не должно быть. Было бы неплохо улучшить графику в пользу реалистичности лиц, переработать физику движений. Сделать режим спектатора, чтобы можно было зайти и посмотреть любую игру без лишних телодвижений, будь то трансляции на твиче или ютубе.

- Какую версию планируешь покупать? - Слышал, что многие ТОП-игроки сутками напролет изучают демоверсии. Ты тоже будешь таким заниматься?

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличияFifa 19 legacy edition отличияFifa 19 legacy edition отличияFifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Дата выхода: 28 сентября 2018 года

Жанр: Sport

Разработчик: EA Canada

Издательство: Electronic Arts

Регион: PAL, NTSC-J

Тип издания: Лицензия

Прошивка: [LT2][LT3][LTU][LTU2]

Язык: Русский

Перевод: Полностью на русском

EA SPORTS FIFA 19 на движке Frostbite подарит игрокам поистине чемпионские впечатления на поле и вне его. Вас ждет престижная Лига чемпионов UEFA, игровые инновации в динамическом управлении футболистами на поле, не имеющие аналогов новые способы игры, драматический финал истории Алекса Хантера (Alex Hunter) в режиме «История: чемпионы» (The Journey: Champions)*, новые варианты популярного режима FIFA Ultimate Team, дополнительные лиги в режиме карьеры Career Mode и многое другое. FIFA 19 готовит чемпионов!

Лига Чемпионов UEFA Champions League / Лига Европы Europa League / Суперкубок Super Cup:

Лучший в мире клубный футбол в разных режимах FIFA 19 с официальными презентациями матчей и турнирами, включая Лигу чемпионов UEFA Champions League, Лигу Европы Europa League и Суперкубок Super Cup, с комментариями от новой команды дикторов – Дерека Раэ и Ли Диксона (Derek Rae и Lee Dixon).

    Режимы: Лига чемпионов, Лига Европы и Суперкубок UEFA оживут на ваших экранах в EA SPORTS FIFA 19. Карьера игрока в The Journey: Champions, «живые» обновления данных в FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, аутентичная интеграция в режимах Kick Off и Career и совершенно новый режим Champions League – вас ждут лучшие в мире клубные соревнования по футболу, где бы вы ни играли в FIFA 19. Режим Champions League: официальный турнир Лиги Чемпионов UEFA, от группового этапа до зрелищного финального матча. Вы также можете провести турнир по своим правилам, выбрав любой европейский клуб. Новые комментаторы: дикторы Дерек Раэ и Ли Диксон (Derek Rae и Lee Dixon) в своем неподражаемом стиле прокомментируют в нашей игре все матчи Лиги чемпионов, Лиги Европы и Суперкубка UEFA. Официальные элементы UEFA: самые престижные соревнования клубов Европы пройдут с элементами официальных трансляций, официальными комплектами формы, эмблемами, мячами и аутентичными призами UEFA Champions League, Europa League и Super Cup.

Игровой процесс:

Используя стратегический подход и техничные приемы, контролируйте обстановку на поле с новыми игровыми функциями EA SPORTS FIFA 19. Новая система Active Touch System реализует более точное управление, Dynamic Tactics делает более удобной и точной настройку составов, 50/50 Battles позволяет использовать физические параметры и мастерство игрока при перехвате мяча, Timed Finishing повышает управляемость при ударах, а развитие технологии Real Player Motion Technology повышает реалистичность образов футболистов с максимально аутентичной анимацией.

    Active Touch System: фундаментально меняет способы приема и передачи мяча, делает контроль мяча более точным, улучшает плавность и разнообразие передач, позволяет лучше выразить индивидуальность игрока. Используйте новые инструменты первого касания, скрытные касания, подбрасывания и удары с лета (disguised touch, flick-up volleys), особые именные приемы (skill specific animations), например «ловушку Неймара» (Neymar Trap), чтобы обыграть соперников и создать больше голевых моментов. Dynamic Tactics: дает возможность использовать сразу несколько тактических подходов с глубокой проработкой тактики перед матчем и вносить динамические изменения по ходу матча с помощью крестовины на геймпаде. Каждый тактический подход сочетает в себе расстановку игроков, менталитет и стиль игры в нападении и защите (formations, mentalities и play styles), и дает возможность повлиять на игру в любой ситуации. 50/50 Battles: с этой функцией реакции игрока и характеристики футболиста позволят завладеть свободным мячом. С улучшенным взаимодействиемв команде и наблюдением за пространством на поле каждая схватка за мяч может стать решающей. Timed Finishing: двойное нажатие при ударе по мячу включает замедление, позволяя контролировать точность удара. Время второго нажатия кнопки определяет результат – чем лучше вы рассчитаете время, тем точнее и мощнее будет удар, а неточные удары вряд ли достигнут цели. Будь то удар за пределами площадки, удар головой или ловкое касание, точное завершение удара добавляет новый уровень контроля и повышает вероятность гола. Real Player Motion Technology: система анимации, радикально меняющая игру, которая помогла раскрыть характер игроков и их личные особенности в EA SPORTS FIFA, возвращается в более масштабной версии. Улучшенная анимация тактического прикрытия, баланса столкновений и физических приемов (tactical shielding, impact balancing и physical jostles) делает движения игроков реалистичными, как никогда прежде.

The Journey: Champions:

Третий эпизод и драматический финал сюжетной «Истории» (The Journey) появится в FIFA 19 для PlayStation 4, Xbox One и PC. В режиме The Journey: Champions ваш герой, молодой футболист Алекс Хантер (Alex Hunter), будет бороться за успех в Лиге чемпионов – Champions League.

FIFA 19 Ultimate Team (FUT):

Соберите собственную команду мечты из тысяч лучших футболистов в самом популярном режиме FIFA. С добавлением Лиги чемпионов UEFA и Лиги Европы самые престижные клубные соревнования в мире оживут в режиме FIFA 19 Ultimate Team.

Другие режимы:

    Новый режим «Быстрый матч» (Kick Off) Карьера (Career Mode) Профессиональные клубы (Pro-Clubs) Развитие навыков (Skill Games)

A SPORTS ™ FIFA 19 Legacy Edition запускает 28 сентября на Xbox 360 с последними наборами, клубами и отрядами из высших лиг по всему миру. Игровые функции и режимы будут иметь паритет с FIFA 18 и FIFA 17 на консолях Xbox 360. GAMEPLAY FIFA 19 Legacy Edition будет включать в себя те же инновации в играх от FIFA 17 и FIFA 18 без каких-либо новых разработок или значительных улучшений. ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ FIFA 19 Legacy Edition будет содержать обновленную визуальную визуализацию с недавно разработанными игровыми интерфейсами и экранами меню. РЕЖИМЫ LEGACY В FIFA 19 будут включены следующие игровые режимы с такими же функциями и новинками от FIFA 17 и FIFA 18.

The Journey: Champions: Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия Соберите собственную команду мечты из тысяч лучших футболистов в самом популярном режиме FIFA. С добавлением Лиги чемпионов UEFA и Лиги Европы самые престижные клубные соревнования в мире оживут в режиме FIFA 19 Ultimate Team.

Уже в продаже

Игра EA SPORTS™ FIFA 19, созданная на движке Frostbite™*, обеспечивает возможности чемпионского уровня, как на поле, так и за его пределами. Основанная на Лиге чемпионов УЕФА игра FIFA 19 содержит улучшенные функции игрового процесса, позволяющие в любое время управлять событиями на поле, и предоставляет непревзойденные способы игры, включая драматический финал истории Алекса Хантера в The Journey: Champions, новый режим в неизменно популярной игре FIFA Ultimate Team™ и многое другое.

«Division Rivals» — это новый режим сетевой игры с сопоставлением по рейтингу, в котором еженедельно проходят состязания игроков с похожим уровнем опыта, что дает вам шанс выиграть лучшие награды в FUT. Лига чемпионов УЕФА призвана сыграть важнейшую роль в FUT 19 за счет выхода контента, связанного с прохождением турниров в реальном мире. Наконец, в Ultimate Team появится еще больше ЛЕГЕНД ФУТБОЛА, включая Стивена Джеррарда, Клода Макелеле и Йохана Кройфа.

Новый режим «Быстрый матч» привносит множество изменений в популярный режим локальной сетевой игры, создавая новые возможности для начала игры с друзьями. Добавлены новые варианты игры, включая «Свои правила», «Кубковые финалы» и «Серия "Лучший в"», благодаря чему вы сможете получать свежие впечатления от каждой игры.

Также появилась новая функция отслеживание статистики, позволяющая просматривать подробные сведения о каждом матче в режиме. Затем вы можете использовать свои статистические данные где угодно, привязав их к своему уникальному имени в режиме «Быстрый матча».

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Игра EA SPORTS™ FIFA 19, созданная на движке Frostbite™*, обеспечивает возможности чемпионского уровня, как на поле, так и за его пределами. Основанная на Лиге чемпионов УЕФА игра FIFA 19 содержит улучшенные функции игрового процесса, позволяющие в любое время управлять событиями на поле, и предоставляет непревзойденные способы игры, включая драматический финал истории Алекса Хантера в The Journey: Champions, новый режим в неизменно популярной игре FIFA Ultimate Team™ и многое другое.

4K: разрешение 4K Ultra HD не доступно на консолях Xbox One или Xbox One S.

HDR: функция HDR работает только с поддерживаемыми играми и телевизорами.

Лучше на Xbox One X: расширенные возможности для Xbox One X, обусловленные выпуском обновленного содержимого. Сведения об играх см. на странице xbox. com/enhanced.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

    Может содержать материалы, не подходящие для детей. Сведения о рейтинге опубликованы на веб-сайте ESRB. org.

    Дата выпуска Издание Champions & Ultimate Edition: 25 сентября 2018 г. Издание Standard Edition: 28 сентября 2018 г.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Рейтинг пользователей: 3,5 / 5

FIFA 19 Стандартное издание содержит:

    Игровой предмет — аренда игрока: Неймар-младший, Кевин Де Брёйне или Пауло Дибала на 10 FUT матчей** 4 комплекта формы UEFA Champions League** 5 игровых предметов — игроков UEFA Champions League (общим рейтингом до 85)**

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Рейтинг пользователей: 3,5 / 5

Издание FIFA 19 Champions также содержит:

    до 10 гигантских золотых премиум-наборов FUT; игровой предмет — аренда игрока FUT Криштиану Роналду на семь матчей; игровой предмет — аренда игрока FUT Неймара-младшего на семь матчей; специальное издание наборов FUT Kits, разработанное FIFA Soundtrack Artists. Игровой предмет — аренда игрока: Неймар-младший, Кевин Де Брёйне или Пауло Дибала на 10 FUT матчей** 4 комплекта формы UEFA Champions League** 5 игровых предметов — игроков UEFA Champions League (общим рейтингом до 85)**

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Рейтинг пользователей: 3,5 / 5

Издание FIFA 19 Ultimate Edition также содержит:

    до 25 гигантских золотых премиум-наборов FUT; игровой предмет — аренда игрока FUT Криштиану Роналду на семь матчей; игровой предмет — аренда игрока FUT Неймара-младшего на семь матчей; специальное издание наборов FUT Kits, разработанное FIFA Soundtrack Artists. Игровой предмет — аренда игрока: Неймар-младший, Кевин Де Брёйне или Пауло Дибала на 10 FUT матчей** 4 комплекта формы UEFA Champions League** 5 игровых предметов — игроков UEFA Champions League (общим рейтингом до 85)**

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Рейтинг пользователей: 3,5 / 5

Погрузитесь в законченную трилогию игр EA SPORTS™ FIFA «Путешествие»! Набор включает в себя игры FIFA 17, FIFA 18 и FIFA 19. На первом году Путешествия в FIFA 17 вы сможете вжиться в роль восходящей звезды Премьер-лиги Алекса Хантера. В FIFA 18 история Алекса Хантера перенесет вас на неизведанную территорию. В FIFA 19 вы познакомитесь с тремя новыми героями. Направляйте Алекса Хантера, Дэнни Уильямса и Кима Хантера в ходе наиболее важных событий в их карьерах.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Комплект включает в себя стандартные издания Madden NFL 19 и FIFA 19.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

В комплект входят стандартные издания игр FIFA 19 и NHL 19.

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия

Скачай более 40 игр EA и играй сколько заблагорассудится, оформив абонемент EA Access. Кроме того, играй в эксклюзивные пробные версии новых игр EA до их релиза и используй 10% скидку на покупки цифрового контента EA для Xbox One.

Также появилась новая функция отслеживание статистики, позволяющая просматривать подробные сведения о каждом матче в режиме. Затем вы можете использовать свои статистические данные где угодно, привязав их к своему уникальному имени в режиме «Быстрый матча». Fifa 19 legacy edition отличия Рейтинг пользователей: 3,5 / 5 Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Fifa 19 title update 9 patch notes (version )

fifa 19 update 10

FIFA 19 title update 9 (version 1.10) is now available on PC, with console to follow next week. The following changes are mainly focused on gameplay improvements. Check out the full FIFA 19 title update 9 patch notes below.

EA SPORTS may have just taken a big step in the right direction. This latest FIFA title update includes further reduced speed of manual goalkeeper movement, as well as preventing your players switching positions automatically.

Scoring from one on one situations has never been more difficult recently. This is because the newly introduced manual GK movement enabled your opponent to guess where you are going to shoot. Nerfing this movement should drastically improve the game for many, although this will come as bad news for players who took advantage of this.

We're sure that you've noticed when you go to manage your team during a game, some players are in different positions. This FIFA 19 title update 9 fixes this issue, so you'll no longer have your Zlatan CDM and Lampard playing ST.

There are also a number of other changes included in these FIFA 19 patch notes. EA SPORTS may have finally fixed some of the biggest issues in FIFA Ultimate Team and you can check out all these FUT fixes below…

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version 1.10)

Made the following changes:

    Further reduced the speed of the goalkeeper when being controlled by manual movement during open play. This change builds further on the change that was made in Title Update 7.

Addressed the following issues:

    Players were sometimes swapping positions on the pitch without any changes being requested by the controlling player.

FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT)

Addressed the following issues:

    Sometimes, in a FUT Online Match, a players OVR rating would be displayed in the Player Performance screen incorrectly. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

    In Pro Clubs, when playing with your Virtual Pro locked to the CAM position, they would sometimes be treated like a LB in terms of positioning and player rating.

Are the EA SPORTS FIFA team heading further in the right direction with this latest FIFA update patch? Get in touch with us via twitter and let us know if you're a fan of this latest FIFA 19 title update 9 (version 1.10).

    Sometimes, in a FUT Online Match, a players OVR rating would be displayed in the Player Performance screen incorrectly. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

You want to know what has changed in the new title update? Find here in a single page the complete FIFA 19 Update history.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/04/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/04/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )16/04/2019 (Wednesday)


Made the following changes:

– Changed the match outcomes of some disconnects in Division Rivals.

Addressed the following issues:

– Being able to add multiple versions of the same Player Item to a Squad Building Challenge Squad through the FUT Transfer Market.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the assets for the following Bayern Munich player starheads: Thiago, Kingsley Coman, Serge Gnabry, Mats Hummels, Joshua Kimmich, Robert Lewandowski, Javi Martinez, Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer.

– Updates to the Houston Dynamo team kit.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, longer EATV videos were not playing through to completion and were pausing mid-way through or restarting.

– The in-match flags and banners for FC Cincinnati were displaying placeholder art.


25/03/2019 (Monday)


Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The indicator box appeared on the incorrect player item after quickly swapping players in the squad screen.

– Pressing the back button while on the pack odds pop-up was incorrectly causing the application to close instead of taking the player back to the previous screen.

– Player items were not correctly rendering when rapidly scrolling in the My Club Players screen on some older devices.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App:

– Player items were being displayed behind the reserves after swapping them from the reserves to the starting 11 and vice versa on the squad screen.

Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– Clicking on the URL link on the pack odds pop-up will now correctly open the web page.

– Loan version of player items were incorrectly being displayed as active when a non-loan version of the same player item was in the active squad.

– The outline around loan player items was not aligned with the player item background.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/03/2019 (Tuesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The stats displayed on an item would show a number over 99 after scoring a goal in situations where a Training Item had been applied before the match that pushed a stat over 99. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes there would be an error indicating saying ‘Kick-Off data is not available’ after changing the difficulty of the match.


Made the following changes:

– Clubs will no longer send a transfer offer or loan offer for a player that has no chance of accepting a move to that club. This change has been made to prevent situations where a player was transfer listed or loan listed and the club would constantly receive a stream of offers from teams that the player is not going to accept a move to.

– Updates to the transfer/loan system to account for more player and club nationalities as part of the decision making process a player goes through when deciding if they want to accept an offer.

– Updates to the transfer/loan system to account for a player’s role at their current club in comparison to the role the player would have at their new club.

Addressed the following issues:

– Players that were Loan Listed were not considering the fact that they were listed for loan as part of the decision making process for whether or not to accept a loan offer to join another club. In comparison, players that were Transfer Listed were taking this into account as part of the decision making process for whether or not to accept a transfer to another club.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the 2D portrait for Alphonso Davies, Samir Nasri and John Obi Mikel.

Addressed the following issues:

– In the Edit Teams screen, some leagues in the Club Transfers Detailed Search League filter were displaying debug text.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/03/2019 (Wednesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The stats displayed on an item would show a number over 99 after scoring a goal in situations where a Training Item had been applied before the match that pushed a stat over 99. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the 2D portrait for Alphonso Davies, Samir Nasri and John Obi Mikel.

Addressed the following issues:

– In the Edit Teams screen, some leagues in the Club Transfers Detailed Search League filter were displaying debug text.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/02/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )20/02/2019 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/02/2019 (Tuesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, in a FUT Online Match, a players OVR rating would be displayed in the Player Performance screen incorrectly. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Pro Clubs, when playing with your Virtual Pro locked to the CAM position, they would sometimes be treated like a LB in terms of positioning and player rating.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )14/02/2019 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )14/02/2019 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/02/2019 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Added 2D portraits to over 200 players that previously did not have a portrait.

– Updated 2D portraits on over 700 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– The crests of some teams were not displaying correctly in the La Liga broadcast package.

Made the following changes:

– The Accessibility settings can now be accessed from the FIFA Main Menu by selecting the new Accessibility icon in the bottom left of the screen.

– Added a new Colour Blindness setting.

There are three options that will make changes to all screens in the game.

Protanopia (Red Weak)

Deuteranopia (Green Weak)

Tritanopia (Blue Weak)

If the setting is set to Default, it will have no impact on the game.

Added a new Player Indicator Size setting.

Enabling this setting will cause the player’s overhead indicator, to show which player they are controlling in gameplay, to be larger.

In an Online Match, only the indicator for your controlled player will be larger.


19/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Active Squad icon incorrectly appeared in all versions of the same Player Item. This was purely a visual issue.

– Some Rare Silver Items were not showing in Pack opening animations after opening a pack.

– The Player details screen was displaying the incorrect Weak Foot stats.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )29/01/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )29/01/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/01/2019 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Reduced the maximum size of the Timed Finishing window for a green timed shot.

The impact of this change will scale with a higher impact on shots where the time between the initial button press to take the shot and the button press to perform Timed Finishing is longer.

For example, a first time finesse shot where the ball is coming from a long distance away, or when queuing up a shot after a long knock on during a dribble.

– Reduced the effectiveness of yellow timed shots.

These shots are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

– Reduced the effectiveness of higher powered finesse shots, both timed and non-timed shots.

These shots are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

– Further reduced the likelihood that a shot which was correctly aimed into the net, and that was targeting a location near to the post, would miss the net in a shooting situation where the attacking player is under no defensive pressure and is not off balance.

This change builds further on the change that was made in Title Update 3.

– Reduced the speed of the goalkeeper when being controlled by manual movement.

The impact of this change will be higher when using manual movement during open play and lower when using manual movement during corner kicks and indirect free kicks.

– Goalkeepers will now maintain a ready posture when being controlled by manual movement.

Addressed the following issues:

– An issue where a timed finesse shot would always have less error than a non-timed finesse shot, even in situations where the timed finesse shot was red or yellow.

The level of error reduction for a timed finesse shot is now in line with the level of error reduction for other timed shots.

– The ball speed of a yellow or red timed finesse shot was found to be too high and has been reduced.

– Rarely the goalkeeper was unable to move using manual movement during a corner kick.

– Rarely, in a situation where the goalkeeper thinks that the ball is going to go out of play but didn’t, such as due to a deflection or an opposing player taking control of the ball, the goalkeeper was not reacting properly.

– If an AI Teammate runs into or jumps into the opposing goalkeeper it was possible for it to result in a goal and no called foul.

This should now properly result in a foul being called and the goal not being allowed.

An AI Teammate is any player on the pitch that is not being controlled by a human, or is not the CPU AI Controlled Player.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes the ‘Take Me There’ link for a Squad Building Challenge (SBC) would not take the player to the SBC screen. If this issue occurred, attempting to change tabs in the FUT hub would also not work correctly.

– When completing an SBC with rewards that contained multiple packs of the same type, the SBC Completion Screen was only displaying the name under one of the packs.

– Attempting to list a player on the Transfer Market from the SBC Squad Screen, who had just been purchased off the Transfer Market, would sometimes result in an error.


Addressed the following issues:

– In Player Career, finishing in first place in your league at the end of the season was not properly awarding the Win The League accomplishment.

– In Manager and Player Career, players being unable to grow their overall rating and instead showing as -1 overall in multiple screens.

– The Emirates FA Cup Final match being scheduled the day before the final match of the Premier League season.

This fix will not impact existing Career Mode save files, only new Career Mode save files.

Made the following changes:

– The fatigue reduction that is applied to a Pro Clubs player when it was being controlled by someone locked to a position has now also been applied to the players when they are being controlled by someone playing on ‘Any’.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Pro Clubs, the Club Squad screen was not displaying the stats for each member of the club on the panel on the left side of the screen.

– Sometimes a Pro Clubs Virtual Pro’s overall rating was incorrect when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub screens.

The overall rating that was being shown in a match, including the end of match flow, was correct.

The overall rating that was being used during gameplay was also correct, so this was a visual issue only.

For players that were impacted by this issue, you could see the overall rating of your Virtual Pro, when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub, be lower than it was prior to the title update.

The overall rating used in gameplay and shown during a match should remain the same.

Made the following changes:

– Updates to the stadium banners and flags for Fulham.

Addressed the following issues:

– Corrected the ad boards that display in an Online Friendlies match when the home team is from Bundesliga 1 or Bundesliga 2.


19/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Active Squad icon incorrectly appeared in all versions of the same Player Item. This was purely a visual issue.

– Some Rare Silver Items were not showing in Pack opening animations after opening a pack.

– The Player details screen was displaying the incorrect Weak Foot stats.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/12/2018 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/12/2018 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )17/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Some improvements to the responsiveness of gameplay in situations where your opponent’s network connection may have been experiencing packet loss or high latency.

This change applies to the following game modes:

FUT Champions

FUT Division Rivals

FUT Online Draft

FIFA Pro Clubs

FIFA Co-Op Seasons


11/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes in FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App on iOS and Android:

– The FUT Champions Weekend League tile will now display a timer indicating the time until the next event begins. It will not be displayed if you don’t have any FUT Champions Points or if you already qualified for the upcoming event.

– Added an icon to Player Items that are in your Active Squad when viewing Player Items in your Club.

– Improved the screen flow for Squad Building Challenges. After using the Squad Builder feature in Squad Building Challenges, it will now automatically bring you back to the Active Squad view. The category will now be remembered when entering and exiting a Squad Building Challenge.

Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– A stability issue when applying Consumables from your Club when you have Player Items in the Unassigned List.

– Concept Player Items were not being properly sorted by the Overall rating.

– Updated the flag art for the Arabic language in the Language Select screen.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )11/12/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )11/12/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/12/2018 (Thursday)


Made the following changes:

– Adjustments to the effectiveness of first time finesse shots where the lateral ball velocity is very high. These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin. The impact of a player’s Finishing Attribute on lowering the chance for error for these kicks has also been reduced. Lateral Ball velocity, in this context, is the difference in degrees of the incoming angle of the ball to a player compared to it’s angle of exit from a player’s foot on a shot. The angle of exit is not the target of the shot, but the angle by which the ball exits a player’s foot. This change has the highest impact when the difference between the incoming angle and outgoing angle of the ball is 90 or 270 degrees, where 0 degrees is the angle of the ball leaving the player’s foot from a shot. The impact of this change scales from lowest to highest along these angles, where 0 degrees is the angle of the ball leaving the player’s foot from a shot:

0 degrees (lowest) to 90 degrees (highest).

180 degrees (lowest) to 90 degrees (highest).

180 degrees (lowest) to 270 degrees (highest).

0 degrees (lowest) to 270 degrees (highest).

– Reduced the likelihood that a goal kick that is being aimed near a receiving player will go into open space.

– In a goal kick situation, defending center backs will now be positioned closer together.

– In a goal kick situation, where the ball will be contested by both an attacking and defending player, the defending player will be more likely to move towards the landing location of the ball.

– The ball will now stay closer to the dribbling player when executing the Elastico skill move.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing a match while locked to a player, during a corner kick situation, it was possible to knock the ball off of the corner kick spot by running towards the corner and pressing the D-Pad to execute a user controlled reaction.

– A situation where an attacking player was able to crash into the opponent’s keeper, while they are holding the ball, and knock them into the net resulting in an own goal. This situation would now result in a foul and the goal being disallowed.

Addressed the following issues:

– Viewing the Roles tab, in the Team Management screen, via the Pause Menu in a FUT Offline Mode, such as Squad Battles, will now show the impact of Chemistry on a player’s attributes.

– Viewing the Roles tab, in the Team Management screen, during the pre-match flow in all FUT modes, will now properly display player attributes.

– Sometimes players were able to add both a normal Player Item and a Concept Player Item for the same player to a Squad Building Challenge Squad, which would lead to an error message.

Addressed the following issues:

– The post-match progression meter in Pro Clubs was not always displaying a players Overall Rating or progression accurately. This was a visual issue only as the proper Overall Rating was being used in gameplay and was displayed correctly in the Pro Clubs HUB.

Made the following changes:

– Added 5 new boots to the list of available boots when customizing a player, such as in Pro Clubs or Player Career.

– Updated the 2D portraits for 26 players.

– Removed the 2D portraits from 25 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match.

– Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

– The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected.

– The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected.

– Removed the hyphen from Zulte Waregem’s team name.


10/11/2018 (Saturday)


Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– UEFA Champions League Items were not being counted as Gold Items in Squad Building Challenges.

– The FUT Champions Weekend League redemption tile will no longer display if the player has already redeemed their FUT Champions Points for the upcoming competition in FIFA 19.

– There was visual corruption present on the FUT Store screen.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )27/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )27/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )20/11/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– EA have made some changes to reduce the effectiveness of defending by AI Teammates.

In order to make the shot blocking of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, EA have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch to block a shot.

In order to make the tackling of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, EA have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch when making a tackle.

An AI Teammate is any player on the pitch that is not being controlled by a human, or is not the CPU AI Controlled Player. AI Teammates exist in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players; on a team with a human controlled player(s) that are not locked to specific players; on a team with a human player(s) that are locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.

AI Teammates do not exist in the following circumstances:

On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players.

– Increased the impact to fatigue of playing with defensive pressure.

This change will have the biggest impact to fatigue when playing with Constant Pressure enabled in your active Game Plan or when playing with Team Press active.

This change will have a reduced impact to fatigue when playing with Pressure On Heavy Touch or Pressure After Possession Loss enabled in your active Game Plan.

– To make a well-timed tackle more effective, EA have increased the tendency of the ball to travel further from the dribbler after the tackle, increasing the likelihood that the dribbler will lose possession of the ball.

– Reduced the number of first time passes that CPU AI Controlled players will make out of their defensive third of the pitch when playing on Legendary or Ultimate difficulty.

A refresher on what we mean by “CPU AI Controlled players”: the CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player is. This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which EA call the CPU AI-controlled player. A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players; on a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.

A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances: on a team with human players who are not locked to specific players.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes when an attacking player is trying to move towards a loose ball close to the goal, they would slow down and be unable to get to the ball effectively.

– If the keeper knocked the ball out of play during a penalty shootout, sometimes it would result in a throw-in being taken.

Made the following changes:

– EA have continued to make changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match. The ‘List Members’ button is no longer shown during the pre-match flow.

– Voice chat has been disabled in Division Rivals.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in FUT Champions Channel after watching a replay. As a result of this fix, the following issues that were resolved in a previous title update may occur again, and EA are working to resolve them in a future title update when available.

Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match. Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

– Entering and leaving FUT Champions Channel multiple times would result in no replays being available for viewing.

– The FUT Champions Points redemption window was incorrectly defaulting to ‘Redeem Entry Now’ and is now defaulting to ‘Later’.

– Items on your Transfer Target list were displaying the Bought For price from the previous Item’s owner.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes receiving an error message about online stats reporting failing after completion of a Pro Clubs League or Drop-In Match.

Addressed the following issues:

– Player’s sometimes getting an ‘Unable To Retrieve Your Kick Off Name’s Data’ error message when trying to play a Kick Off match.

Made the following changes:

– Added the assets for 18 new player starheads. Enabled legacy assets for 24 player starheads.

– Updated the 2D portraits for 2440 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– The UEFA Champions League Honor Badge was showing after winning the tournament 4 times instead of 5.

– Corrected the home and away kit assignments for Wolfsberger AC.

– Sometimes the crowd would be seen waving a large linesman’s flag instead of a team flag.


10/11/2018 (Saturday)


Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– UEFA Champions League Items were not being counted as Gold Items in Squad Building Challenges.

– The FUT Champions Weekend League redemption tile will no longer display if the player has already redeemed their FUT Champions Points for the upcoming competition in FIFA 19.

– There was visual corruption present on the FUT Store screen.


09/11/2018 (Friday)


Made the following changes:

– You will now be able to redeem your FUT Champions Points for access to the FUT Champions Weekend League from FUT Web and the FIFA 19 Companion App.

– A FUT Champions Weekend League title, which displays your current FUT Champions Point totals, can be found on the bottom of the home page.

– When you have enough FUT Champions Points to redeem for entry into the FUT Champions Weekend League, the option to redeem them will be available.

– You must redeem your FUT Champions Points before the start of the FUT Champions Weekend League in order to get access, same as redeeming it in game.

– The Search filter on the Transfer Market Search filters screen has been modified to display filters in 2 columns of 3 instead of a single column.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Fitness and Healing item stats were overlapped when comparing prices.

– The Upgrade SBC title was not correctly displaying the timer.

– When using Compare Price on a Player Item on the Squad screen, if you select the last player on the list, and then press the right arrow, your Player item would be displayed.

– The Chemistry Style icon was off center when viewing a Player Item in the Club or Squad screen while in Item view 4.

– Removed a stripe that was being displayed on certain Tem of the Week (TOTW) Concept Items.

– When replacing a Player Item with a Concept Item of a different version of the same player that you own, it was replacing the Concept Item with the original Player Item, not the Player Item that matched the Concept Item.

– The Buy Now and Bid options became unavailable after dismissing the ‘Items in Unassigned’ pop-up warning.

– Concept Players did not have the ‘Search on the Transfer Market’ option.

– Sometimes sending an Unassigned Items to your Club, Transfer List or Active squad was not actually moving the item.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App:

– Expired Items were still sometimes being marked as Active on the Transfer Targets screen.

– The UI was forcing the users to scroll too much in Search Results screen.

– An incorrect error message was showing up when resizing the browser window.

Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App – iOS:

– Sold Items were not being removed from the FUT Transfer Market Transfer List when removing them individually.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )13/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )13/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/11/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Adjustments to the effectiveness of first time finesse shots where the incoming ball is coming from behind the shooting player, between 135 and 225 degrees, where 0 degrees is the direction the player is facing.

These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

The most significant impact will be seen when the incoming ball angle is 180 degrees, with scaling reduced impact being seen up to an incoming ball angle of 135 degrees and 225 degrees on either side of the player.

– Adjustments to the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player:

Increased the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player when it is coming from in front of the shooting player.

Reduced the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player when it is coming from behind the shooting player.

– Reduced the likelihood that a shot which was correctly aimed into the net, and that was targeting a location near to the post, would miss the net in a shooting situation where the attacking player is under no defensive pressure and is not off balance.

– When dribbling, players were getting pushed off the ball too easily in situations where the defending player was approaching the attacking player from the side. The attacking player will now be slightly more effective at holding the defending player off.

The effect of this change will scale based on the strength of the attacking player, with stronger players seeing the greatest effect from this change.

– Some adjustments to the speed by which an attacking player, who has just lost the ball to a successful tackle, is able to recover the ball.

– A minor reduction to the acceleration of a player that has executed the Open Up Fake Shot skill move.

– When playing in an Online match, you will now be able to see the Timed Finishing indicators for your opponent.

This only applies to a shot that would generate a Very Early (red), Early (yellow) or Great (green) shot, it will not apply for Late (gray) shots, or any shot where the player didn’t attempt to use Timed Finishing.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, when trying to execute a low driven shot, the player was executing a chip shot instead.

– Improvements in situations where a player that was in a better position to win a header was losing it due to the other player warping in front of them.

– Addressed some issues where player switching was late, or was not happening, when defending against an aerial ball.

– When performing a first time thigh trap, the player receiving the ball was slowing down too much after making the trap.

– Keepers were sometimes kicking the ball forward when moving towards it instead of picking it up.

– Keepers were rarely not diving to intercept the ball after a cross was made into the box and the ball was close to the keeper.

– Keepers were sometimes not reacting to a penalty kick that was shot directly at them or very near them.

– Keepers were sometimes hitting a powered up first time lob pass too soft and low, potentially resulting in the opposing team getting the ball.

– In a penalty kick situation during a match, if the player taking the penalty kick hit the post directly, without the keeper touching it, they were able to play the ball again before another player touched it.

User controlled players were able to push the keeper out of the way in a free kick situation.

Keepers are now more difficult to move.

If a keeper is moved, they will now attempt to return to their original position after being moved.

An offside will be called if an attacking player is interfering with the keeper during a free kick while in an offside position.

Defenders will no longer follow their mark into the goal and potentially cause interference with their keeper.

– In the rare instance where the ball was heading towards an open net, and the attacking user was pressing the Cancel controls, an offside attacking player would still try to attack the ball, causing an offside call and the goal being called back.

– Paul Pogba was performing the incorrect run up animation when taking a long free kick.

Made the following changes:

– EA have made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.

Your team will now always be displayed on the left side, and your opponent will always be displayed on the right side, regardless of which team is Home or Away, on the following screens:

Team Select screen.

Kit Select screen.

Match Preview screen.

On the Kit Select screen, both teams will now default to the kit assigned as their Home Kit.

When on the Team Management screen, your team’s crest will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

– EA have made the following changes to Roles section of Dynamic Tactics within FUT:

When using the Auto-Assign Player Roles button, the impact of chemistry on a player’s attributes will now be taken into consideration when assigning players.

When attributes are being displayed on this screen, the impact of chemistry on those attributes will also be shown when viewing this screen in the FUT Squad screen.

We have hidden the attributes being displayed on this screen when it is accessed during the pre-match flow in all FUT modes due to an issue that we are working to resolve in a future title update when available.

When viewing this screen in the Team Management screen via the Pause Menu in a FUT Offline Mode, such as FUT Squad Battles, the attributes will still be showing their values without the impact of chemistry, something we are working to resolve in a future title update when available.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in FUT Friendly Seasons if your opponent backs out of the pre-match flow while on the Kit Select screen.

– Stability issue after watching a FUT Champions Channel replay.

– When swapping your FUT Squad Manager, the contract percentage bonus provided by the new manager was not applying until the player logged out and logged back into the FUT Servers.

– The Match Earnings leaderboard sometimes was displaying the incorrect value for some players.

– One of the Starter Objectives referenced a feature not present in FIFA 19.

– Stability issue if a player exited and entered the same screen repeatedly.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing as the manager for the Hyundai A-League, you were always being fired after completion of your first match, regardless of the result.

– Selling a player that had been assigned as a Quick Sub was causing the following issues:

When using the associated Team Sheet in a game, players were unable to leave the Team Management screen after entering it through the Pause Menu.

Visual issues on the associated Team Sheet when viewed in the Squad Hub.

Made the following changes:

– Added the assets for 50 new player and manager starheads.

– Server side changes are required before these starheads will be available for use in game, please follow @EASPORTSFIFA on Twitter for updates on when these are available.

– Updates to a number of team kits and crests.

Addressed the following issues:

– The Cockerel displayed in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium is now correctly looking to the east.

– Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match.

– Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


The following changes were made between 27/09/2018 (Thursday) and 22/10/2018 (Monday)


Made the following changes for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC:

Changed the match outcomes of some disconnects in Division Rivals and Online Draft.

Made the following changes in FIFA Ultimate Team on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch:

Updated the reward details description for the League Squad Building Challenges.

Addressed the following issues for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch:

Corrected Lukas Rupp’s player portrait in FUT.

Disabled a tutorial that was causing players to lose button functionality when entering the Squad Building Challenges Hub.

Addressed the following issue in FIFA Ultimate Team on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch:

UEFA Champions League Player Items were not appearing when performing a search using the Special filter on the Transfer Market.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )30/10/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )30/10/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )23/10/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– You can now make changes to your Game Plans in the Pause Menu during a match.

Changes made to your Game Plans during a match will not be saved after completion of that match.

– Swapping players in the Pause Menu during a match, while on the Balanced Game Plan, will now apply those changes to the other Game Plans.

This only applies if you make the changes to the Balanced Game Plan, changes made in the Pause Menu during a match to the other Game Plans will be localized to only those Game Plans and would need to be made manually in the others.

Given the above, if making a change to your team due to a red card, for example, make sure that the change is being made to the Balanced Game Plan.

In situations where the formations being used in your non-Balanced Game Plans are significantly different than those in your Balanced Game Plans, the swaps may not happen automatically.

For example, if you are playing with a formation, on your Balanced Game Plan, that has a Left Back, and swap a Striker into the Left Back spot, and then change to a Game Plan where there is no Left Back, such as a three at the back formation, the swap may not be made automatically.

Addressed the following issues:

– The following issues were addressed for volleys where the player fully leaves the ground during the kick, such as a bicycle kick.

Some players were incorrectly taking these kicks without meeting the Agility attribute requirements to do these kicks contextually.

To further explain the above, these types of kicks can happen, in appropriate situations, for players who have an Agility attribute of 80 or higher, or who have the Flair Trait, without the player having to hold down the ‘Flair Shot’ button.

These kicks were happening in unrealistic situations, such as when the kicking player was bunched up with other players.

Sometimes the animations for these kicks were happening too fast for some players with higher Agility attributes.

These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, speed and spin.

The above effect will be more noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be very hard, and less noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be easier.

– Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball when it was close to them.

– Rarely, keepers were trapping the ball outside of the box, despite an attacking player being near them, instead of clearing the ball.

– Rarely, when the keeper was rushing out of the net, you were unable to take control of him using the ‘Move Keeper’ controls.

– Rarely, after positioning your keeper with ‘Move Keeper’ controls, the keeper would dive out of the way of the incoming shot.

– Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball after knocking it down with a tip down save.

– When playing in a mode with two human controlled players on a team, such as in Pro Clubs or Co-op Seasons, the opponent’s defenders were not responding to an attacker running behind the defensive line during a goal kick.

– When taking a goal kick, where the target for the kick is very far down the field, the ball was travelling too fast.

– Players will no longer wait to take a throw in due to a keeper being out of position.

Made the following changes:

– EA has made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.

Your opponent’s FUT Club Established Date will no longer be displayed.

Your opponent’s FUT Club name and Squad Name will no longer be displayed.

Your opponent’s online ID will no longer be displayed on the screen with one exception.

You will still be able to see your opponent’s online ID if you use the ‘List Members’ button, which we are working to remove in a future title update when available.

Addressed the following issues:

– The impact to a player’s attributes from Chemistry were not properly displaying in the Pause Menu of a FUT Online Match.

This was a purely visual issue with no impact to gameplay.

. The Squad Battles refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.

– The Daily Objectives refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.

– The latency bars in Division Rivals were not properly updating based on the latency to the dedicated game server location being used for the match.

– Sometimes the game was crashing at the start of a match in FUT Online Draft. (PC Only)

– The change to your Skill Rating was not being visually depicted as part of the end of the match flow in Division Rivals after a loss.

– Sometimes a player’s FUT Coin balance would display as 0 after being outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market.

This was a visual issue only.

– Stability issue when rapidly pressing buttons on multiple controllers while on the Apply Consumable screen.

– Rarely, when viewing a Champions Channel replay, you would receive an error.

Addressed the following issues:

– Resolved some issues where the Pause Menu would not close, and would remain on the screen, after the countdown timer had reached 0.

– Sometimes, in Pro Clubs, your Virtual Pro would be playing the wrong position in a match.

This issue was only impacting certain positions when playing in certain formations.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes the game would hang after checking the Mail Inbox immediately after the transfer window deadline day ended.

– Some Traits had a blank icon on the Attributes panel of the Squad HUB.

The Traits impacted by this were the Traits that were added to the Front End in the previous title update.

This issue was visual only.

– The Playmaker GTN Scouting Instruction no longer has the (CPU AI Only) tag on it.

This was a visual only issue caused by a Traits change in a previous title update.

Addressed the following issues:

– The EFL Championship trophy is now being presented in the final match of the EFL Championship Cup.

Addressed the following issues:

– Having more than 89 unlinked Kick Off Names was causing an error to appear when proceeding to the match selection screen.

– The wrong Favorite Team crest and name combination would be showing on the Kick Off tile if the active account was switched.

– If one player set themselves to ‘Ready’ on the Kit Selection Screen, while the other player backed out of the screen at the same time, the player who has set themselves to ‘Ready’ would no longer have any functionality on the Team Select screen.

– Rarely, Kick Off names that were not created by the player would appear in the list of available Kick Off names to select.

Addressed the following issues:

– The Chipped Penalty Trait no longer had any functionality in gameplay and will no longer display in the Front End.

This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

– The Speed Dribbler Trait now correctly has the (CPU AI Only) tag.

This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

– Some Traits were displaying as debug text for some players.

Addressed the following issues:

– Toggling between the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ settings for some FIFA Trainer options were causing other changes made to FIFA Trainer options to change.

Addressed the following issues:

– Audio corruption could be heard during matches. (PC Only)

– Updated the intro audio for DFB-Pokal.

– The away team in a UEFA Champions League group stage match was getting audio saying that they won the second match, even if they lost, if they had won the first group stage match.

Made the following changes:

– Your opponent in an Online match will no longer be able to skip your goal replays.

– Updates to a number of team kits.

– Updates to the Nike Black Cat boots.

– Updated the stadium art for the Sydbank Pokalen tournament.

Addressed the following issues:

– Rarely, keepers, after making a save, would warp into the net.

– Rarely, when the keeper was making a save close to the 18-yard line or the byline, they would perform a slow animation while getting up when it was not appropriate.

– Rarely, the keeper would start to dive in one direction to make a save, and would instead animate as diving in the other direction.

– Sometimes a player would remain suspended in the air for a prolonged period of time following a mid-air collision.

– The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected.

– The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected.

– The scoreboard in Olympiastadion had the crests assigned to the wrong scores.

– Collision issue with the team seating area in Otkritie Arena.

– Corrected an issue with the stadium art in Signal Iduna Park.

– Sometimes the crowd would be missing assets like flags or cell phones during crowd shots.

– Fixed issues with a number of team kits.

– Corrected the trophy displaying in the 3.Liga playoffs.

– Sometimes a trophy’s reflection was showing images of skill game assets.

– Sometimes the post-goal wipes in FIFA Ultimate Team would be an incorrect version.

– Some boots were clipping into the player’s socks and into the grass.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )10/10/2018 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )10/10/2018 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )03/10/2018 (Wednesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The power bar for Set Piece Kicks in an Online Match was sometimes incorrectly going to 100% when the player had requested less power.

– Sometimes, when the player requests a regular (laces) shot, they will get an inside of the foot shot animation instead. This inside of the foot shot animation would usually result in the shot having less power.

Addressed the following issues:

– Some Traits that no longer had any functionality in gameplay were still displaying in the Front End.

– Some Traits that did have functionality in gameplay were not displaying in the Front End.

– Added (CPU AI Only) to the names of Traits that only have an effect on players when they are controlled by the CPU AI. A refresher on what we mean by “CPU AI”.

The CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player has. This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which we call the CPU AI-controlled player.

A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players. For example, the CPU-controlled team in Squad Battles.

On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates. For example, a Pro Clubs team, with less than 11 human players, with no “ANY” player.

A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances: On a team with human players who are not locked to specific players. For example, a team in FUT Champions.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Rivals, some reward options contain four rewards but only three were displaying in the front end. This was a visual issue only, players selecting these rewards received all of the appropriate rewards.

– Trying to swap duplicate items from the New Items screen would sometimes cause an error message to appear and/or display an undefined Item image.

– FUT Coin balances were sometimes not visually updating properly when a player was outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market. This was a visual issue only and had no impact on a player’s FUT Coin balance.

– Stability issue that would sometimes occur in FUT Single Player Seasons if the player had forfeited the previous match.

– Squad Building Challenge rewards that provided a FUT Item required logging in and out of FUT before you could claim them.

– Visual issue where a player would sometimes disappear during a pack opening walkout animation.

– Some walkout animations were causing the player to warp into place.

– The country graphic displayed in Squad Battles for a Squad from India were incorrect.

– The Rivals post-match Weekly Score summary was displaying oddly if the player’s Rank had changed while they were playing the previous match.

Addressed the following issues:

– Customization of Alex Hunter, was incorrectly displaying for some users.

– Updated the Mentor Selection screen.

– The Mentor Rating was not present in the training flow.

– ‘Play The Game’ was incorrectly triggered during the opening of The Journey.

– The ball went missing from Jim Hunter’s hands if he scored a hattrick during the opening of The Journey.

– Stability issue during the post-match highlights following a match with Kim Hunter in Chapter 2.

– Stability issue when switching to Kim Hunter at the start of Chapter 4.

– Stability issue after completing a training drill with Kim Hunter.

– Purchasing the Weak Foot Trait for Kim Hunter was defaulting her Weak Foot rating to three stars.

– Getting a red card in Danny Williams’ first match was still allowing him to be a sub in the second.

– If Danny Williams got two yellow cards in his first match he was banned for more than 1 game.

– One of Danny Williams’ teammates was missing his body during cutscene.

– The Matches Played stat for Alex Hunter and Danny Williams was sometimes inaccurate.

– Sometimes Danny would be put into the starting lineup even when he had a Late Sub rating.

– The rival icon is missing in a match where Alex Hunter is playing Danny Williams.

Addressed the following issues:

– Attempting to play a Pro Clubs Friendly match after playing a Co-Op Seasons match would result in one player from your team being unable to proceed into the Pro Clubs match.

– Attempting to play an Online Seasons or Online Friendlies match, after playing a Pro Clubs Friendly match, would result in a Squad Mismatch error.

– Pro Clubs Friendly matches were showing the end of match flow screens from a Pro Club League match. This was a purely visual issue.

– Incorrect player model displays briefly in the Practice Arena before a Pro Clubs match.

– Brief image of a stadium was displaying when exiting a Pro Clubs Drop In match.

– Stability issue in Pro Clubs after swapping controllers multiple times.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing as a team that qualifies for either UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League through the playoffs, the championship match was scheduled on the same day as the final league match. This fix will not affect existing save files.

– Removed the following traits from the list of Player Career traits as they no longer had an in-game function:

Driven Pass

Acrobatic Clearance

Diving Header

Fancy Flicks

GK Up For Corners

– In Player Career, some incorrect Accomplishments were displaying after playing the first match of your career.

– Certain player swap transfers were being rejected due to incorrect budget calculations.

– The Block Offers option was not appearing in some situations.

– News was not properly displaying when a player is acquired in a transfer that included a player swap.

– News articles for Player Of The Month Awards were displaying the incorrect month.

– Visual customizations to Alex Hunter and Danny Williams were not being properly displayed during negotiation scenes in Career Mode.

– Petr Cech was wearing his helmet during negotiation scenes. He now wears a tie.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in the Team Management screens when playing in Arabic.

– Sometimes, when making a complicated series of squad changes in the Team Management screens, the wrong players were get substituted off.

– Sometimes, when making a complicated series of squad changes in the Team Management screens, you are unable to back out of the screens.

– Reduced the number of tutorial screens present in the Kick Off tutorial.

Addressed the following issues:

– A player’s individual Attributes were not properly loading into the first attempt at a Skill Game. This only impacted Skill Games, and could be resolved by restarting or retrying the Skill Game.

Addressed the following issues:

– The wrong portion of the UEFA Champions League anthem was playing during player lineups at the start of a UEFA Champions League match.

– Missing audio for UEFA Champions League matches in some stadiums.

– Wrong audio playing during the warm up scenes of a UEFA Champions League match.

– Incorrect audio playing at the end of a UEFA Champions League Group Stage match if you win the second match after losing the first.

– Wrong audio sometimes playing when scoring a volley goal off of a cross.

– Audio saying that a shot was well off target when it didn’t miss by much.

– An issue with the audio that played before a Manchester Derby match.

– Chinese Super League team names were not being mentioned in intro audio.

– Missing audio in The Journey for Kim Hunter.

– Missing audio in The Journey for Alex Hunter.

– Wrong audio in The Journey for Danny Williams during the pre-season tournament.

– Player To Watch audio sometimes not playing despite the overlay showing.

– Audio incorrectly playing in an 11 v 11 training match and a penalty is given.

Made the following changes:

– Added audio banter regarding the previous FIFA World Cup.

– Added audio banter for a number of teams.

– Added audio banter for a number of stadiums.

– Added audio banter for a number of team matchups.

– Adjusted the sound effects that play during negotiation scenes in Career Mode.

– Tuned the audio that plays after a goal to provide more unique audio.

– Tuned the audio that plays during FUT Pack opening animations.

Addressed the following issues:

– Neymar’s name was incorrectly displaying as “Jr” on some screens.

– Corrected some instances of kit clashing involving the referee.

– Post goal replays were not showing the full scoring sequence.

– An issue where the ball was rarely warping around the pitch after kickoff.

– Free agents were not wearing the proper Free Agent kit when viewed in Edit Teams.

– Incorrect team crests were displaying on the player benches in RCDE Stadium.

– Updates to the kits worn by players in some of the TIFO displays in stadium.

– Graphical corruption of the English Football League Championship badge when displayed on a kit in game.

– Graphical corruption of the English Football League Championship trophy when displayed in game.

– TIFOs were appearing on the wrong side of the stadium for some teams.

– Liga NOS team Os Belenenses was being displayed as just Belenenses. Updates were also made to the team crest and to the banners and flags that display in stadium.

– Buenos Aires was defaulting to the incorrect stadium.

– Sometimes the card or injury drop down notifications were not triggering following a card or injury.

– Long player names were missing or cutoff in the match details overlay of an FA Cup match.

– The penalties scoreboard didn’t show the team’s kit colors when playing an English Premier League match.

– Sometimes the match details overlay was displaying too briefly at half-time and at the end of the match.

– Aggregate score was missing from the score clocks for the LaLiga, English Premier League and Bundesliga overlay packages.

– The penalties results were missing from the match details overlay when playing a match in MLS.

– The league table dropdown was only showing the top team’s point totals in a LaLiga match.

– The default Skill Games camera was sometimes clipping through the fence.

– The camera angles used for a woman’s match were incorrect during the player line up shots.

– The camera was sometimes being obstructed in a number of stadiums.

– Resolved clipping issues in a number of stadiums.

– Placeholder text was present on some ad boards.

– The Bundesliga 2 logo was appearing during a substitution in a Bundesliga match.

Made the following changes:

– Added UEFA Super Cup overlay package to the game.

– Added a new goal celebration for Jesse Lingard. To do the celebration, play as Jesse Lingard, and after scoring a goal, run to the cameras.

– Updates to some of the ad boards displayed in stadium.


27/09/2018 (Wednesday)


Made the following changes:

– You will now see which of the Players you already have in your FUT Club when you are selecting your Player Items in a Player Picks.

Addressed the following issues:

– Unable to scroll through all the Player Items available for selection in a Player Picks when using iPhone 6.

– When claiming FUT Division Rivals rewards, if you were receiving more than 2 rewards, you would be unable to scroll down through the list.

– Sometimes being unable to continue to page through your Player Items in My Club.

– Sometimes the main panel was compressed to the left of the screen when performing some actions.

– Tilting a mobile device was not appropriately adjusting the view when viewing the Web App.

– Dynamic Messages were not properly filling their space.

– An error message was appearing if you tried to send a Player Item to your Active Squad after completing a Squad Building Challenge using a player from your Active Squad.

– The GK Basic Chemistry Style was mislabeled as Basic.

– Graphical overlap of the Requirements text on the Squad Building Challenge screen.

– Graphical corruption of the borders of certain buttons when you pressed them.

– Chemistry Style arrows not displaying as Green when using the apps in Arabic.

– Being able to scroll up and down on the Chemistry Style stats when playing in Arabic.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes receiving an error message about online stats reporting failing after completion of a Pro Clubs League or Drop-In Match. FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) 📅 RELEASE DATE

19/12/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

Made the following changes:

    You can now make changes to your Game Plans in the Pause Menu during a match.
      Changes made to your Game Plans during a match will not be saved after completion of that match.

    Swapping players in the Pause Menu during a match, while on the Balanced Game Plan, will now apply those changes to the other Game Plans.
      This only applies if you make the changes to the Balanced Game Plan, changes made in the Pause Menu during a match to the other Game Plans will be localized to only those Game Plans and would need to be made manually in the others.
        Given the above, if making a change to your team due to a red card, for example, make sure that the change is being made to the Balanced Game Plan.

      In situations where the formations being used in your non-Balanced Game Plans are significantly different than those in your Balanced Game Plans, the swaps may not happen automatically.
        For example, if you are playing with a formation, on your Balanced Game Plan, that has a Left Back, and swap a Striker into the Left Back spot, and then change to a Game Plan where there is no Left Back, such as a three at the back formation, the swap may not be made automatically.

Addressed the following issues:

    The following issues were addressed for volleys where the player fully leaves the ground during the kick, such as a bicycle kick.
      Some players were incorrectly taking these kicks without meeting the Agility attribute requirements to do these kicks contextually.
        To further explain the above, these types of kicks can happen, in appropriate situations, for players who have an Agility attribute of 80 or higher, or who have the Flair Trait, without the player having to hold down the ‘Flair Shot’ button.

      These kicks were happening in unrealistic situations, such as when the kicking player was bunched up with other players. Sometimes the animations for these kicks were happening too fast for some players with higher Agility attributes. These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, speed and spin.
        The above effect will be more noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be very hard, and less noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be easier.

    Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball when it was close to them. Rarely, keepers were trapping the ball outside of the box, despite an attacking player being near them, instead of clearing the ball. Rarely, when the keeper was rushing out of the net, you were unable to take control of him using the ‘Move Keeper’ controls. Rarely, after positioning your keeper with ‘Move Keeper’ controls, the keeper would dive out of the way of the incoming shot. Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball after knocking it down with a tip down save. When playing in a mode with two human controlled players on a team, such as in Pro Clubs or Co-op Seasons, the opponent’s defenders were not responding to an attacker running behind the defensive line during a goal kick. When taking a goal kick, where the target for the kick is very far down the field, the ball was travelling too fast. Players will no longer wait to take a throw in due to a keeper being out of position.

Made the following changes:

    We have made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.
      Your opponent’s FUT Club Established Date will no longer be displayed. Your opponent’s FUT Club name and Squad Name will no longer be displayed. Your opponent’s online ID will no longer be displayed on the screen with one exception.
        You will still be able to see your opponent’s online ID if you use the ‘List Members’ button, which we are working to remove in a future title update when available.

      We are looking to continue to make changes in this area in future title updates when and if available.

Addressed the following issues:

    The impact to a player’s attributes from Chemistry were not properly displaying in the Pause Menu of a FUT Online Match.
      This was a purely visual issue with no impact to gameplay.

    The Squad Battles refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players. The Daily Objectives refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players. The latency bars in Division Rivals were not properly updating based on the latency to the dedicated game server location being used for the match. Sometimes the game was crashing at the start of a match in FUT Online Draft. (PC Only) The change to your Skill Rating was not being visually depicted as part of the end of the match flow in Division Rivals after a loss. Sometimes a player’s FUT Coin balance would display as 0 after being outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market.
      This was a visual issue only.

    Stability issue when rapidly pressing buttons on multiple controllers while on the Apply Consumable screen. Rarely, when viewing a Champions Channel replay, you would receive an error.

Addressed the following issues:

    Resolved some issues where the Pause Menu would not close, and would remain on the screen, after the countdown timer had reached 0. Sometimes, in Pro Clubs, your Virtual Pro would be playing the wrong position in a match.
      This issue was only impacting certain positions when playing in certain formations.

Addressed the following issues:

    Sometimes the game would hang after checking the Mail Inbox immediately after the transfer window deadline day ended. Some Traits had a blank icon on the Attributes panel of the Squad HUB.
      The Traits impacted by this were the Traits that were added to the Front End in the previous title update. This issue was visual only.

    The Playmaker GTN Scouting Instruction no longer has the (CPU AI Only) tag on it.
      This was a visual only issue caused by a Traits change in a previous title update.

Addressed the following issues:

    The EFL Championship trophy is now being presented in the final match of the EFL Championship.

Addressed the following issues:

    Having more than 89 unlinked Kick Off Names was causing an error to appear when proceeding to the match selection screen. The wrong Favorite Team crest and name combination would be showing on the Kick Off tile if the active account was switched. If one player set themselves to ‘Ready’ on the Kit Selection Screen, while the other player backed out of the screen at the same time, the player who has set themselves to ‘Ready’ would no longer have any functionality on the Team Select screen. Rarely, Kick Off names that were not created by the player would appear in the list of available Kick Off names to select.

Addressed the following issues:

    The Chipped Penalty Trait no longer had any functionality in gameplay and will no longer display in the Front End.
      This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

    The Speed Dribbler Trait now correctly has the (CPU AI Only) tag.
      This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

    Some Traits were displaying as debug text for some players.

Addressed the following issues:

    Toggling between the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ settings for some FIFA Trainer options were causing other changes made to FIFA Trainer options to change.

Addressed the following issues:

    Audio corruption could be heard during matches. (PC Only) Updated the intro audio for DFB-Pokal. The away team in a UEFA Champions League group stage match was getting audio saying that they won the second match, even if they lost, if they had won the first group stage match.

Made the following changes:

    Your opponent in an Online match will no longer be able to skip your goal replays. Updates to a number of team kits. Updates to the Nike Black Cat boots. Updated the stadium art for the Sydbank Pokalen tournament.

Addressed the following issues:

    Rarely, keepers, after making a save, would warp into the net. Rarely, when the keeper was making a save close to the 18 yard line or the byline, they would perform a slow animation while getting up when it was not appropriate. Rarely, the keeper would start to dive in one direction to make a save, and would instead animate as diving in the other direction. Sometimes a player would remain suspended in the air for a prolonged period of time following a mid-air collision. The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected. The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected. The scoreboard in Olympiastadion had the crests assigned to the wrong scores. Collision issue with the team seating area in Otkritie Arena. Corrected an issue with the stadium art in Signal Iduna Park. Sometimes the crowd would be missing assets like flags or cell phones during crowd shots. Fixed issues with a number of team kits. Corrected the trophy displaying in the 3.Liga playoffs. Sometimes a trophy’s reflection was showing images of skill game assets. Sometimes the post-goal wipes in FIFA Ultimate Team would be an incorrect version. Some boots were clipping into the player’s socks and into the grass.

    Toggling between the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ settings for some FIFA Trainer options were causing other changes made to FIFA Trainer options to change.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )
    Resolved some issues where the Pause Menu would not close, and would remain on the screen, after the countdown timer had reached 0. Sometimes, in Pro Clubs, your Virtual Pro would be playing the wrong position in a match.
      This issue was only impacting certain positions when playing in certain formations.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

Well, that was quick. Not even a week after the last New FIFA 19 update has the FIFA 19 1.10 update decided to grace us with its presence. FIFA 19 Title Update 9, to give it is PC moniker, is potentially fixing one of the worst bugs in the game, as well as providing us with a couple of other changes. It’s all here down below in the FIFA 19 1.10 update patch notes.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

Man. I hate this bug. Worst of all, it’s probably happened to you and you haven’t even noticed it. Essentially, players decide to switch positions en masse in Ultimate Team this year, with wingers playing defensive midfield, attacking midfielders playing wide, and so on. It really doesn’t let you play to your strengths, and you have to go out of your way to fix it. That has, according to the patch notes below, now been fixed.

Pro Clubs has also seen a similar bug, wherein your CAM Pro would be judged as a left back in game, meaning he would also be told he was out of position and not performing his correct duties. So, unless you were secretly Roberto Carlos playing in a number 10 role, you’ll feel more at home now.

Not to be confused with Manuel goalkeeper movement (although Almunia also wasn’t great), the ability to move your keeper between the sticks using the stick has been nerfed again, which is following on from a considerably downgrade found in the FIFA 19 1.09 update.

…and that’s pretty much your lot for the FIFA 19 1.10 update. There’s also a minor change involving the post-game performance screen not correctly showing your (or your opponent’s) player overall attributes correctly. That’s all been buffed out now. The fact that this is even mentioned is perhaps a sign of how low-key an update it is, yet the position swap bug being fixed could be fantastic as we reach the latter half of the game’s life-cycle.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

Made the following changes

    Further reduced the speed of the goalkeeper when being controlled by manual movement during open play This change builds further on the change that was made in Title Update 7.

Addressed the following issues:

    Players were sometimes swapping positions on the pitch without any changes being requested by the controlling player.

FIFA Ultimate Team

Addressed the following issues:

    Sometimes, in a FUT Online Match, a player’s overall rating would be displayed in the Player Performance screen incorrectly

Addressed the following issues:

    In Pro Clubs, when playing with your Virtual Pro locked to the CAM position, they would sometimes be treated like a LB in terms of positioning and player rating.

Addressed the following issues: FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) …and that’s pretty much your lot for the FIFA 19 1.10 update. There’s also a minor change involving the post-game performance screen not correctly showing your (or your opponent’s) player overall attributes correctly. That’s all been buffed out now. The fact that this is even mentioned is perhaps a sign of how low-key an update it is, yet the position swap bug being fixed could be fantastic as we reach the latter half of the game’s life-cycle.

You want to know what has changed in the new title update? Find here in a single page the complete FIFA 19 Update history.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/04/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/04/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )16/04/2019 (Wednesday)


Made the following changes:

– Changed the match outcomes of some disconnects in Division Rivals.

Addressed the following issues:

– Being able to add multiple versions of the same Player Item to a Squad Building Challenge Squad through the FUT Transfer Market.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the assets for the following Bayern Munich player starheads: Thiago, Kingsley Coman, Serge Gnabry, Mats Hummels, Joshua Kimmich, Robert Lewandowski, Javi Martinez, Thomas Müller and Manuel Neuer.

– Updates to the Houston Dynamo team kit.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, longer EATV videos were not playing through to completion and were pausing mid-way through or restarting.

– The in-match flags and banners for FC Cincinnati were displaying placeholder art.


25/03/2019 (Monday)


Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The indicator box appeared on the incorrect player item after quickly swapping players in the squad screen.

– Pressing the back button while on the pack odds pop-up was incorrectly causing the application to close instead of taking the player back to the previous screen.

– Player items were not correctly rendering when rapidly scrolling in the My Club Players screen on some older devices.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App:

– Player items were being displayed behind the reserves after swapping them from the reserves to the starting 11 and vice versa on the squad screen.

Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– Clicking on the URL link on the pack odds pop-up will now correctly open the web page.

– Loan version of player items were incorrectly being displayed as active when a non-loan version of the same player item was in the active squad.

– The outline around loan player items was not aligned with the player item background.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/03/2019 (Tuesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The stats displayed on an item would show a number over 99 after scoring a goal in situations where a Training Item had been applied before the match that pushed a stat over 99. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes there would be an error indicating saying ‘Kick-Off data is not available’ after changing the difficulty of the match.


Made the following changes:

– Clubs will no longer send a transfer offer or loan offer for a player that has no chance of accepting a move to that club. This change has been made to prevent situations where a player was transfer listed or loan listed and the club would constantly receive a stream of offers from teams that the player is not going to accept a move to.

– Updates to the transfer/loan system to account for more player and club nationalities as part of the decision making process a player goes through when deciding if they want to accept an offer.

– Updates to the transfer/loan system to account for a player’s role at their current club in comparison to the role the player would have at their new club.

Addressed the following issues:

– Players that were Loan Listed were not considering the fact that they were listed for loan as part of the decision making process for whether or not to accept a loan offer to join another club. In comparison, players that were Transfer Listed were taking this into account as part of the decision making process for whether or not to accept a transfer to another club.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the 2D portrait for Alphonso Davies, Samir Nasri and John Obi Mikel.

Addressed the following issues:

– In the Edit Teams screen, some leagues in the Club Transfers Detailed Search League filter were displaying debug text.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/03/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/03/2019 (Wednesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The stats displayed on an item would show a number over 99 after scoring a goal in situations where a Training Item had been applied before the match that pushed a stat over 99. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Made the following changes:

– Updated the 2D portrait for Alphonso Davies, Samir Nasri and John Obi Mikel.

Addressed the following issues:

– In the Edit Teams screen, some leagues in the Club Transfers Detailed Search League filter were displaying debug text.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/02/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )20/02/2019 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )26/02/2019 (Tuesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, in a FUT Online Match, a players OVR rating would be displayed in the Player Performance screen incorrectly. This had no impact on gameplay and was a visual issue only.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Pro Clubs, when playing with your Virtual Pro locked to the CAM position, they would sometimes be treated like a LB in terms of positioning and player rating.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )14/02/2019 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )14/02/2019 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )12/02/2019 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Added 2D portraits to over 200 players that previously did not have a portrait.

– Updated 2D portraits on over 700 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– The crests of some teams were not displaying correctly in the La Liga broadcast package.

Made the following changes:

– The Accessibility settings can now be accessed from the FIFA Main Menu by selecting the new Accessibility icon in the bottom left of the screen.

– Added a new Colour Blindness setting.

There are three options that will make changes to all screens in the game.

Protanopia (Red Weak)

Deuteranopia (Green Weak)

Tritanopia (Blue Weak)

If the setting is set to Default, it will have no impact on the game.

Added a new Player Indicator Size setting.

Enabling this setting will cause the player’s overhead indicator, to show which player they are controlling in gameplay, to be larger.

In an Online Match, only the indicator for your controlled player will be larger.


19/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Active Squad icon incorrectly appeared in all versions of the same Player Item. This was purely a visual issue.

– Some Rare Silver Items were not showing in Pack opening animations after opening a pack.

– The Player details screen was displaying the incorrect Weak Foot stats.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )29/01/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )29/01/2019 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )22/01/2019 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Reduced the maximum size of the Timed Finishing window for a green timed shot.

The impact of this change will scale with a higher impact on shots where the time between the initial button press to take the shot and the button press to perform Timed Finishing is longer.

For example, a first time finesse shot where the ball is coming from a long distance away, or when queuing up a shot after a long knock on during a dribble.

– Reduced the effectiveness of yellow timed shots.

These shots are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

– Reduced the effectiveness of higher powered finesse shots, both timed and non-timed shots.

These shots are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

– Further reduced the likelihood that a shot which was correctly aimed into the net, and that was targeting a location near to the post, would miss the net in a shooting situation where the attacking player is under no defensive pressure and is not off balance.

This change builds further on the change that was made in Title Update 3.

– Reduced the speed of the goalkeeper when being controlled by manual movement.

The impact of this change will be higher when using manual movement during open play and lower when using manual movement during corner kicks and indirect free kicks.

– Goalkeepers will now maintain a ready posture when being controlled by manual movement.

Addressed the following issues:

– An issue where a timed finesse shot would always have less error than a non-timed finesse shot, even in situations where the timed finesse shot was red or yellow.

The level of error reduction for a timed finesse shot is now in line with the level of error reduction for other timed shots.

– The ball speed of a yellow or red timed finesse shot was found to be too high and has been reduced.

– Rarely the goalkeeper was unable to move using manual movement during a corner kick.

– Rarely, in a situation where the goalkeeper thinks that the ball is going to go out of play but didn’t, such as due to a deflection or an opposing player taking control of the ball, the goalkeeper was not reacting properly.

– If an AI Teammate runs into or jumps into the opposing goalkeeper it was possible for it to result in a goal and no called foul.

This should now properly result in a foul being called and the goal not being allowed.

An AI Teammate is any player on the pitch that is not being controlled by a human, or is not the CPU AI Controlled Player.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes the ‘Take Me There’ link for a Squad Building Challenge (SBC) would not take the player to the SBC screen. If this issue occurred, attempting to change tabs in the FUT hub would also not work correctly.

– When completing an SBC with rewards that contained multiple packs of the same type, the SBC Completion Screen was only displaying the name under one of the packs.

– Attempting to list a player on the Transfer Market from the SBC Squad Screen, who had just been purchased off the Transfer Market, would sometimes result in an error.


Addressed the following issues:

– In Player Career, finishing in first place in your league at the end of the season was not properly awarding the Win The League accomplishment.

– In Manager and Player Career, players being unable to grow their overall rating and instead showing as -1 overall in multiple screens.

– The Emirates FA Cup Final match being scheduled the day before the final match of the Premier League season.

This fix will not impact existing Career Mode save files, only new Career Mode save files.

Made the following changes:

– The fatigue reduction that is applied to a Pro Clubs player when it was being controlled by someone locked to a position has now also been applied to the players when they are being controlled by someone playing on ‘Any’.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Pro Clubs, the Club Squad screen was not displaying the stats for each member of the club on the panel on the left side of the screen.

– Sometimes a Pro Clubs Virtual Pro’s overall rating was incorrect when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub screens.

The overall rating that was being shown in a match, including the end of match flow, was correct.

The overall rating that was being used during gameplay was also correct, so this was a visual issue only.

For players that were impacted by this issue, you could see the overall rating of your Virtual Pro, when displayed in the Pro Clubs hub, be lower than it was prior to the title update.

The overall rating used in gameplay and shown during a match should remain the same.

Made the following changes:

– Updates to the stadium banners and flags for Fulham.

Addressed the following issues:

– Corrected the ad boards that display in an Online Friendlies match when the home team is from Bundesliga 1 or Bundesliga 2.


19/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Active Squad icon incorrectly appeared in all versions of the same Player Item. This was purely a visual issue.

– Some Rare Silver Items were not showing in Pack opening animations after opening a pack.

– The Player details screen was displaying the incorrect Weak Foot stats.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/12/2018 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )19/12/2018 (Thursday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )17/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Some improvements to the responsiveness of gameplay in situations where your opponent’s network connection may have been experiencing packet loss or high latency.

This change applies to the following game modes:

FUT Champions

FUT Division Rivals

FUT Online Draft

FIFA Pro Clubs

FIFA Co-Op Seasons


11/12/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes in FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App on iOS and Android:

– The FUT Champions Weekend League tile will now display a timer indicating the time until the next event begins. It will not be displayed if you don’t have any FUT Champions Points or if you already qualified for the upcoming event.

– Added an icon to Player Items that are in your Active Squad when viewing Player Items in your Club.

– Improved the screen flow for Squad Building Challenges. After using the Squad Builder feature in Squad Building Challenges, it will now automatically bring you back to the Active Squad view. The category will now be remembered when entering and exiting a Squad Building Challenge.

Addressed and following issues for FUT Web App and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– A stability issue when applying Consumables from your Club when you have Player Items in the Unassigned List.

– Concept Player Items were not being properly sorted by the Overall rating.

– Updated the flag art for the Arabic language in the Language Select screen.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )11/12/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )11/12/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/12/2018 (Thursday)


Made the following changes:

– Adjustments to the effectiveness of first time finesse shots where the lateral ball velocity is very high. These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin. The impact of a player’s Finishing Attribute on lowering the chance for error for these kicks has also been reduced. Lateral Ball velocity, in this context, is the difference in degrees of the incoming angle of the ball to a player compared to it’s angle of exit from a player’s foot on a shot. The angle of exit is not the target of the shot, but the angle by which the ball exits a player’s foot. This change has the highest impact when the difference between the incoming angle and outgoing angle of the ball is 90 or 270 degrees, where 0 degrees is the angle of the ball leaving the player’s foot from a shot. The impact of this change scales from lowest to highest along these angles, where 0 degrees is the angle of the ball leaving the player’s foot from a shot:

0 degrees (lowest) to 90 degrees (highest).

180 degrees (lowest) to 90 degrees (highest).

180 degrees (lowest) to 270 degrees (highest).

0 degrees (lowest) to 270 degrees (highest).

– Reduced the likelihood that a goal kick that is being aimed near a receiving player will go into open space.

– In a goal kick situation, defending center backs will now be positioned closer together.

– In a goal kick situation, where the ball will be contested by both an attacking and defending player, the defending player will be more likely to move towards the landing location of the ball.

– The ball will now stay closer to the dribbling player when executing the Elastico skill move.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing a match while locked to a player, during a corner kick situation, it was possible to knock the ball off of the corner kick spot by running towards the corner and pressing the D-Pad to execute a user controlled reaction.

– A situation where an attacking player was able to crash into the opponent’s keeper, while they are holding the ball, and knock them into the net resulting in an own goal. This situation would now result in a foul and the goal being disallowed.

Addressed the following issues:

– Viewing the Roles tab, in the Team Management screen, via the Pause Menu in a FUT Offline Mode, such as Squad Battles, will now show the impact of Chemistry on a player’s attributes.

– Viewing the Roles tab, in the Team Management screen, during the pre-match flow in all FUT modes, will now properly display player attributes.

– Sometimes players were able to add both a normal Player Item and a Concept Player Item for the same player to a Squad Building Challenge Squad, which would lead to an error message.

Addressed the following issues:

– The post-match progression meter in Pro Clubs was not always displaying a players Overall Rating or progression accurately. This was a visual issue only as the proper Overall Rating was being used in gameplay and was displayed correctly in the Pro Clubs HUB.

Made the following changes:

– Added 5 new boots to the list of available boots when customizing a player, such as in Pro Clubs or Player Career.

– Updated the 2D portraits for 26 players.

– Removed the 2D portraits from 25 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match.

– Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

– The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected.

– The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected.

– Removed the hyphen from Zulte Waregem’s team name.


10/11/2018 (Saturday)


Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– UEFA Champions League Items were not being counted as Gold Items in Squad Building Challenges.

– The FUT Champions Weekend League redemption tile will no longer display if the player has already redeemed their FUT Champions Points for the upcoming competition in FIFA 19.

– There was visual corruption present on the FUT Store screen.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )27/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )27/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )20/11/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– EA have made some changes to reduce the effectiveness of defending by AI Teammates.

In order to make the shot blocking of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, EA have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch to block a shot.

In order to make the tackling of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, EA have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch when making a tackle.

An AI Teammate is any player on the pitch that is not being controlled by a human, or is not the CPU AI Controlled Player. AI Teammates exist in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players; on a team with a human controlled player(s) that are not locked to specific players; on a team with a human player(s) that are locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.

AI Teammates do not exist in the following circumstances:

On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players.

– Increased the impact to fatigue of playing with defensive pressure.

This change will have the biggest impact to fatigue when playing with Constant Pressure enabled in your active Game Plan or when playing with Team Press active.

This change will have a reduced impact to fatigue when playing with Pressure On Heavy Touch or Pressure After Possession Loss enabled in your active Game Plan.

– To make a well-timed tackle more effective, EA have increased the tendency of the ball to travel further from the dribbler after the tackle, increasing the likelihood that the dribbler will lose possession of the ball.

– Reduced the number of first time passes that CPU AI Controlled players will make out of their defensive third of the pitch when playing on Legendary or Ultimate difficulty.

A refresher on what we mean by “CPU AI Controlled players”: the CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player is. This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which EA call the CPU AI-controlled player. A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players; on a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.

A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances: on a team with human players who are not locked to specific players.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes when an attacking player is trying to move towards a loose ball close to the goal, they would slow down and be unable to get to the ball effectively.

– If the keeper knocked the ball out of play during a penalty shootout, sometimes it would result in a throw-in being taken.

Made the following changes:

– EA have continued to make changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match. The ‘List Members’ button is no longer shown during the pre-match flow.

– Voice chat has been disabled in Division Rivals.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in FUT Champions Channel after watching a replay. As a result of this fix, the following issues that were resolved in a previous title update may occur again, and EA are working to resolve them in a future title update when available.

Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match. Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

– Entering and leaving FUT Champions Channel multiple times would result in no replays being available for viewing.

– The FUT Champions Points redemption window was incorrectly defaulting to ‘Redeem Entry Now’ and is now defaulting to ‘Later’.

– Items on your Transfer Target list were displaying the Bought For price from the previous Item’s owner.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes receiving an error message about online stats reporting failing after completion of a Pro Clubs League or Drop-In Match.

Addressed the following issues:

– Player’s sometimes getting an ‘Unable To Retrieve Your Kick Off Name’s Data’ error message when trying to play a Kick Off match.

Made the following changes:

– Added the assets for 18 new player starheads. Enabled legacy assets for 24 player starheads.

– Updated the 2D portraits for 2440 players.

– Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.

Addressed the following issues:

– The UEFA Champions League Honor Badge was showing after winning the tournament 4 times instead of 5.

– Corrected the home and away kit assignments for Wolfsberger AC.

– Sometimes the crowd would be seen waving a large linesman’s flag instead of a team flag.


10/11/2018 (Saturday)


Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– UEFA Champions League Items were not being counted as Gold Items in Squad Building Challenges.

– The FUT Champions Weekend League redemption tile will no longer display if the player has already redeemed their FUT Champions Points for the upcoming competition in FIFA 19.

– There was visual corruption present on the FUT Store screen.


09/11/2018 (Friday)


Made the following changes:

– You will now be able to redeem your FUT Champions Points for access to the FUT Champions Weekend League from FUT Web and the FIFA 19 Companion App.

– A FUT Champions Weekend League title, which displays your current FUT Champions Point totals, can be found on the bottom of the home page.

– When you have enough FUT Champions Points to redeem for entry into the FUT Champions Weekend League, the option to redeem them will be available.

– You must redeem your FUT Champions Points before the start of the FUT Champions Weekend League in order to get access, same as redeeming it in game.

– The Search filter on the Transfer Market Search filters screen has been modified to display filters in 2 columns of 3 instead of a single column.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App: and FIFA 19 Companion App:

– The Fitness and Healing item stats were overlapped when comparing prices.

– The Upgrade SBC title was not correctly displaying the timer.

– When using Compare Price on a Player Item on the Squad screen, if you select the last player on the list, and then press the right arrow, your Player item would be displayed.

– The Chemistry Style icon was off center when viewing a Player Item in the Club or Squad screen while in Item view 4.

– Removed a stripe that was being displayed on certain Tem of the Week (TOTW) Concept Items.

– When replacing a Player Item with a Concept Item of a different version of the same player that you own, it was replacing the Concept Item with the original Player Item, not the Player Item that matched the Concept Item.

– The Buy Now and Bid options became unavailable after dismissing the ‘Items in Unassigned’ pop-up warning.

– Concept Players did not have the ‘Search on the Transfer Market’ option.

– Sometimes sending an Unassigned Items to your Club, Transfer List or Active squad was not actually moving the item.

Addressed the following issues for FUT Web App:

– Expired Items were still sometimes being marked as Active on the Transfer Targets screen.

– The UI was forcing the users to scroll too much in Search Results screen.

– An incorrect error message was showing up when resizing the browser window.

Addressed the following issues for FIFA 19 Companion App – iOS:

– Sold Items were not being removed from the FUT Transfer Market Transfer List when removing them individually.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )13/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )13/11/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )06/11/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– Adjustments to the effectiveness of first time finesse shots where the incoming ball is coming from behind the shooting player, between 135 and 225 degrees, where 0 degrees is the direction the player is facing.

These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, ball speed and ball spin.

The most significant impact will be seen when the incoming ball angle is 180 degrees, with scaling reduced impact being seen up to an incoming ball angle of 135 degrees and 225 degrees on either side of the player.

– Adjustments to the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player:

Increased the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player when it is coming from in front of the shooting player.

Reduced the impact of defensive pressure on a shooting player when it is coming from behind the shooting player.

– Reduced the likelihood that a shot which was correctly aimed into the net, and that was targeting a location near to the post, would miss the net in a shooting situation where the attacking player is under no defensive pressure and is not off balance.

– When dribbling, players were getting pushed off the ball too easily in situations where the defending player was approaching the attacking player from the side. The attacking player will now be slightly more effective at holding the defending player off.

The effect of this change will scale based on the strength of the attacking player, with stronger players seeing the greatest effect from this change.

– Some adjustments to the speed by which an attacking player, who has just lost the ball to a successful tackle, is able to recover the ball.

– A minor reduction to the acceleration of a player that has executed the Open Up Fake Shot skill move.

– When playing in an Online match, you will now be able to see the Timed Finishing indicators for your opponent.

This only applies to a shot that would generate a Very Early (red), Early (yellow) or Great (green) shot, it will not apply for Late (gray) shots, or any shot where the player didn’t attempt to use Timed Finishing.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes, when trying to execute a low driven shot, the player was executing a chip shot instead.

– Improvements in situations where a player that was in a better position to win a header was losing it due to the other player warping in front of them.

– Addressed some issues where player switching was late, or was not happening, when defending against an aerial ball.

– When performing a first time thigh trap, the player receiving the ball was slowing down too much after making the trap.

– Keepers were sometimes kicking the ball forward when moving towards it instead of picking it up.

– Keepers were rarely not diving to intercept the ball after a cross was made into the box and the ball was close to the keeper.

– Keepers were sometimes not reacting to a penalty kick that was shot directly at them or very near them.

– Keepers were sometimes hitting a powered up first time lob pass too soft and low, potentially resulting in the opposing team getting the ball.

– In a penalty kick situation during a match, if the player taking the penalty kick hit the post directly, without the keeper touching it, they were able to play the ball again before another player touched it.

User controlled players were able to push the keeper out of the way in a free kick situation.

Keepers are now more difficult to move.

If a keeper is moved, they will now attempt to return to their original position after being moved.

An offside will be called if an attacking player is interfering with the keeper during a free kick while in an offside position.

Defenders will no longer follow their mark into the goal and potentially cause interference with their keeper.

– In the rare instance where the ball was heading towards an open net, and the attacking user was pressing the Cancel controls, an offside attacking player would still try to attack the ball, causing an offside call and the goal being called back.

– Paul Pogba was performing the incorrect run up animation when taking a long free kick.

Made the following changes:

– EA have made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.

Your team will now always be displayed on the left side, and your opponent will always be displayed on the right side, regardless of which team is Home or Away, on the following screens:

Team Select screen.

Kit Select screen.

Match Preview screen.

On the Kit Select screen, both teams will now default to the kit assigned as their Home Kit.

When on the Team Management screen, your team’s crest will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

– EA have made the following changes to Roles section of Dynamic Tactics within FUT:

When using the Auto-Assign Player Roles button, the impact of chemistry on a player’s attributes will now be taken into consideration when assigning players.

When attributes are being displayed on this screen, the impact of chemistry on those attributes will also be shown when viewing this screen in the FUT Squad screen.

We have hidden the attributes being displayed on this screen when it is accessed during the pre-match flow in all FUT modes due to an issue that we are working to resolve in a future title update when available.

When viewing this screen in the Team Management screen via the Pause Menu in a FUT Offline Mode, such as FUT Squad Battles, the attributes will still be showing their values without the impact of chemistry, something we are working to resolve in a future title update when available.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in FUT Friendly Seasons if your opponent backs out of the pre-match flow while on the Kit Select screen.

– Stability issue after watching a FUT Champions Channel replay.

– When swapping your FUT Squad Manager, the contract percentage bonus provided by the new manager was not applying until the player logged out and logged back into the FUT Servers.

– The Match Earnings leaderboard sometimes was displaying the incorrect value for some players.

– One of the Starter Objectives referenced a feature not present in FIFA 19.

– Stability issue if a player exited and entered the same screen repeatedly.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing as the manager for the Hyundai A-League, you were always being fired after completion of your first match, regardless of the result.

– Selling a player that had been assigned as a Quick Sub was causing the following issues:

When using the associated Team Sheet in a game, players were unable to leave the Team Management screen after entering it through the Pause Menu.

Visual issues on the associated Team Sheet when viewed in the Squad Hub.

Made the following changes:

– Added the assets for 50 new player and manager starheads.

– Server side changes are required before these starheads will be available for use in game, please follow @EASPORTSFIFA on Twitter for updates on when these are available.

– Updates to a number of team kits and crests.

Addressed the following issues:

– The Cockerel displayed in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium is now correctly looking to the east.

– Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match.

– Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


The following changes were made between 27/09/2018 (Thursday) and 22/10/2018 (Monday)


Made the following changes for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC:

Changed the match outcomes of some disconnects in Division Rivals and Online Draft.

Made the following changes in FIFA Ultimate Team on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch:

Updated the reward details description for the League Squad Building Challenges.

Addressed the following issues for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch:

Corrected Lukas Rupp’s player portrait in FUT.

Disabled a tutorial that was causing players to lose button functionality when entering the Squad Building Challenges Hub.

Addressed the following issue in FIFA Ultimate Team on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch:

UEFA Champions League Player Items were not appearing when performing a search using the Special filter on the Transfer Market.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )30/10/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )30/10/2018 (Tuesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )23/10/2018 (Tuesday)


Made the following changes:

– You can now make changes to your Game Plans in the Pause Menu during a match.

Changes made to your Game Plans during a match will not be saved after completion of that match.

– Swapping players in the Pause Menu during a match, while on the Balanced Game Plan, will now apply those changes to the other Game Plans.

This only applies if you make the changes to the Balanced Game Plan, changes made in the Pause Menu during a match to the other Game Plans will be localized to only those Game Plans and would need to be made manually in the others.

Given the above, if making a change to your team due to a red card, for example, make sure that the change is being made to the Balanced Game Plan.

In situations where the formations being used in your non-Balanced Game Plans are significantly different than those in your Balanced Game Plans, the swaps may not happen automatically.

For example, if you are playing with a formation, on your Balanced Game Plan, that has a Left Back, and swap a Striker into the Left Back spot, and then change to a Game Plan where there is no Left Back, such as a three at the back formation, the swap may not be made automatically.

Addressed the following issues:

– The following issues were addressed for volleys where the player fully leaves the ground during the kick, such as a bicycle kick.

Some players were incorrectly taking these kicks without meeting the Agility attribute requirements to do these kicks contextually.

To further explain the above, these types of kicks can happen, in appropriate situations, for players who have an Agility attribute of 80 or higher, or who have the Flair Trait, without the player having to hold down the ‘Flair Shot’ button.

These kicks were happening in unrealistic situations, such as when the kicking player was bunched up with other players.

Sometimes the animations for these kicks were happening too fast for some players with higher Agility attributes.

These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, speed and spin.

The above effect will be more noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be very hard, and less noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be easier.

– Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball when it was close to them.

– Rarely, keepers were trapping the ball outside of the box, despite an attacking player being near them, instead of clearing the ball.

– Rarely, when the keeper was rushing out of the net, you were unable to take control of him using the ‘Move Keeper’ controls.

– Rarely, after positioning your keeper with ‘Move Keeper’ controls, the keeper would dive out of the way of the incoming shot.

– Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball after knocking it down with a tip down save.

– When playing in a mode with two human controlled players on a team, such as in Pro Clubs or Co-op Seasons, the opponent’s defenders were not responding to an attacker running behind the defensive line during a goal kick.

– When taking a goal kick, where the target for the kick is very far down the field, the ball was travelling too fast.

– Players will no longer wait to take a throw in due to a keeper being out of position.

Made the following changes:

– EA has made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.

Your opponent’s FUT Club Established Date will no longer be displayed.

Your opponent’s FUT Club name and Squad Name will no longer be displayed.

Your opponent’s online ID will no longer be displayed on the screen with one exception.

You will still be able to see your opponent’s online ID if you use the ‘List Members’ button, which we are working to remove in a future title update when available.

Addressed the following issues:

– The impact to a player’s attributes from Chemistry were not properly displaying in the Pause Menu of a FUT Online Match.

This was a purely visual issue with no impact to gameplay.

. The Squad Battles refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.

– The Daily Objectives refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.

– The latency bars in Division Rivals were not properly updating based on the latency to the dedicated game server location being used for the match.

– Sometimes the game was crashing at the start of a match in FUT Online Draft. (PC Only)

– The change to your Skill Rating was not being visually depicted as part of the end of the match flow in Division Rivals after a loss.

– Sometimes a player’s FUT Coin balance would display as 0 after being outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market.

This was a visual issue only.

– Stability issue when rapidly pressing buttons on multiple controllers while on the Apply Consumable screen.

– Rarely, when viewing a Champions Channel replay, you would receive an error.

Addressed the following issues:

– Resolved some issues where the Pause Menu would not close, and would remain on the screen, after the countdown timer had reached 0.

– Sometimes, in Pro Clubs, your Virtual Pro would be playing the wrong position in a match.

This issue was only impacting certain positions when playing in certain formations.

Addressed the following issues:

– Sometimes the game would hang after checking the Mail Inbox immediately after the transfer window deadline day ended.

– Some Traits had a blank icon on the Attributes panel of the Squad HUB.

The Traits impacted by this were the Traits that were added to the Front End in the previous title update.

This issue was visual only.

– The Playmaker GTN Scouting Instruction no longer has the (CPU AI Only) tag on it.

This was a visual only issue caused by a Traits change in a previous title update.

Addressed the following issues:

– The EFL Championship trophy is now being presented in the final match of the EFL Championship Cup.

Addressed the following issues:

– Having more than 89 unlinked Kick Off Names was causing an error to appear when proceeding to the match selection screen.

– The wrong Favorite Team crest and name combination would be showing on the Kick Off tile if the active account was switched.

– If one player set themselves to ‘Ready’ on the Kit Selection Screen, while the other player backed out of the screen at the same time, the player who has set themselves to ‘Ready’ would no longer have any functionality on the Team Select screen.

– Rarely, Kick Off names that were not created by the player would appear in the list of available Kick Off names to select.

Addressed the following issues:

– The Chipped Penalty Trait no longer had any functionality in gameplay and will no longer display in the Front End.

This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

– The Speed Dribbler Trait now correctly has the (CPU AI Only) tag.

This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.

– Some Traits were displaying as debug text for some players.

Addressed the following issues:

– Toggling between the ‘On’ and ‘Off’ settings for some FIFA Trainer options were causing other changes made to FIFA Trainer options to change.

Addressed the following issues:

– Audio corruption could be heard during matches. (PC Only)

– Updated the intro audio for DFB-Pokal.

– The away team in a UEFA Champions League group stage match was getting audio saying that they won the second match, even if they lost, if they had won the first group stage match.

Made the following changes:

– Your opponent in an Online match will no longer be able to skip your goal replays.

– Updates to a number of team kits.

– Updates to the Nike Black Cat boots.

– Updated the stadium art for the Sydbank Pokalen tournament.

Addressed the following issues:

– Rarely, keepers, after making a save, would warp into the net.

– Rarely, when the keeper was making a save close to the 18-yard line or the byline, they would perform a slow animation while getting up when it was not appropriate.

– Rarely, the keeper would start to dive in one direction to make a save, and would instead animate as diving in the other direction.

– Sometimes a player would remain suspended in the air for a prolonged period of time following a mid-air collision.

– The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected.

– The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected.

– The scoreboard in Olympiastadion had the crests assigned to the wrong scores.

– Collision issue with the team seating area in Otkritie Arena.

– Corrected an issue with the stadium art in Signal Iduna Park.

– Sometimes the crowd would be missing assets like flags or cell phones during crowd shots.

– Fixed issues with a number of team kits.

– Corrected the trophy displaying in the 3.Liga playoffs.

– Sometimes a trophy’s reflection was showing images of skill game assets.

– Sometimes the post-goal wipes in FIFA Ultimate Team would be an incorrect version.

– Some boots were clipping into the player’s socks and into the grass.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin


FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )10/10/2018 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )10/10/2018 (Wednesday)

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )03/10/2018 (Wednesday)


Addressed the following issues:

– The power bar for Set Piece Kicks in an Online Match was sometimes incorrectly going to 100% when the player had requested less power.

– Sometimes, when the player requests a regular (laces) shot, they will get an inside of the foot shot animation instead. This inside of the foot shot animation would usually result in the shot having less power.

Addressed the following issues:

– Some Traits that no longer had any functionality in gameplay were still displaying in the Front End.

– Some Traits that did have functionality in gameplay were not displaying in the Front End.

– Added (CPU AI Only) to the names of Traits that only have an effect on players when they are controlled by the CPU AI. A refresher on what we mean by “CPU AI”.

The CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player has. This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which we call the CPU AI-controlled player.

A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:

On a team with no human players. For example, the CPU-controlled team in Squad Battles.

On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates. For example, a Pro Clubs team, with less than 11 human players, with no “ANY” player.

A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances: On a team with human players who are not locked to specific players. For example, a team in FUT Champions.

Addressed the following issues:

– In Rivals, some reward options contain four rewards but only three were displaying in the front end. This was a visual issue only, players selecting these rewards received all of the appropriate rewards.

– Trying to swap duplicate items from the New Items screen would sometimes cause an error message to appear and/or display an undefined Item image.

– FUT Coin balances were sometimes not visually updating properly when a player was outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market. This was a visual issue only and had no impact on a player’s FUT Coin balance.

– Stability issue that would sometimes occur in FUT Single Player Seasons if the player had forfeited the previous match.

– Squad Building Challenge rewards that provided a FUT Item required logging in and out of FUT before you could claim them.

– Visual issue where a player would sometimes disappear during a pack opening walkout animation.

– Some walkout animations were causing the player to warp into place.

– The country graphic displayed in Squad Battles for a Squad from India were incorrect.

– The Rivals post-match Weekly Score summary was displaying oddly if the player’s Rank had changed while they were playing the previous match.

Addressed the following issues:

– Customization of Alex Hunter, was incorrectly displaying for some users.

– Updated the Mentor Selection screen.

– The Mentor Rating was not present in the training flow.

– ‘Play The Game’ was incorrectly triggered during the opening of The Journey.

– The ball went missing from Jim Hunter’s hands if he scored a hattrick during the opening of The Journey.

– Stability issue during the post-match highlights following a match with Kim Hunter in Chapter 2.

– Stability issue when switching to Kim Hunter at the start of Chapter 4.

– Stability issue after completing a training drill with Kim Hunter.

– Purchasing the Weak Foot Trait for Kim Hunter was defaulting her Weak Foot rating to three stars.

– Getting a red card in Danny Williams’ first match was still allowing him to be a sub in the second.

– If Danny Williams got two yellow cards in his first match he was banned for more than 1 game.

– One of Danny Williams’ teammates was missing his body during cutscene.

– The Matches Played stat for Alex Hunter and Danny Williams was sometimes inaccurate.

– Sometimes Danny would be put into the starting lineup even when he had a Late Sub rating.

– The rival icon is missing in a match where Alex Hunter is playing Danny Williams.

Addressed the following issues:

– Attempting to play a Pro Clubs Friendly match after playing a Co-Op Seasons match would result in one player from your team being unable to proceed into the Pro Clubs match.

– Attempting to play an Online Seasons or Online Friendlies match, after playing a Pro Clubs Friendly match, would result in a Squad Mismatch error.

– Pro Clubs Friendly matches were showing the end of match flow screens from a Pro Club League match. This was a purely visual issue.

– Incorrect player model displays briefly in the Practice Arena before a Pro Clubs match.

– Brief image of a stadium was displaying when exiting a Pro Clubs Drop In match.

– Stability issue in Pro Clubs after swapping controllers multiple times.

Addressed the following issues:

– When playing as a team that qualifies for either UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League through the playoffs, the championship match was scheduled on the same day as the final league match. This fix will not affect existing save files.

– Removed the following traits from the list of Player Career traits as they no longer had an in-game function:

Driven Pass

Acrobatic Clearance

Diving Header

Fancy Flicks

GK Up For Corners

– In Player Career, some incorrect Accomplishments were displaying after playing the first match of your career.

– Certain player swap transfers were being rejected due to incorrect budget calculations.

– The Block Offers option was not appearing in some situations.

– News was not properly displaying when a player is acquired in a transfer that included a player swap.

– News articles for Player Of The Month Awards were displaying the incorrect month.

– Visual customizations to Alex Hunter and Danny Williams were not being properly displayed during negotiation scenes in Career Mode.

– Petr Cech was wearing his helmet during negotiation scenes. He now wears a tie.

Addressed the following issues:

– Stability issue in the Team Management screens when playing in Arabic.

– Sometimes, when making a complicated series of squad changes in the Team Management screens, the wrong players were get substituted off.

– Sometimes, when making a complicated series of squad changes in the Team Management screens, you are unable to back out of the screens.

– Reduced the number of tutorial screens present in the Kick Off tutorial.

Addressed the following issues:

– A player’s individual Attributes were not properly loading into the first attempt at a Skill Game. This only impacted Skill Games, and could be resolved by restarting or retrying the Skill Game.

Addressed the following issues:

– The wrong portion of the UEFA Champions League anthem was playing during player lineups at the start of a UEFA Champions League match.

– Missing audio for UEFA Champions League matches in some stadiums.

– Wrong audio playing during the warm up scenes of a UEFA Champions League match.

– Incorrect audio playing at the end of a UEFA Champions League Group Stage match if you win the second match after losing the first.

– Wrong audio sometimes playing when scoring a volley goal off of a cross.

– Audio saying that a shot was well off target when it didn’t miss by much.

– An issue with the audio that played before a Manchester Derby match.

– Chinese Super League team names were not being mentioned in intro audio.

– Missing audio in The Journey for Kim Hunter.

– Missing audio in The Journey for Alex Hunter.

– Wrong audio in The Journey for Danny Williams during the pre-season tournament.

– Player To Watch audio sometimes not playing despite the overlay showing.

– Audio incorrectly playing in an 11 v 11 training match and a penalty is given.

Made the following changes:

– Added audio banter regarding the previous FIFA World Cup.

– Added audio banter for a number of teams.

– Added audio banter for a number of stadiums.

– Added audio banter for a number of team matchups.

– Adjusted the sound effects that play during negotiation scenes in Career Mode.

– Tuned the audio that plays after a goal to provide more unique audio.

– Tuned the audio that plays during FUT Pack opening animations.

Addressed the following issues:

– Neymar’s name was incorrectly displaying as “Jr” on some screens.

– Corrected some instances of kit clashing involving the referee.

– Post goal replays were not showing the full scoring sequence.

– An issue where the ball was rarely warping around the pitch after kickoff.

– Free agents were not wearing the proper Free Agent kit when viewed in Edit Teams.

– Incorrect team crests were displaying on the player benches in RCDE Stadium.

– Updates to the kits worn by players in some of the TIFO displays in stadium.

– Graphical corruption of the English Football League Championship badge when displayed on a kit in game.

– Graphical corruption of the English Football League Championship trophy when displayed in game.

– TIFOs were appearing on the wrong side of the stadium for some teams.

– Liga NOS team Os Belenenses was being displayed as just Belenenses. Updates were also made to the team crest and to the banners and flags that display in stadium.

– Buenos Aires was defaulting to the incorrect stadium.

– Sometimes the card or injury drop down notifications were not triggering following a card or injury.

– Long player names were missing or cutoff in the match details overlay of an FA Cup match.

– The penalties scoreboard didn’t show the team’s kit colors when playing an English Premier League match.

– Sometimes the match details overlay was displaying too briefly at half-time and at the end of the match.

– Aggregate score was missing from the score clocks for the LaLiga, English Premier League and Bundesliga overlay packages.

– The penalties results were missing from the match details overlay when playing a match in MLS.

– The league table dropdown was only showing the top team’s point totals in a LaLiga match.

– The default Skill Games camera was sometimes clipping through the fence.

– The camera angles used for a woman’s match were incorrect during the player line up shots.

– The camera was sometimes being obstructed in a number of stadiums.

– Resolved clipping issues in a number of stadiums.

– Placeholder text was present on some ad boards.

– The Bundesliga 2 logo was appearing during a substitution in a Bundesliga match.

Made the following changes:

– Added UEFA Super Cup overlay package to the game.

– Added a new goal celebration for Jesse Lingard. To do the celebration, play as Jesse Lingard, and after scoring a goal, run to the cameras.

– Updates to some of the ad boards displayed in stadium.


27/09/2018 (Wednesday)


Made the following changes:

– You will now see which of the Players you already have in your FUT Club when you are selecting your Player Items in a Player Picks.

Addressed the following issues:

– Unable to scroll through all the Player Items available for selection in a Player Picks when using iPhone 6.

– When claiming FUT Division Rivals rewards, if you were receiving more than 2 rewards, you would be unable to scroll down through the list.

– Sometimes being unable to continue to page through your Player Items in My Club.

– Sometimes the main panel was compressed to the left of the screen when performing some actions.

– Tilting a mobile device was not appropriately adjusting the view when viewing the Web App.

– Dynamic Messages were not properly filling their space.

– An error message was appearing if you tried to send a Player Item to your Active Squad after completing a Squad Building Challenge using a player from your Active Squad.

– The GK Basic Chemistry Style was mislabeled as Basic.

– Graphical overlap of the Requirements text on the Squad Building Challenge screen.

– Graphical corruption of the borders of certain buttons when you pressed them.

– Chemistry Style arrows not displaying as Green when using the apps in Arabic.

– Being able to scroll up and down on the Chemistry Style stats when playing in Arabic.

Playstation 4, XBox One and PC Origin

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) Addressed the following issues:

– When playing as a team that qualifies for either UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League through the playoffs, the championship match was scheduled on the same day as the final league match. This fix will not affect existing save files.

– Removed the following traits from the list of Player Career traits as they no longer had an in-game function:

Driven Pass

Acrobatic Clearance

Diving Header

Fancy Flicks

GK Up For Corners

– In Player Career, some incorrect Accomplishments were displaying after playing the first match of your career.

– Certain player swap transfers were being rejected due to incorrect budget calculations.

– The Block Offers option was not appearing in some situations.

– News was not properly displaying when a player is acquired in a transfer that included a player swap.

– News articles for Player Of The Month Awards were displaying the incorrect month.

– Visual customizations to Alex Hunter and Danny Williams were not being properly displayed during negotiation scenes in Career Mode.

– Petr Cech was wearing his helmet during negotiation scenes. He now wears a tie. Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Название: FIFA 19

Год выпуска: 28 сентября 2018

Жанр: Sport, Soccer, 3D

Разработчик: EA Canada

Издатель: Electronic Arts

Платформа: PC

Тип издания: RePack

Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, Multi12

Язык озвучки: Русский, Английский

Таблетка: Вшита (CrackFIX-CPY)

Описание: Спортивные игры не так хорошо распространены на просторах виртуального окружения, поэтому качественных спортивных проектов не так уж и много. Одним из наиболее узнаваемых и культовых является FIFA 19, которая является продолжателем серии и предлагает пользователям вновь отправиться на просторы футбольного поля, чтобы лично доказать свое превосходство. На этот раз игрокам не будут доступны какие-либо изменения, они просто смогут насладиться улучшенным процессом, современной графикой, привычными режимами, историей и Роналдо в качестве основного лица игрового проекта.

Симулятор футбола продолжает активно радовать поклонников и теперь у каждого есть возможность вновь окунуться в окружение и атмосферу. Не стоит забывать о том, что теперь играть будет куда сложнее, так как игровой жанр привлекает все больше внимания, предоставляет куда больше возможностей и просто является достаточно хорошим симулятором футбола. Вас ждут новые арены, реалистичная физическая модель поведения мяча, четкое взаимодействие футболистов и т. д. Все преимущества описать сложно, поэтому предлагаем вам лично с ними познакомиться.

FIFA 19 – интересный игровой проект, который вновь доказывает, что развлечения такого формата куда интереснее обычных, и что эмоции от виртуальной версии ничуть не хуже тех, что окутывают человека во время просмотра и игры в настоящий футбол. Теперь вам осталось только собраться с мыслями, постараться найти свободное время и начать активно покорять окружение данного спортивного симулятора. Мы уверены, что вы сможете добиться много, главное, постараться правильно использовать все доступные функции и возможности. Желаем вам хорошей игры и отличного настроения!

Системные требования:

Операционная система: Windows 7 SP1, 8, 10 (64-bit);

Процессор: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3,1 ГГц или AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 ГГц ;

Оперативная память: 8 Гб ;

Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 460 1ГБ или AMD Radeon R7 260 ;

Звуковая карта: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX® 11

Свободное место на жестком диске: 33 GB

Особенности игры:

UEFA Champions League. В этом легендарном турнире лучшие клубы планеты творят историю и воплощают мечты в реальность. FIFA 19 буквально пронизана атмосферой UEFA Champions League благодаря официальному оформлению матчей, разнообразным турнирам, а также новому комментаторскому составу в лице Дерека Рея и Ли Диксона (для английской версии).

Опробуйте совершенно новые режимы. Абсолютно новый отдельный игровой режим UEFA Champions League позволит вам пройти весь путь от групповой стадии знаменитого турнира до финала на стадионе «Метрополитано» в Мадриде. **Создайте состав мечты с динамическими обновлениями UEFA Champions League и Europa League в FIFA 19 Ultimate Team.

Завершите «Историю». История Алекса Хантера заканчивается в FIFA 19. Станьте частью истории звезды футбола на поле и за его пределами в погоне за славой UEFA Champions League.

Особенности репака:

» За основу взят Origin-Rip

» Ничего не вырезано/ Ничего не перекодировано

» Игровые архивы не вскрыты

» Версия игры - 1.0 - Update 7

» Возможность не скачивать не нужную озвучку комментаторов

» Выведен ярлык настроек игры на рабочий стол

» Установлены последние составы 04.02.19 ( Активировать в игре: Персонализация/Профиль/Загрузить составы и загрузить Squads 1)

» Время установки 10 минут на HDD (Зависит от компьютера)

» Repack от xatab

P|SЯзык текста выбирается при запуске игры. Язык озвучки в инстале при установке игры (Скаченой озвучки)

Системные требования:

Операционная система: Windows 7 SP1, 8, 10 (64-bit);

Процессор: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3,1 ГГц или AMD Phenom II X4 965 @ 3,4 ГГц ;

Оперативная память: 8 Гб ;

Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 460 1ГБ или AMD Radeon R7 260 ;

Звуковая карта: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX® 11

Свободное место на жестком диске: 33 GB Описание: Спортивные игры не так хорошо распространены на просторах виртуального окружения, поэтому качественных спортивных проектов не так уж и много. Одним из наиболее узнаваемых и культовых является FIFA 19, которая является продолжателем серии и предлагает пользователям вновь отправиться на просторы футбольного поля, чтобы лично доказать свое превосходство. На этот раз игрокам не будут доступны какие-либо изменения, они просто смогут насладиться улучшенным процессом, современной графикой, привычными режимами, историей и Роналдо в качестве основного лица игрового проекта.

Симулятор футбола продолжает активно радовать поклонников и теперь у каждого есть возможность вновь окунуться в окружение и атмосферу. Не стоит забывать о том, что теперь играть будет куда сложнее, так как игровой жанр привлекает все больше внимания, предоставляет куда больше возможностей и просто является достаточно хорошим симулятором футбола. Вас ждут новые арены, реалистичная физическая модель поведения мяча, четкое взаимодействие футболистов и т. д. Все преимущества описать сложно, поэтому предлагаем вам лично с ними познакомиться.

FIFA 19 NEW UPDATE MAY | SQUAD FIX TATTOO AND FACE FOR CRACKED Here is a video showcasing every new Face update And Tattoo in FIFA 19 . . Смотреть.

Canal do Mister Pedro - youtube. com/channel/UCaD-1zHzeRh8QEeDz8kvbyQ Link. . Смотреть.

Here is a video showcasing every new Face update And Tattoo in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! BEFORE DOWNLOAD. . Смотреть.

MEGA KITPACK is the new mod for FIFA 19 ( Crack version & Original version ) containing season 19/20 kits of following teams. Barcelona - Home & Away Real. . Смотреть.

Hαвαrí чαkσ mpєnzí mtαzαmαjí wα chαnnєl чαkσ pєndwα nαpєndα kukukαlíвíѕhα tєnα kαtíkα mwєndєlєzσ wα vídєσ zαngu zα mαfunzσ mвαlí mвαlí. . Смотреть.

Update Features: 1 New High Potential Barcelona Youngster Added. Plus, some very well deserved Potential Upgrades for some Career Mode Gems that. . Смотреть.

Download Onefootball app from this link tinyurl. com/y64sdmpf ✳ For all promotional and business inquiries, contact at chillboy@audiencly. com. . Смотреть.

Africafootball #africanfootballer #top10 #top10africa #africanews #africalist #Africanpopculture #Africaentertainment #Afrcicanmusic #Africanculture. . Смотреть.

SUPER KITS is the new mod for FIFA 19 ( Crack version & Original version ) containing season 19/20 kits. Crack users should have Update 7 installed in order. . Смотреть.

Here is a video showcasing every new boots update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! LINK UPDATE BOOTS. . Смотреть.

Download Andamp Install Super Mod 1.0 For Fifa 19 Crack Andamp Original Version - New Faces Ucl New Ball

SUPER MOD is the new mod for FIFA 19 ( Crack version & Original version ) containing new faces for Neymar, Ronaldo, Hazard, Aguero, and Suarez. Also, the. . Смотреть.

Fifa 19 new update faces!! Here is a video showcasing every new face update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! Fifa 19 . . Смотреть.

FIFA 19 First game after the latest Update/Patch version 1.13 . So Here's my current slider set for FIFA 19 . Credit to Matt10l for the Height, marking and width, . . Смотреть.

Mister Pedro youtube. com/channel/UCaD-1zHzeRh8QEeDz8kvbyQ Link. . Смотреть.



FIFA 19 | New Title Update April ( New Faces ) Today we discuss the new April 2019 FIFA 19 Update. It's brought in so 10 new Faces. Song: good gasoline - stay. . Смотреть.

Frosty Mod Manager version is out, which is capable of modding FIFA 19. Mod contains face mod and new FIFA 19 theme mod. SUBSCRIBE. . Смотреть.

FIFA 19 | New Title Update April ( New Faces ) Today we discuss the new April 2019 FIFA 19 Update. It's brought in so 10 new Faces. Song: good gasoline - stay. . Смотреть. Here is a video showcasing every new Face update And Tattoo in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! BEFORE DOWNLOAD. . Смотреть.
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Today we talk about the things in the new FIFA 19 Update for February 2019 (Title Update 9). We have a 'new' face for Griezmann.

Today i will share with u FIFA 2019: Download and install Update 7 ( CPY ) 1- Download and extract keistaru. com/1ktE or.

Nossa fanpage facebook. com/brut4lg4mes/ Contato comercial: demorais89@hotmail. com Meu twiiter pessoal: .

Today we talk about the new FIFA 19 Update for March 2019. There are some useful FIFA 19 Career Mode fixes in this update.



Download the OneFootball App For Free: tinyurl. com/y9j2sjh3 (Sponsored) Today we talk about the things in the new FIFA.

Today we talk about the 9th May FIFA 19 squad update. I show you the best players that got removed, added and.

Download the OneFootball App For Free! tinyurl. com/y29hcftt (Sponsored) The 18th April FIFA 19 Squad Update adds some.

GET 1 EUR ENEBA BONUS! Register now: www. eneba. com/join/downtospawn Use code downtospawn and get 3% .

Download the OneFootball App For Free! tinyurl. com/y66fgmcs (Sponsored) So i recently bought the PC version of FIFA 19 .

Here is a video showcasing every new face update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! FIFA.

Today we have another FIFA 20 episode, talking about the new features the community wants to see. FIFA 19 Career mode.

Today is part 2 of the series and we discuss some of the best features in Career Mode that have been removed over the years.

Download the OneFootball App For Free: tinyurl. com/y9j2sjh3 (Sponsored) Today we talk about 6 things that you may not.

Download the OneFootball App For Free! tinyurl. com/y29hcftt (Sponsored) So i recently bought the PC version of FIFA 19 .

Fifa 19 title update 7 has been released with lot of changes in game. Here are a few of the key highlights you can expect to see.

Here is a video showcasing every new face update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! FIFA.

Coming with FIFA 19 TITLE UPDATE 3 are 50 new starheads, 48 for players and 2 for managers. CAN WE SMASH 1000 LIKES?

Here is a video showcasing every new face update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! FIFA. Today i will share with u FIFA 2019: Download and install Update 7 ( CPY ) 1- Download and extract keistaru. com/1ktE or.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

FIFA 19 – это один из лучших футбольных симуляторов современности, игра, в которой вам придется взять на себя управление целой футбольной командой, заниматься селекцией и покупкой игроков, и делать все то же самое, что делают президенты футбольных команд и тренера…

Как уже и говорилось выше, вам придется взять на себя ответственность за целую команду. А это уже не просто контроль игроков, бегающих по полю во время матча, но еще и всяческая работа, связанная с жизнью игроков и всей команды в целом. Тут вам и трансферные окна, и тренировки, и тактическая подготовка состава, и работа с игроками, и многое-многое другое.

В целом, стоит подметить, что геймплей практически не изменился в сравнении с предыдущей частью. Однако некоторые изменения все-таки имеются. Так, полной переработке поддалась система «Active Touch System», благодаря которой можно детально настроить стратегию на матч. Да и игроки теперь более «доступны» в плане настройки – вы можете управлять каждым из них, переключаться на нужного игрока, задавать ритм игре и даже выбирать из множества вариантов стиль поведения во время матча.

FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version )

Ну а помимо всего прочего, в игре появилось и много нового. К примеру, расширен был ассортимент футбольных лицензированных команд. Так, теперь в игре доступно более пяти десятков лицензированных национальных команд. Более того, то же самое коснулось и лиг – в игре присутствует 35 официальных лиг, что уже само по себе довольно-таки круто.

Графика тоже частично изменилась. Игроки стали выглядеть более реалистично, движения стали пластичными, а лица футболистов и вовсе обзавелись эмоциями. В общем. Игра преобразилась, обзавелась кучей новшеств и готова покорять сердца истинных фанатов футбола.

У нас вы можете скачать FIFA 19 торрент последнюю версию бесплатно на компьютер.

Repack от xatab

- Игровые архивы не вскрыты

- Версия игры - 1.0 - Update 7

- Возможность не скачивать не нужную озвучку комментаторов

- Язык интерфейса выбирается при запуске игры; язык озвучки - при установке;

- Добавлен ярлык на рабочий стол для смены настроек игры;

- Выведен ярлык настроек игры на рабочий стол

- Установлены последние составы 04.02.19 (Активировать в игре: Персонализация/Профиль/Загрузить составы/Squads 1)

- Время установки 10 минут на HDD (Зависит от компьютера) Системные требования

ОС: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 бита)

Процессор: Intel Core i3-2100 / AMD Phenom II X4 965

Оперативная память: 8 Гб

Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 460 / AMD Radeon R7 260 (1 Гб, DirectX 11)

Место на диске: 33 Гб

Год выхода: 2018

Жанр: Sport (Soccer)

Разработчик: EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Тип: RePack

Версия: v1.0 - Update 7 - полная версия (Последняя)

Язык интерфейса: Русский, английский

Язык озвучки: Русский, английский

Таблетка: Вшита (CRACKFIX-CPY)

Обновлено до версии 1.0u7. Обновлены составы на 04.02.19.

FIFA 19 – это один из лучших футбольных симуляторов современности, игра, в которой вам придется взять на себя управление целой футбольной командой, заниматься селекцией и покупкой игроков, и делать все то же самое, что делают президенты футбольных команд и тренера… FIFA 19 Title Update 9 Patch Notes (Version ) Год выхода: 2018

Жанр: Sport (Soccer)

Разработчик: EA Vancouver, EA Romania

Тип: RePack

Версия: v1.0 - Update 7 - полная версия (Последняя)

Язык интерфейса: Русский, английский

Язык озвучки: Русский, английский

Таблетка: Вшита (CRACKFIX-CPY) Регулярные публикации новостей об игре.

Download the OneFootball App For Free! tinyurl. com/y29hcftt (Sponsored) Today we discuss the new April 2019 FIFA 19 .

Today we talk about the things added and fixed in the new FIFA 19 Update for March 2019 (Title Update 10). Nasri Old Face has.

Download the OneFootball App For Free: tinyurl. com/y9j2sjh3 (Sponsored) Today we talk about the things in the new FIFA.

Today we talk about the 9th May FIFA 19 squad update. I show you the best players that got removed, added and.

El videojuego FIFA 19 de Ea Sports acaba de recibir su actualizacion 10, este mes de marzo, este nuevo update del fifa 19 trae.

Fifa 19 title update 7 has been released with lot of changes in game. Here are a few of the key highlights you can expect to see.

INSCREVA-SE PARA + VÍDEOS! cnfilms. net/us/Alissinhow Imagem de fundo da Thumbnail: .

Today we talk about the new FIFA 19 Update for March 2019. There are some useful FIFA 19 Career Mode fixes in this update.

Here is a video showcasing every new face update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up! FIFA.

Today we talk about the things in the new FIFA 19 Update for February 2019 (Title Update 9). We have a 'new' face for Griezmann.

FIFA 19 NEW UPDATE MAY | SQUAD FIX TATTOO AND FACE FOR CRACKED Here is a video showcasing every new Face.

If you need fifa coins visit : bit. ly/DownToSpawn LIKE the video if you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for watching.

Download the OneFootball App For Free! tinyurl. com/y29hcftt (Sponsored) Today I showcase some more unbelievable FIFA.

Nueva actualizacion del videojuego FIFA 19 y su flashback fifa 19 de Ea Sports acaba de recibir su actualizacion 15, esta.

More Videos: • FIFA 19 Kits: .

Coming with FIFA 19 TITLE UPDATE 3 are 50 new starheads, 48 for players and 2 for managers. CAN WE SMASH 1000 LIKES?

Here is a video showcasing every new boots update in FIFA 19 modding. Share with your friends and let them know whats up!

FIFA 19 | Chelsea vs Tottenham Hotspur | Premier League Gameplay | ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ pes.

The 28th March FIFA 19 Squad Update adds the latest Chinese Super League Transfers and also improves a lot of stats for some.

Here is a video showcasing every new face added to FIFA 19 through the November Update. Share with your friends and let them.

The 28th March FIFA 19 Squad Update adds the latest Chinese Super League Transfers and also improves a lot of stats for some. El videojuego FIFA 19 de Ea Sports acaba de recibir su actualizacion 10, este mes de marzo, este nuevo update del fifa 19 trae.